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I haven't published jack shit in so long because I genuinely wasn't in the mood to write smut but I feel like that's what comes next.

Still no smut but I'll just give you what I have so far because I feel bad for not having posted in so long.

I'm sorry though lmfao... I feel so bad:(

"Lenora." Ms. Davis speaks bitterly.

What the hell is her first name?

I step into the elevator beside her debating on what to reply with. The door closes and I decide on my response.

"Ms. Davis. I'd find myself more comfortable in this workplace environment if you could manage to address and speak to me as professionally as I so kindly have done to you." I say it at a moderate speed with a low voice. When the doors open I turn to her and smile before exiting. She doesn't say a word as I make my way to my office.

I make no attempt to speak to anyone, feeling exhausted after not being able to sleep last night. I plop down in the seat at my desk and turn on my computer.

"Well aren't you productive?"

I jolt awake from my desk. A line of drool travels from a tiny puddle on my desk to my cheek. My arm shoots to my face and attempts to wipe it clean.

"Oh shit." I groan, exhausted. I look up, seeing Wilhelm smirking as he leans against the closed door.

"Isn't that just adorable?" He says it more as a statement than a question.

"What do you want?" I grow embarrassed, my eyes still half closed.

"To know why my new attorney is drooling all over her desk rather than doing any work." He smirks.

"Because said attorney's boss, came to her home the day before and slept in her bed, therefore, she couldn't sleep that night."

"Hm." He gives up.

"Don't you have a case to be working on?" I ask, attempting to dismiss him.

"Nope." He lies, grinning as he pulls up a chair beside me. "What are you working on?" He asks childishly as he sets his chin in his palm, looking at my screen.

"Nothing yet. You just woke me up. Is your age finally affecting your memory?" I attempt to be rude.

"Funnily enough no. I actually think I feel quite young and fit. What do you think?" I grow confused at his words.


"How do I feel, Lenora?" His words darken. "You have yet to complain so far... You've never once commented on how I may be lacking due to age..."

He's teasing me. I close my thighs thinking on how he has never lacked in that area. With the way his hips move, they'd likely to have been made by the devil.

"Do I feel as though I lack?" He whispers into my ear. "Be brutally honest, Darling. How do I feel?"

"I don't think you'd be able to handle my 'honesty', Mr. Daine." I motion to his lap with my eyes, proving that just the thought of me is affecting him without the help of my unspoken words. He chuckles in response, defeated. "Now let's see how well you can hide that as you uncomfortably, walk back to your office." I attempt to dismiss him.

"But I'm having so much fun in here." He teases, kissing my shoulder.

"It's almost as if you want to be caught."


"Sounds fun."

"Yeah if you want me fired." I roll my eyes.

"This is my firm. Who's going to fire you?"

"You'll get a bad reputation and lose your clients."

"—Assuming they care that two consenting adults partake in a relationship."

"Not a relationship." I add as I arrange my files.

"Not the point."

"Okay." I respond sarcastically, knowing he was waiting for an excuse to bring it up.

"But since we're on the topic—"




"If you just—"



"We just don't work." I try hard not to make any eye contact with him.
"We barely tried."

"I can't do this, Wilkes." I sigh, finally turning to look at him.

"Just try. One more time." He pulls up his index finger, indicating the number one, as he steps forward towards me. He keeps his eyes on my lips and leans down. I cave.

"This isn't me 'trying'." I warn before allowing him to kiss me.

"Is it not?" He speaks against my lips.

"No." I mumble. His hands travel down my waist to my hips and pulls me into him.

"You don't want to rethink that?" He whispers.

"No." The way his lips move against mine feels ethereal. I am drowning in him.

"Fine." He breaks away. His eyes move away from mine as he attempts to leave.

"Are you fucking serious?" His little tantrums are really starting to piss me the fuck off.


"Fine. Do what you want but I'm not rethinking this. This little game that you're trying isn't making me change my mind, it's just proving my point that we don't work." I become angry at his child ness

He turns around, looking at me through his glaring eyes. I falter for a second before realizing he couldn't possibly be mad mad.

Could he?

No, he's not mad. I don't think. He's deep in thought with the minimal glare still caught in his eyes. I hold my stance. He finally seems to come to a decision and walks toward me with an aggressive pace. One that doesn't throw me off but does have me wondering what he's attempting to do.

To my surprise, he grabs the back of my neck and pulls my mouth up to his, consuming me. I part my lips, surprised, but nevertheless wanting.

"I'm not playing any game. I just don't see the point in trying if you won't." He growls, grabbing my chin. "But seeing as you're getting so upset over nothing, I take it you don't truly believe we don't work, do you?" His eyes tease me as his hand slides down to my throat.

"That's not true."

"Is it not?" He argues trailing his lips along my jaw. "You miss me. Don't lie, Lenora, I can tell by the way you seem to always respond to me." I realize now, I've pushed my chest up and against him, unknowingly. I shy away.

"Now you want to retreat?" His voice still antagonizing me. "I'm here, Lenora, I'm trying to give you what you want." He raises his brow. I still don't know what to say. I'm frightened by my own feelings.

I know I miss him.

But do I want to be with him?

I don't. I really don't.

But I can't help that I long for him.


"Okay." He shrugs his shoulders. "Don't say I didn't try."

I watch him walk out the door.

I'll be starting on another chapter tonight so hopefully you guys won't be waiting for too long.

Leave a vote if you want!:)

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