S E V E N | G.N.

707 14 33

October 28th, 2020

Grant Nott's POV

"You're an arse."


"I hate you."

"I love me, too."

I smirked as I made the cocky retorts to my fellow Slytherin Prefect. We were making rounds and it just so happens that I'm bored and I like annoying her. It's hilarious to see her get so riled up over my stupid behaviour. She makes it so easy, it's impressive.

Bella rolled her eyes and flashed me frown. "Why are you like this?"

"Why am I so utterly perfect?" I mocked followed by a dramatic sigh. I ran a hand through my chestnut hair. "Flint, if I knew, I would tell you."

"You're attitude needs reshaping." She grimaced, shaking her head in annoyance.

Her raven hair swayed in its long ponytail as she held her arms crossed over her chest. She glared at me with those piercing hazel eyes that looked like they were incrusted with whiskey and a brave sort of fire that radiated throughout the rest of her.

She hates me.


It's easier to rile her up that way.

I know what you're thinking. You think I fancy her. Well, I don't. I really don't. I don't like her, but I don't hate her. We're not friends. We're not enemies. We're barely acquaintances.

If that even makes sense.

I think she's cautious.

The girls in my year call me a 'player' or whatever. That may be fair. I may have had my fair share of conquests in my year within the past year and a bit.

I'm also a dick.

But it's fine. Girls know who I am and if they fall for me, that's on them. I make my intentions clear from the start.

And I'm pretty sure Bella is the opposite. I'm not sure she's ever dated anyone. I have a sudden urge to know whether she has or not.

"And you need to be less uptight." I retorted, snorting slightly.

She turned to me, stopping in her tracks. I skidded to a halt. Her hazel eyes flashed, showing me that unmistakable flare of pure fire.

"I'm doing my job, Nott. I want this on my future resumes. I may be uptight, but I'm just thinking ahead for my future. If you keep up the way you're acting, you'll be lucky to even work at a pub." Bella sneered viciously.

"Not true," I tsked. "I have loads of money and I'm very good looking."

She rolled her eyes and trudged forward, leaving me in the dust. I caught up with her fast. How is she so quick? It makes it difficult to keep up with her. I guess it may be beneficial for when she needs to get to the fifty classes she has to take.

"What? It's true; I'm loaded. My mum is the most successful editor since Rita Skeeter, and I'm born from two Sacred 28 wizarding families. I'm also an only child, which means all the inheritance is mine." I continued.

Yes, I am bragging.

I'm rich, good-looking, and Bella gave me the perfect statement to brag about myself.

And I can't believe some people complain about being an only child. Me personally? I adore it. It's fucking awesome. I get whatever I want, whenever I want, and undivided attention from both of my parents. I'm a prize.

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