N I N E | D.M.

659 15 41

November 22, 2020

Draco Malfoy's POV

Y/N had fallen asleep right where she was on the couch; Kayden resting his head on her lap, her neck lolling to the side with her delicate hand catching it. Her other hand was in the white-blonde hair of Kayden's. He was sleeping soundly, his eyes lined with sadness, yes, but soundly in his mother's arms no doubt.

I do have to talk to him today. He's sixteen and makes mistakes. Though I've told him a fair bit about my past, I have to tell him about my mistakes, and how I fixed them. How I learned to cope. How I moved passed what had happened to me.

Although, I will admit that is was all thanks to Y/N.

If it weren't for her, I would probably be dead.

I woke up alone in our bed, walked out of our room to the kitchen smiling softly at the scene before me, and then proceeded to make Y/N, Kayden, and I all a cup of coffee. Merlin knows Kayden needs it for his hangover, and Y/N and I need it to deal with him.

Just as I finished making the coffee, I heard rustling on the couch. Sure enough, Kayden's head rose up and his icy-blue eyes met mine. It's incredibly odd to see myself in my sons, but seeing Y/N in them is just beautiful. We made such beautiful children... and had loads of fun doing it.

"Hi, Dad." Kayden yawned, stretching out his arms and legs. He got up off the couch and walked towards me tiredly. This kid was a mess; his blonde hair was shaggy and tangled, his white dress shirt was wrinkled, and one leg of his dress pants was riding just above his ankle. He was still wearing his fucking shoes.

"How was your sleep?" I asked him, taking a sip of my coffee and pushing his mug towards him.

"Good. Mum is comfortable. You?" He replied, taking his coffee in his hand, but not sipping from it yet.

"It was fine," I said, my response clipped. "I was wondering if you'd be up for a conversation today? At The Three Broomsticks?"

Kayden rose an eyebrow. "Am I in trouble?"

"No, I just need to discuss something with you." I said.

"If it's about my drinking-

"It's not about your drinking," I shook my head. I paused for a moment before I added. "But you do need to stop that. Your mother is worried sick and all we want is for you to be happy. It's clear that alcohol isn't good for that."

"Okay." Kayden mumbled, rubbing his eye again. It was clear he was annoyed.

"Well?" I pressed on, taking another sip of my coffee.

"What?" Kayden asked, his tone curious.

"Would you like to talk with me or not?" I asked, looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Oh!" He blurted as if he just realized what I was talking about. "Yeah, sure. When?"

I checked the digital clock on the oven. "In 30 minutes."

It was 10:00am, The Three Broomsticks opened an hour ago, but I know Kayden needs to get ready. I'm not letting him leave the castle like this.

Kayden nodded, but I added. "Go change into something of mine and brush your teeth. Your toothbrush is still in our bathroom."

He took a long swig of his coffee, nearly drinking down half of it in one gulp. Once he swallowed the caffinated liquid, he said. "Okay. I'll be like 20 minutes."

And Kayden walked off into Y/N and I's room.

30 minutes later, I had heated up Y/N's coffee and sat with her, my hand comfortingly against her thigh. We were making small talk and discussing plans for the day. She was just telling me how she was going to go down to the greenhouses to help Longbottom plant some new exotic plant when Kayden walked through the door.

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