O N E | K.M.

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September 1st, 2020

Kayden Malfoy's POV

"Bye, Mum." I said as my mother wrapped her arms around me. She held me tightly, making sure I didn't let go.

"I'll be there tomorrow, you know that." She replied, pulling away to brush back my blonde fringe with her delicate hands.

"Yes, yes. I know. Of course I know." I said quieter.

I know sixth year was bad for Mum and she's worried for me, but there is no more Dark Lord and I'm not a Death Eater. She doesn't have anything to worry about — except perhaps my grades.

Maybe I'm not doing the best in Potions right now, but that's on Dad. He's hilarious when he's trying to intimidate the other students and also manages to be embarrassing.

That doesn't leave Mum off the hook though, she's done some serious shit, too.

I'll never forget last year when Grant came up to Ophelia and I, pale-faced and all and said — I can still recall the exact words — "I just- I need to scrub my brain with a cactus- Kayd- I'm going to throw up. I just saw your mum and dad shagging in the Potions classroom."

And just like that, I wanted to dive head first off of the Astronomy Tower.

But that's besides the point, today is the day that I can finally show all of those stupid Granger-Weasley runts that I'm in fact not exactly like my parents. No offence against them, but I don't really want to be associated with Dark Arts. I want to be a Mind Healer -- one that can fix what breaks in ex-Azkaban Prisoner's minds.

But more importantly, Mum's.

Her mind hasn't worked the best way since Uncle Kayden -- my poltergeist godfather passed and left Hogwarts to  persue the Afterlife. He figured his time was up since his kids graduated and after one more year of goodbyes, he left, seeing Aunt Alana, Kaitlyn, Jeremy, and Mum one last time before he went.

I was really upset and I miss him a ton.

But Mum is my main concern. I'm going to try to get my grades up this year so I can find some type of cure for her. I know Dad's worried, he doesn't exactly try to hide it. He goes up to her, rubs her back, kisses her on the forehead, and reminds her of things that happened before the war, before Azkaban, before Uncle Kayden passed away.

Mum claims she remembers, and I believe her, I just think that time is running out.

The Mind Healers at St Mungos say her mind is broken. Apparently, her mind has been broken since she was 18, so that was no surprise to my parents. It was news to me.

I told them not to tell Scorpius. I begged them.

Scorpius is a major Momma's boy. He is always hugging Mum, making sure she's alright, and telling her things. He's a charmer, that one.

If he found out what has happened with Mum, he'll probably have a hissy fit and cry.

Not that I'd blame him.

I- er- I cried, too.

"Seriously, Kayd. Be safe." Mum kissed my cheek and let me go, turning to Scorpius.

I went over to Dad, holding my hand out like a high-five. He got the memo and high-fived me back before pulling me into a hug.

"You know," he began. "This never gets any less depressing. Every time you lot go onto this train, it feels like I get older."

"Dad, you are old. You're- what? 40?" I chuckled.

He stepped back, offended. "No, not 40. Don't ever say that again. I'm 39, young man."

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