Arguments and Trouble

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The sound of birds chirping and the heat of the sun peeking through the curtains of the window hit the sleepy figure that's on the bed. A loud yawn was heard from the person as he groan softly and glance around while he blink away sleep. Moving to sit up to get ready for the day till a soft groan stop him. Glancing down where the extra weight is to see a mop full of long black hair.

Rez blink a couple of times then roll his eyes remembering what happened last night he chuckled softly and lay back down placing his left arm around Itachi and pulling him closer. Rez rakes his eyes on Itachi's frame in a daze remembering what happened last night as his eyes zero in on a mark on Itachi's shoulder. He leans forward to see better till he grasps seeing the mark of a submissive/omega lion. Well in Itachi's case just a submissive/omega. Rez trace the mark with his right hand seeing the mark shape like 3 claw marks making rez smile and chuckled in gleam to see Itachi have accepted his offer last night. Rez let out a soft sigh and close his eyes going back to sleep since it was Sunday and it was too early in the morning to get up anyway.

A loud knock was heard throughout the room as rez eyebrows knit together he choose to ignore it and rub his cheek against Itachi's head who cuddle more into rez making him purr softly. The knocking continues till rez hissed out annoyed now as he crack open one eye and glared at the door hoping whoever it is they feel his wrath.

"Rez are you awake?" He only groans and holds Itachi closer as he mumbles under his breath about evil monkeys. Letting out a shaky sigh he sat up slowly making Itachi whine from being moved.

"What do you want shi?" He asked to see his door click open and he standing there with a smile on his face holding a key in his hand.

"Well, you do have a little brother to feed. You sleep in late today which never happen so I was concerned for you"

"Like hell you were! Can't a guy get some beauty sleep around here!" He hissed loudly to shi as he groan loudly and lay back down pulling Itachi with him planning on going back to sleep with his beautiful mate. Rez open his eyes cause he felt a gaze that was too close to his face for his comfort.

He lean his face away from shi who was there glaring at him. Rez just glare right back cause he got awoken out of his sleep for this crap. Not once have rez bothered shi once Kisame is over can't a guy just spend time with his first mate till he starts looking for a second one?

"Get out of this bed right now rez!!!" Shi yelled in rez face as he growls at him and gently move Itachi beside him as he fully sat up now.

"Shi are you serious right now? I would like to stay in bed and cuddle with my mate if you don't mind!! I does never go and bother you once Kisame is around so why do you have to do this to me!!" Rez yelled back in shi face didn't know he stood up and showed off his naked glory. They both continue to glare at each other as shi sighs out and shakes his head.

"So you rather lay in bed with your mate and not tend to your brother"

"What the fuck?! I have my own life shi, can't I for once be selfish and do something for myself. Everything I have ever done I did it for my little brother making sure he is well and taken care of. When I started to act selfish last night and just for once let it be me it's a problem for you. If you want me to be lonely then fine. Have it your way then" rez shouted at shi as he walked away from him and start grabbing clothes for the day he glance at Itachi and nod towards the bathroom if he want to shower.

"Rez listen I didn't mean it like that. I just want your brother to be well taken care of till he can be on his feet then you can have your own life to live"

"No, you win shi. I will make sure my brother is taken care of then I will go and do my duties. I will hold off trying to go and find mates so my brother can be happy and well while I stay here and be fucking lonely and miserable" he said and grab Itachi's hand and walked towards his bathroom slamming the door and locking it so he can have a peace of mind. Rez was upset for getting angry but he was upset that shi to rule his life and letting him focus on his brother while he try to at least make himself happy. Shi isn't his father. Nobody can't replace him not even shi. Rez shakes his head and then glances up once he feels hands on his cheeks.

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