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Two chapters again:) <3


Lenora Dalsing;

"No Goren! Put that down— it's not time for gifts yet. Dad— Set that right there." I command orders, stressed about running behind on our dinner.

"Down, girl." I hear a voice chuckle from behind me, following arms wrapping around my shoulders.

"Hi, Irving." I sigh, taking deep breath, in attempts to calm down.

"Calm her down will you, Irving? She's doing too much right now." My dad speaks, continuing to sort things on the dinner table. Goren runs to the living room and I hear the Christmas music switch to cartoons.

"It's Christmas... What are you doing pulling your hair out?" He jokes.

"I don't know.." I slump back against him as he hugs me. "I've got a lot of things on my mind."

"Yeah I bet." He grins.

What's that supposed to mean?

"Anyways I brought a friend.." He speaks turning towards the living room.


I walk to the living room and open the door. "Kendric." I say sounding obviously disappointed.

"Hi, Lenora." He smiles uncomfortably, sensing the disappointment in my voice.

"I didn't think it should be only us." Irving smiles standing beside Kendric and I.

"Okay." I say brightening up my voice. "Dad's in the kitchen if you want to say 'Hi'. We're almost finished up in there." I speak to Kendric.

"Okay." He responds and starts for the other room.

"Kendric." I stop him, grabbing his wrist. "It's nice to see you." I smile, and hug him.

"You too, love." I pull away and notice a small blush swept across his face as he quickly turns away.

"So... What is Wilhelm up to tonight?" I attempt to bring up casually.

Do I even want to see him?

"Oh he went home." Irving answers, grabbing the bowl of popcorn from Goren's hand and plopping down on the couch next to him. Goren reaches into the bowl that's now on Irving's lap, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"Home?" I become confused.

"Yeah. You know... Back to London?"


Why would he go back there? I thought he had no family?

Wilhelm Daine;

It's cold. I can see my breath as I exhale warm air from my mouth. I wrap my jacket tighter around me as I stand in the snow at the stump of the tree that used to be my refuge.

It's dark. The light from the moon guides me down the path to the old house I used to think was home.
I stand at the porch. It is no longer accommodated with tenants. It's probably for the best.

Not able to find the courage to walk inside, I stand in the same spot looking over the building. Trying to feel anything. Trying to cope.

I step inside the small petrol station and rub my hands together to build up warmth. I look around for a second before walking through the short aisles. I acknowledge the little old lady at the register who stares at me every step I take.

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