T W E L V E | O.Z.

522 13 20

December 25th, 2020

Ophelia Zabini's POV

I am officially a bad person. I ditched my best friends on Christmas.

I've been so caught up with James, that I forgot it was even Christmas Eve yesterday.

When Gemma rambled to me incoherantly about Christmas presents for the Malfoys, I waved her off after she asked me what I got for Scorpius. I said. "We still have time, Gems."

She proceeded to chuckle and say. "What do you mean? It's Christmas Eve."

I proceeded to have a breakdown because I only got a gifts for the Potters, my parents, and Grant. I got them in early December in Hogsmeade. I've been meaning to get gifts for Kayden, Gemma, and the rest of their families, as well as Alana, Neville, Aunt Pansy, Uncle Theo, and the rest of the people I'm close with.

Now I'm with James as his hand slips up my uniform skirt and pushes my underwear to the side.

He is making me feel good, but I may be preforming just a bit for him. It's Christmas. At least I can make him feel good while the rest of the world fucking hates me.

I kissed James desperately as I rocked my hips against his hand, my hands tangling in his jet black hair. I'm muttering obsenities and gasping and moaning as his fingers roughly pleasure me.

And all I can think of when he does this is: Whore. Backstabber. Liar. Bitch.

So I try to get Kayden's face out of my mind and open my eyes. Our lips disconnect and James is smirking at me, his eyes shining their stunning shade of blue-green.

"You're so fucking beautiful." James whispered.

I finished then, on his hand after he called me beautiful and moaning his name.

For thirty seconds, my problems had disappeared in his eyes and the pleasure he had given me. When the guilt came back, I grabbed him by the collar and panted in his ear. "I want you inside of me."

He didn't need to be asked twice. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it across the room and then proceeded to do the same with his pants. It didn't take long for him to push into me and make me gasp with how much he filled me up.

I couldn't stand feeling guilty about my relationship with James. Even because I know that most of it is sexual. We do talk, but we don't talk about futures or how he wants me to meet Harry and Ginny as his girlfriend. Whenever we're around anyone, we're making out or his hand is slyly trailing up my hip, making me squirm with desire.

I don't hate it, but I wish I could have more.

But it's bloody amazing to feel wanted.

To feel desired.

I like knowing that James enjoys me. When he moans or becomes breathless from my touch or being inside of me, it sparks something inside me. It's validation.

I thrive off of it, I've always have. With school work, to being a friend, to apparently sex, I love being praised.

Knowing I'm doing a good job is what keeps me holding on.

So the fact that I haven't spoken to Kayden in months makes me feel like shit.

As a good friend, I should have taken the initiative over the past couple months to try to make this up to him. I should not be dating his worst enemy. I should not be avoiding him on Christmas.

I also shouldn't be thinking of Kayden Lucius Malfoy while I'm having sex with my boyfriend.

I make a show and pretend I finished for a second time, when in reality I did not. James finished soon after and collapsed on his bed beside me. There isn't much room because of the fact that his bed is a twin, so our bodies tuck in with each other and he wraps one arm around me. The other one, he uses to push a stray curl of mine out of my eyes.

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