E L E V E N | S.M.

575 14 46

December 15, 2020

Scorpius Malfoy's POV

"Can you help me with something?" Albus asked me with his phone in his hand.

"I'm not editing your One Direction fan-fiction again." I replied, glaring at him. I was trying to listen to Professor Binns while he taught us History of Magic, but somebody (cough cough Albus) keeps nudging me.

He scoffed in my ear. "Scorp, please. I just need to see if it's okay."

"Albus, if the girl is being sold to One Direction as a sex slave, then you need to get a better plot," I insisted, keeping my voice low. "There's too many of those. You need a unique plot."

"Would you like to give it a try then, oh great one." He said sarcastically.

"No, you write better smut than I do." I said.

"What are you on about?"

Both of our heads snapped to my right. Juliette's eyebrow was raised, her perfectly rounded lips quirked at one side. Her blonde hair was braided to one side with stray pieces framing her face. She also had a headband that looked like a Slytherin tie in.


Juliette went on, shrugging. "I heard 'sex slave' and 'smut.' A girl can't help but be curious."

Albus's voice dipped slightly. "Are you now?"

Juliette put her elbows up on her desk, her fingers trailing against the tip of her wand. "I am."

I flicked a panicked gaze over at Albus. "You're going to tell her?!"

"Why not?" Albus shrugged and tossed Juliette a light smirk. "Look up @asevwrites on Fanfiction.Net."

She took up the challenge and pulled out her phone. She typed in Albus' username and the results popped up, it showed his exact username and the profile picture of a grunge Pinterest aesthetic guy smoking a cigarette. Juliette's eyes were wide with fascination and she clicked on his profile.

He had three books on his account; two of which were One Direction and the other one was Grey's Anatomy One Shots. He can be like a teenage girl sometimes.

Juliette put a hand over her mouth to clasp in the laughs and clicked on the Grey's Anatomy One-Shots. She scrolled until she found a Slexie (Mark Sloan and Lexie Grey) smut story and she read along, a blush coming up on her cheeks.

When she was finished, she put it down. "Albus Severus Potter. This is- well, it's- I can't put it into words."

"Why thank you-

"I'm horrified." Juliette admitted.

I couldn't help myself. I burst out into a loud, ear-splitting laugh.

Professor Binns looked towards us, his ghostly stare utterly annoyed with our antics. "Mr Malfoy? Is there something you'd like to share?"

I shook with silent laughter, covering my mouth and muttered, "No, Professor."

Binns quirked his eyebrow, looking to Juliette and Albus. "Miss Beaumont? Mr Potter?"

"Oh, no, Professor," Juliette shook her head innocently. "It wasn't Scorpius' fault, I was the one who made him laugh."

"10 points from Slytherin." Binns said before returning to the lesson.

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