Harem Contract Announcement and First Mate

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Two days after what he and Itachi did. Rez let out a loud sigh cause the third Hokage decided and with rez permission to announce that he is doing an all-male harem contract which made rez blush in embarrassment cause all eyes were on him while he stand next to the third Hokage and his little brother is beside him with amusement in his eyes cause of rez being embarrassed about the news which some people had curious, disgust and lustful faces in the crowd. Lionel let out a sigh, knowing his big brother would have no moment of peace when people found out who they belonged to..... too late.

"If you wondering who these two are well, their father was well known in my clan, and then he was well known around the nation. Rez lion Natu Sr. was his name"

Lionel covers his ears once he started to hear the scream of excitement and joy while rez lookout with a smirk on his face since he can hear people whispering about how handsome he is, how well built like his father is, how sexy he looks, etc. The Hokage waited till everybody quieted down to continue.

"Yes, that's the father's name. I'm telling you all this cause rez agree that he will recreate his clan after a terrible trauma with his uncle that cause nothing but death in his wake and with my permission and rez agreement he decided to have a harem contract of his chosen and only an all-male contract" the third Hokage said which made some people aww with sadness to the voices and some to cheer with excitement. He dismisses everybody after that as rez let out a sigh and glances at the third with a smirk on his brown skin face as he wraps his left arm around the old Hokage and gives him a side hug.

"I want to thank you for everything,"

"It is no problem, son. Your father is my brother, and I would do anything to make sure his children are well and good, " he said with a smile as rez smiled back, including lionel.

"Come on, old man, my treat at my restaurant for doing this for me. it's only fair. "

"If you say so, rez," the third chuckled, which made rez chuckled softly and pulled him along while lionel walked beside on the other side of rez with a big smile on his small young face.

******************************TIME SKIP************************************

lunchtime comes and goes as dinner time rolls around. Rez was busy making a michi kameari, a Tokyo ramen bowl for some customers when his little brother run behind him and step on his tail he scream out loudly knocking the bowl full of soy sauce as it land on rez who hissed and groan in pain in both his tail and the soy sauce landed on him cause it came from the bowl he is currently making from so it was hot.

"Lionel.....I told you not to run behind me when I'm making food" he said softly to him not raising his voice at all cause he don't want that type of attention on his little brother who step on his tail by accident.

"I'm sorry, big brother," he said to him sadly as rez smiled at him with a grim look cause the sauce was really hot. He finishes making the bowls and handing them to Shi, who came back from the store to pick up vegetables.

"What the hell happened to you? Why are you covered in soy sauce?"

"Just give these to table 6. I will wash up and come back down, " he hissed to him as he walked upstairs while he whined and groaned in serious pain. Getting your tail stepped on is not an easy thing to feel. He let out a shaky sigh, wanting to throw up cause of the pain. He shakes his head and takes off his clothes, heading to the shower to wash up the soy sauce stickiness.

Meanwhile downstairs shi was taking orders and giving out orders as he turned and almost screamed out of fright cause of Kisame standing there with a smile on his face and a rise brow.

"Give me a heart attack, would you?" shi hissed to him as he grabbed the finished steam bowl of dim sums and handed them to lionel, who walked towards table 10. Kisame leans up against the bar with the same smile on his face.

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