Opening Of The Restaurant

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Just 5 weeks after shaman, lionel and rez had settle in there new home was the day the new restaurant was going to open. Rez was already up and bout moving things around and putting things in place to start making food and drinks. After that was done he heading up the stairs that lead to a five bedroom and five bathroom as he open shaman door to see him still sleeping with half his body off the bed as rez look around and grab something which was a small wooden statue and then he process to throw it at him and it landed right at shaman head making him scream out in pain and roll straight off the bed.

"wakey wakey shaman did you forget were opening the restaurant today" he said while walking into his room and open the curtain to let in some light as he turn to see shaman sitting up on the floor and holding his head while he just glare at rez for bothering him out his wonderful dream.

"your a bitch rez.....I was having a wonderful dream with my secret mate and I was finally going to see who it was till you knock me out the dream you ass"

"well sucks isn't it now come on get up take a bath and get dress I'm opening the door at 8 so hurry up" He said to him and turn walking out the door and missing the same statue that he hit shaman with hit the door making rez chuckled at the loud thud it make against the door. He walked down the hall to his brother room and open the door to see him there still sleeping as he smile at him then close the door didn't even bother to wake him up.

He turn and left the hallway and headed down the stairs as he went straight to the door seeing its 8 on the dote as he unlock the door and slide it open and letting the small curtain hang limp so everybody know its open for business. He turn just in time to dodge a incoming spoon that was going to hit him right in the face.

"really are you trying to kill the chef here shaman" he said with humor in his voice as shaman hissed out at him and walk away to start setting the tables for breakfast. Rez shake his head and went straight to the bar as he started to put the uncooked food in the trays then cover it up as he glance up to see shaman leaning against the wall with a really angry glare in his eyes but his face was blank as a paper which made rez laugh once again.

"come on shaman I'm sorry really just you was pretty much knocked out in your sleep and beside you have done it so many times to me"

"that's beside the point stupid I almost seen my mate now you ruin the dream you banana brain....beside why you open the door so early nobody isn't going to come so early in the morning"

"really with all them flyers you and lionel was putting around people well come here to have breakfast, lunch and dinner so have faith please. we have our first customer soon enough" shaman nodded his head at what rez said.

"well then that's a surprise that I'm your ever first customer"

They both turn to see the third hokage as they both bow to him as shaman move from the wall to direct him towards the bar as he sit down with a sigh which made rez shake his head at him.

"so what brings the third lord to our restaurant this early in the morning?"

He give a soften chuckled at that and shake his head slowly as shaman headed him a breakfast menu as he give it a glance over and reply to rez question.

"well you see I wanted to get away from all the paperwork really and to just take a calming walk when I saw the flyer of your restaurant opening so I came here to see how you three fairing and to get something healthy in my diet"

"well, that's fair enough really. what are you having your lord third and don't worry it's on the house really for helping us" The third smiled at him as he asked for a rice pepper omelet and a cup of green tea. Rez already had the water boiling for some tea for myself really as he started to fix up the third rice pepper omelet while shaman went outside to greet customers who want to try their breakfast food till it was time for lunch.

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