S I X T E E N | K.B.

315 7 17

December 31st, 2020

Kaitlyn Buckley's POV

My back slammed against the wall behind me.

My legs were locked around his waist and my hands were threaded through his thick, blonde hair. The roots of it were growing out to be a hot, passionate brown shade and it had spread down through the blonde, leaving none of the light colour behind. I groaned into his mouth as his hands kneaded my breasts through my blouse.

"Teddy..." I mumbled breathlessly onto his lips. I felt a smirk and he ran his fingers down my front and towards my hitched skirt.

Once they were below my work skirt, they went straight to my soaking knickers and towards the spot I imagined him touching many, many times. Late nights filled with my imagination getting ahead of itself with flashes of him inside me. It kept me going.

I moaned loudly as his fingers reached the spot, about to mumble my confession into his ear, when-


I shook my head out of my unholy thoughts as I turned my head towards my imbecile brother. "Yes, Jer?"

"You seemed like you were gone for a minute there." Jeremy laughed, his dark hair tousled. He threw his head back, downing his bourbon in one swig.

I crossed my arms and shifted in my seat, still feeling throughly aroused from my little fantasy. "Maybe it was because I'm so fucking bored of your story. I don't care about goblins, Jer."

He shrugged. "Well that sucks, doesn't it? Unfortunately, I don't have any brilliant news to tell you."

I waved my hand as if shooing him away. "Then let me drift."

I turned on my barstool, turning to look at him. Teddy. Teddy — Theodore — Lupin. My coworker. The one I was supposed to meet the day Jeremy got stuck in St Mungos with me as his emergency contact. Teddy is my partner. We're just under Minister Granger-Weasley... er- Hermione. That sounded dirty, but we're her assistants, basically.

To be honest, I wasn't fond of him the first time I met him. He seemed lazy and made jokes that I didn't find funny. Hermione liked him. Apparently he graduated two years before Jeremy did. He was in Hufflepuff house and his resume was amazing. He did a lot of volunteer work for orphanages and such. Once she told me, I was kind of shocked.

Then I looked into him.

Many, many people died in the Battle of Hogwarts back in 1998. My father included. However I was quite shocked to find that Teddy's parents, Nyphmadora Tonks and Remus Lupin also died in the battle. They were legendary. They died heros.

I couldn't help a twinge of jealousy at that. My father died as nothing. No one cared about a teenage wizard who knocked up a teenage witch twice in one year. The only thing with my father's name on it was Aunt Y/N's Azkaban trials.

Anyway, after I figured out about his parents I got invested. I began to notice the little things. Like how he would smile thoughtfully before he told a joke, which weren't actually bad after all, or how he would be so passionate in topics he was immersed in.

Then the investment began turning sexual. I noticed how he licked his lips after he took a sip of his morning coffee and wanted him to do that after tasting me. I noticed that he was beautiful and muscular. I noticed whenever he caught me staring he would smirk and look me up and down.

Let's just say, my fantasies had taken a hold on me. I didn't know I could be this horny ever. Believe me, I tried getting it out with one night stands, but that's kind of hard to do when you share a flat with your brother. Also, it's not the same. I want Teddy. I need Teddy.

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