F O U R | S.M.

814 20 90

September 1st, 2020

Scorpius Malfoy's POV

The Slytherin common room is one of my favourite places in the world. Here and the library. I love the silence, the escape.

"Hey, Scorp?" Albus snapped me from my daydreaming as I sat on the leather chairs in the common room.

"Hm?" I hummed in response.

"Wanna play Wizard's Chess?" He asked, leaning forward on the couch and trying to get my attention.

I raised my eyebrow. "Now?"

"Yeah, why not?" He shrugged.

"Alright, let's play." I replied.

Albus already had the whole Wizard's Chess board set up on the floor. He leaned over it and gave me a glare. "I call white."

"I would've chosen black anyway." I said.

Albus and I began playing Wizard's Chess and so far I was winning. I even let him go first.

"How the fuck do you keep getting my pieces?" Albus exclaimed.

"It's called calculated play, dumb arse." I replied.

"More like cheating," Albus joked. "You have a swotty look on your face."

"Me? A swot?" I laughed, taking another one of his chess pieces.

But Albus wasn't paying attention anymore. He was looking at the space beside my head, his head tilted and eyes focused on something that wasn't me or the game. I whipped my head around and immediately figured out what -- or who -- he was oogling at.

A girl.

She was very pretty; with silky blonde hair that went past her shoulders, shining blue-green eyes, and a large and mesmorizing smile.

I mumbled to Albus. "Who do you reckon she is?"

"New girl." Albus whispered back.

The new girl turned her head to look around the room. She was already in her Slytherin attire, tapping on the back of her blush pink phone case with black painted nails. She caught Albus and I staring.


"Fuck." said Albus too loudly.

We turned back to our Wizard's Chess game and looked at each other with apparent panic in our eyes. I heard clicking footsteps behind me and when they stopped, I made the mistake to look up.

The new girl stood above us, her hand on her hip and a curious brow raised.

Albus and I stumbled as we got up. I held my hand out. It was out of habit and I don't know what I was thinking. "Hi."

"Juliette Beaumont." The new girl said gracing Albus and I with a light French accent, grabbing onto my hand with prestigious ease. She shook it.

It didn't even occur to me that her name sounded familiar.

"I- er- I'm Scorpius. Scorpius Malfoy." I uttered out.

Her smile faded to realization. "Malfoy. Malfoy as in Draco Malfoy?"

"My dad." I said, nodding.

Juliette let out a nervous giggle. "Oh my goodness. Mother is going to get a rise out of this."

"Hey, er- Albus Potter," Albus introduced himself. "What exactly is your mother going to get a rise out of?"

"My mother's name is Daisy Beaumont. She went to school with your father and some of his other friends as well. She's told me stories about her old friends, I just- I never thought I'd meet someone else so close to them." Juliette explained to the both of us.

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