When you are sick

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He will start to scold you like a wine aunt about you need to immediatly rest. If you refuse he will frown but let you be. When you show some symptoms he will bring you to bed and order a doctor to help you while ho gone back on his work. When he finished, he came back and stayed sitten besides you sipping his wine while listening to your complains and tell you the gossip.


She will cry worried as hell. So much soup for you

 "Volta thanks for the soup...but i dont think i will need it so much..."

 You need to comfort her letting her know you are going to be fine and not die. Will stick to you all the time unlsess you are going greatly fine and she can do her things


"Oh no..."

"Oh yes"

They have two moods of when you are sick. one, is if you have just a light ill they will might tease you or use you as to experiment your illnes. The other one is if you have a serious and a dangerous illnes, then expect to them going into dr. UwU. They will actually take care of you and keep an eye on you.




Or mabye yes.

will start by saying that is nothing and you can do it and when you are healty again they will be secretly happy. If it ends to just worse up they will try to 'help', and by that i mean shouting at the doctors to help you faster.


Baby worried 2. He is so scared that you might die not knowing how your body really works, will call you immediadly a doctor giving you Wiggler trying to make you feel better.  Will definitely read you bedtime stories or sip tea with you in bed.

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