E I G H T | K.M.

529 13 39

November 21, 2020

Kayden Malfoy's POV

I took a large sip of Fire Whiskey as I scrolled on my phone. TikTok; the ultimate distraction. Thank Merlin it's a thing.

Why the fuck are Gryffindors allowed in the Slytherin common room? Why is everyone allowing this? Fuck me.

A hand against my phone, pulling it down. "Kayd."

I turned to face Gemma. Her blue hair was in a bun held up by her wand, but that barely registered as I flicked my eyes quickly across the room. "Yes?" I asked.

I took another shot of Fire Whiskey.

Her green eyes flickered with sympathy as she turned to the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw duo. They were making out. I bit my tongue and swallowed thickly. Doesn't that fucking dickhead know that making out in the middle of a common room that's not even yours is rude??

"Kayd." Gemma said again.

"What?" I snapped, squeezing the glass.

She swallowed before holding her hand out. "Give me the bottle."

I hugged the bottle of amber liquid closer to me and shook my head. "You're not my fucking mother, Gemma."

Gemma's eyes widened and she tilted her head, all the pity washed from her face. She glared at me. "I'll go fucking get your mother."

I stared at her hard. Gemma was strong, tough, and incredibly smart. She never backed down from a challenge. So when I took a final, long swig from the bottle of Fire Whiskey and pushed into her chest, I saw the slight flick of victory in her eyes. That is, before it was replaced with the pity from a moment before.

I shoved my phone into my pocket as my tongue rolled against the inside of my cheek. I got up. "Fuck this."

I practically bolted from the Slytherin common room, making my way up, up, up. Up to meet the only people I actually fucking trust in this world.

My parents. How fucking sad is that?

I can't trust Ophelia anymore; she is making out with James mother-fucking Potter. Not in the Ravenclaw common room, not in the Gryffindor common room. In the Slytherin common room. My territory. Our territory.

In retrospect, she stabbed me in the back. I've complained about the arrogance that is James Potter and the way he's treated me since I was a first year. How he's treated Gemma. How's he's treated her.

And now she's fucking him.

I stumbled down the hall, my eyes watering and my senses overwhelming me. I knew there was probably no chance of Ophelia and I being together, but she didn't have to go to the King of Gryffindor. She didn't have to go to the guy who called me sour names and flashed me dirty looks whenever he got the chance. Who spread rumour after rumour.

Backstabber. Backstabber. Backstabber.

The word played and replayed in my head like a vicious melody that had me fucking livid. My eyes cleared of tears as I reached my parents dorm. I swear to fucking Merlin, I will riot if they're fucking right now.

I swayed on my feet as I tapped my fist against the door. After a moment of no one answering me, I knocked again.

"Coming!" called Mum's voice from the outside of the door.

When she opened it, she could tell I was drunk out of my mind. It was probably the way I was swaying in front of her, the stench of alcohol surrounding me, and how my pupils had dilated. Mum frowned and ushered me into her dorm. She was wearing a pair of red and black checkered pyjama pants and one of Dad's black t-shirts. I knew it was Dad's because I could smell his cologne on it.

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