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Ayoooo new chapter😩😩 let me know what you guys think😗❤️

TW: Child abuse

3rd Person POV:

The front door slams shut, shaking the house, followed by the sound of heavy boots colliding with the old wooden floor. The 37 year old man paces around the sunroom before finally plopping himself on the rocking chair by the window.

"Wilhelm!" He shouts, placing a cigarette between his lips. "Bring me a fucking beer!" He lights the end with a match. Hearing nothing in response to his command he grows angry.

"Wilhelm, goddammit!" He yells through the empty home searching for the small boy.

From a short distance, the small 10 year old boy sat up on the highest part of a tall oak tree, overlooking a thick, grown pasture. The flowers had bloomed throughout the field at the beginning of spring.

"Wilhelm, goddammit!" He hears his father shout from the inside of their home.

His heart begins pounding in his ears, drowning out every other noise. White light starts blurring his vision, blinding him as he descends the large tree. As he nears the ground, his foot slips, causing him to fall 5 feet from the tree.

His back crashes into the earth, knocking the wind from his lungs. His head follows after slamming against a large root that had been sticking out of the ground. The boy lifts himself from the ground, tumbling in the direction of his home. His balance comes back as the ringing in his ears and dizziness from his head begins to disappear.

"Fath— I'm coming, father.." He picks up his speed and begins running.

He reaches the home and climbs the stairs up the front porch. His steps quiet as he opens the front door and crosses the sun room to the kitchen. The house is silent.

"Father?" He calls quietly.

A plate zooms through the air, barely missing his head and shattering against the wall. Wilhem's eyes shoot to the wall before following back where the plate came from.


"Where the hell were you?"

"I— I was just— "

"I—I—I— Spit it out, boy!" He mocks. "You were running away, weren't you?" He stands from the counter.

"No—I— I wasn't, father. I—"

"Don't you lie to me!"

"Father, I promise! I was at the tree—"

"That bloody tree again—" He stomps towards the boy grabbing him by the hair on the top of his head.

"No— Please! I'm sorry!" He begs as his father drags him to the sunroom. He opens the front door, exiting the home.

"Get your arse out here." He growls, throwing the boy down the short flight of stairs. The boy tumbles until finally hitting the ground. He falls on his ankle hearing a pop before feeling fire shoot up through his shin and calf. He lets out a sharp yelp.

His father ignores his cries, stepping over his body, and makes his way towards the shed. The boy looks up to see his father pulling out the chainsaw. The man reaches over and grabs the boy by his hair, pulling him up to his feet causing the boy to scream out in pain.

"Shut up!" He spits, dragging the limping boy up the hill towards the side of the house. They approach the tree, before Wilhems father throws him down against the ground, fifteen feet from the large oak tree. His father starts up the chainsaw and walks over towards the tree.

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