F O U R T E E N | S.M.

406 12 18

December 31st, 2020

Scorpius Malfoy's POV

"Never have I ever," Juliette began, sucking on the blue straw of her drink. Her lips pressed against it, the glittering gloss sticking to the plastic. "Gotten completely smashed."

Albus shook his head, his dark hair looked like a crown because of the way it was ruffled. I noticed that through the tuffs of dark brown, in this lighting, there were kind of rustic highlights. Not quite ginger. It was more copper.

"Me neither," I said, snapping myself out of the sort of trace I was in. There was a bit of alcohol in this drink, but I've never gotten throughly smashed or wasted. Only a light tipsy, and that wasn't often either. Usually I had to steal alcohol from Kayden when I wanted some. "But my brother does a lot."

Albus seemed to get an idea. "Never had I ever had a crush on any of my mate's family members."

Juliette threw her hands in the air. "Well it's not my fault that Scorp's dad is fit!"

"Mhm, his brother, too?" Albus asked with a teasing smirk on his face.

Juliette laughed. "Yes, well fine. Malfoy men are fit. You've got me. I have a thing for blondes."

I swallowed, my cheeks catching a rather vibrant flush.

Albus grinned sheepishly. "Blondes are fit, aren't they?"

I flushed even brighter red.

I took this as my turn to ask do a never have I ever. "Never have I ever had my first kiss."

Juliette took a sip of her drink. Albus did not.

Her eyes bugged out of her head. "Both of you lot? You must be messing with me."

A corner of my mouth quirked up. "Nope. Nothing."

Albus shook his head and leaned back against his chair in a lazy, cool way. "Not messing with you, Jules."

Juliette rolled her eyes playfully. "Apologies, Al. I'm taking your turn. Never have I ever wanted my first kiss?"

Both Albus and I took hesitant sips of our drinks.

But that question seemed to have some underlying meaning behind it that left me uneasy. I opened my mouth to ask about it, but Juliette plastered a pearly smile to her cheeks and said. "Never have I ever wanted my first kiss now?"

Albus took a sip of his drink.

I hesitated.

Juliette sensed this, really taking in the fact that I didn't take a sip of my drink. She turned to Albus and asked. "Would you like me to help you get it over with, Al? Your first kiss?"

Albus' eyes went wide and he stumbled on his cool exterior when he nodded quickly and said. "Y-yes."

I was fine until Juliette smiled and quickly leaned in, Albus doing the same and just as eager. Their lips connected and it was like an overwhelming green envy took over me, pooling over my vision so I saw shades of sage and emerald all the same. My body trembled ridiculously and I felt as if I wanted to yell at them.

They kept kissing, occasionally one of their tongues would slip and Juliette wrapped her hands around Albus' shoulders, rubbing upwards and down again.

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