Life Just Got Interested

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Rez, Lionel and shaman walked the village heading towards the handmade restaurant/dojo and house that rez and lionel father had left in his will when he died at the hands of his blood brother. Rez looked up at the well-new building in confusion, he swear the building will look run down and old, but it wasn't. he turned toward shaman the village seer to see him there smiling at rez.

"I know you both would come so I take my time to clean up the place even fix it up and put new stuff in it.....well the third did he just know your father might return soon so he put new stuff in it and make sure it's well kept and in good condition"

"oh I see well that's nice of him and you of course for cleaning the place up and whatnot..."

He smile at rez then bow his head as rez did the same he grab his little brother's hand walking up to the lock sliding door he unlock it with the key the third give him as he slide it open and walked in then looked around to see the big open space with tables and chairs against the wall ready to be use. He see boxes on the other side of the wall and a open bar with either food or drinks can be served and closed door was behind the bar as he notice it might be the entrance to the kitchen.

He let go of lionel hand as he run in to look around in amazement as shaman stepped in and close the door shut and he too looks around and nodded his head in improvement. The third made a good job in keeping the place clean and well-kept and in good shape as well. Rez walked towards the boxes to see a lot of stuff like carpets, lanterns, tablecloths, etc. It has decoration as well making rez nod his head in approval. Just like his father, he loves to cook really and he loves making new recipes for people to taste.

He turn to see his brother was gone including shaman he turn to see another door he didn't notice was opened he walks toward it and looks to see an open space backyard with even more tables and chairs and a big sakura blossom tree and a big tent over the space to keep the rain from wetting anybody. He watch his brother and shaman looking over into a pond as he walks towards them and looks down to see beautiful koi fishes of all different colors with some gems shining under the water making it look even more beautiful.

"well the restaurant looks really good and the backyard is even more amazing.....I wonder how the dojo looks"

Rez turn and walked back into the house and look around to see another locked sliding door as he walks towards it unlock it then open it to see it was the dojo and boy was it making him smile. It was really big with a lot of weapons from small to big hanging off the walls. Rez look around till something catches his eye, he walks toward the far wall where pictures were hanging up there including medals. He tilts his head at a picture of his father with some man. Rez took the picture off the wall and look at it closer. The man has lionel bright orange eyes, rez muscular built and he also has dreadlocks like him as well which is kind of weird and creepy at the same time.

Rez keeps looking at the picture trying to figure it out and see how come the man looks like both him and lionel. He glances back at his father's face and gives a small smile. He misses his father badly, he misses his stupid wisdom talk, the random times both him and he does go on hunts, and his fatherly love. Rez close his eyes slowly trying to hold back his tears as he replaces the picture on the wall and walks out of the dojo closing and locking it for him to deal with later; right now he has a restaurant to deal with.

******************************TIME SKIP******************************

After what feel like hours they finally got done fixing up the restaurant making it look more modern with some tradition in it. Rez wipes the sweat off his forehead as he sees shaman placing some of the glassware on the bar lionel placed some decorations everywhere around the door and walls making rez shake his head at him. He straightens up his back after having it hunch over for so long as he twists his back to hear a loud pop making him groan. He turn around once he heard the sliding door knocked on making him kind of confused he turn to shaman with a rise brow he shrug his shoulders don't know who it is as rez walked toward the door and unlocked it sliding it halfway to see who it is.

Rez's eyes widen when he come face to face with a tall boy with pale skin, the most beautiful onyx eyes he have ever seen, his built but lean figure making him more feminine and his face....clean, unblemished, soft-looking face with them cute lines on his face that even draw his beauty even more on his rez have seen him before in the Hokage tower. So rez gives him a bright dazing smile that will make anybody melt which works cause of how red the other person's face is.

"yes. How can I help you?"

The boy blushes even deeper at the silky smooth voice of this stranger that catches his eyes when he enters the Hokage tower. He take a deep breath to regain his composure and then glance at the guy with a blank face which made rez smirk at that.

"well I wanted to say welcome to the village..... I and my team saw you enter and wanted to make sure..."

"that I'm not a threat to your Hokage and village.....please I wouldn't be stupid enough to do that.....I would be disgracing my father's name"

The boy had a glare at him for cutting in, but what he said peaked his interest so he glance at him up and down trying to fight off the blush cause of how he looks. With his long reddish-orange hair that is in a high ponytail, His muscles were on display and from how he is sweating he might have been working out or cleaning which is the second choice cause he sees boxes to the side of the building.

He continue to glance at him taking in the brown skin, two brands of interesting tattoos on his right forearm and around his neck, and then it's his eyes....they are so bright and dull at the same time, and how they pierced you with a predator look. He clears his throat and fights down a heavy blush on his cheek.

"anyways I just wanted to welcome you since we're going to be neighbors seeing you don't live far from my clan"

"mmm, what clan are you....cause from the look of it.....I might say you're an uchiha am I right"

He stares at him with surprised eyes as rez let out a loud laugh and then shakes his head as he leans off the sliding door frame and steps out a little to lean forward towards his ear.

"you don't think I know anything bout your family or anybody here for that matter.....please my father was famous around the nation as a the way, what's your name beautiful?"

Rez was close to him now that he can smell his natural smell off of him which was sending tingles down his back as he fight back to hold in a deep throaty growl. Rez move his left hand and place it beside the young man's face and move a few strings of hair behind his ear.

"My Itachi Uchiha" he said with a heavy blush on his face as he turn to look at rez seeing him there smiling at him as he once again reaches forward and moves some more loose hair behind his head.

"Itachi huh?? I like the sound of it...I wonder how would it sound under the thrown of..."

"Big Brother what's taking you so.....oh I didn't know we had a visitor.....hi my name is lionel....what's yours?"

Rez let out a sigh cause he was getting annoyed as hell. He was just now going to put the move on him, but his little brother just had to ruin it which was a good thing cause he might have ended up having sex with the poor boy on the first day of meeting him nonetheless. Rez let out another sigh and turn towards his little brother with a smile as Itachi cleared his throat and smiled at rez, little brother.

"My name is Itachi and its nice meeting you lionel and it was nice meeting you as well rez I'm hoping to see you both once again" he bow his head at them both and turn to head towards his home but a strong hand grip his arm with so much gentleness he almost misses took it as his father's hands. He turn his head to see rez was smiling at him as he lean forward to whisper in his ear once again making his body stiff up and blush heavily.

"Before you leave I'm planning on opening back up my father's restaurant and I would love for you to be my first I'm planning of seeing you soon....ita....chi"

Rez pull away and turn around and headed back inside closing the door without giving Itachi a back glance, but he should have turn around and noticed how beet red his face is or how his breath was caught in his throat. Itachi remain there for only 2 minutes before he headed towards his compound himself before he stop to greet the newcomer and he wasn't regretting it either. Itachi started to smirk as he headed to the Uchiha compound with one thing on his mind 'life just got interested'

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