S E V E N T E E N | Y.M.

484 9 32

December 31st, 2020

Y/N Malfoy's POV

I smiled fondly as Draco passed me a glass of champagne. He put his hand comfortably on my thigh as we hung around the Nott estate.

Pansy was standing her hand on Theo's shoulder as he took a careful sip of mead. He had backed off alcohol a lot since Grant had been born in order to not become like his own father. Now, like Blaise, he had the occasional glass of mead or whiskey.

Speaking of Blaise, he was chatting with Neville on the other side of the room about Merlin knows what, but they seemed to be thoroughly enjoying their conversation. There was lots of laughs.

Alana was talking with Ginny about Quidditch, since Ginny had quit years ago and Alana had kept on going.

Harry couldn't make it, as he had Auror work to attend to tonight. He picked up multiple extra shifts. Ginny said this was because of survivors guilt, even over a decade later. He wanted to save everyone he couldn't.

Ron and Hermione couldn't join, as they were invited to the Weasley's. Harry and Ginny were, too, but Ginny had said, quote, "Christmas was enough. Plus, they don't have alcohol at the Burrow."

Pansy had jumped suddenly, squeezing Theo's shoulder, making him sputter out another small sip of mead. He turned to look at her in shock. "Pans, what the hell?"

"Sorry! Oh, sorry," Pansy kissed Theo on the lips gently. She brushed a droplet of mead from his cheek. Then she snapped back into place. "I need to interview Wood and Weasley."

"Why? You don't even do the sports column." I asked, curiously. Usually she doesn't do these kind of things without scheduling. Pansy is normally pretty good with leaving her work inside work. Especially since we're all quite popular figures. Not famous, but popular.

"Because I'm late on a new story," Pansy said, grabbing her notebook and Quick-Notes-Quill from the coffee table in front of Draco and I. "I said I'd interview Wood about drama's on the field. I also said I'd interview Weasley on how life is outside of Quidditch."

I didn't get a chance to leave my opinion on it because as quick as she realized, she had zipped over to Alana and Ginny and asked them for their consent to be interviewed. Once they agreed, she had began pounding them with questions.

I turned to Theo. "I've never seen her in action before. She takes her job very seriously."

He smirked. "She takes a lot of things very seriously."

"Not the time, Nott." Draco deadpanned.

I laughed, leaning my head on Draco's shoulder. "No need to be rude, darling."

"She is your sister." Draco said, looking at me as if I was crazy.

"I appreciate Theo's humour." I said with a grin. Then I turned to Theo. He smiled at me too. Like two kids trying to gang up on their parent or babysitter.

Draco was always the perfect person to piss off.

Even with his white-blonde hair in a more professional, gelled swipe, his jawline more set with the slightest facial hair, and his more solid form, he was still the more lanky, whining, slightly more dramatic boy from our childhood.

Speaking of, everyone was different looking now. I know it's hard to believe, but we aren't the angsty teenagers we once were.

Theo was more fit and built, with muscles and toned arms. He had taken up working out in the past years and it has been paying off. He has facial hair along his jawline and on his upper lip, but it suits him. His hair had also grown out to be longer, but not long enough to be scraggly.

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