when you are close to death for a illnes

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You were basically stuck in bed for all the days you where in sickness, your breathing really weak, and the most things you could see are the light from the window of the room you were stuck with, cleaned, tidy, and too silent for your opinion. Every movement you do goes with a tremble, you cant even speak properly without stopping to catch a breath. Valerius time to time came to visit you, the most time possible, the rest was working and not letting you see the tears of his fear di lui to lose you. He certainly did not want Valdemard near you, he knows that they are not trust worthy. For the lack of resting he did to stay with you awake he often slept next to you for just jolt up awake when you suddenly move even by turning. He even asked for help to Asra, to anyone he thought he could help you, he didnt even touched the wine, and if he did, 

The day you recover up, you find him asleep on you, arms on the bed with his head placed on them, and the rest on the chair, he will immediately wake up when you reach for him, he will start by ranting how you should rest, how if you want anything you should not get up and many more, he will shut up when you hug him or hold his hand telling him you are fine, then he will break up his walls and hold you tight muttering he is sorry and that he was so worried. Will end up of you holding him on your arms, with both of you in bed resting together.


She was so devastated when she saw your condition, she had two moods, the one where she eat even more than normal, like, a lot lot, and where she touched no food too worried and feeling guilty as if its her fault. Every-time she visited you there is always some tears on her eyes, she even screeched to the doctors when they failed to do anything, she will even spoke (yell) back to Valerius if he says something to her or to you. Your throat felt so stuck, even just drinking some water felt wrong, and that made her MORE worried, you can berly dirnk or eat, and she hates that fact.

When you recover up she will be hugging you tight crying of joy holding you tight and helping you into anything thinking you are still recovering.


Dont expert them to help you or showing care. When the news got to them they thought it was a lie and headed to you to stop faking the illness, when they realize you are really ill... and in danger almost on death door they will leave with a huff. Will let out their anger and other feeling they dont recognize on hunting and fighting. They will be more protective than normal, like, whoever wants to see you, even doctors, they better know what they are doing cause it wont let them touch you or be close too much on you unless you tell them so, and they are the only time where they stay with you.

When you are healed they acting to be over protective wont stop for a bit, but they will stay with you more now seeing you feeling better. They wont admit it, but they dont like you in pain, they promised to themselves to not ever let you in such situation ever again training you, thinking that you just need to be more strong.


They were actually feeling emotions when he saw your condition, sure they gave you various and important things that could help you to let your illness pass better, but noone of that worked, you ended up on a clean and tidy bed, noone to visit you (even because Valdemar didnt let anyone in other than themselves), only them as a company, and for the first time, they were interested in the illness not cause they find it interesting, but because they want to heal you. They were really trying, at a certain point they asked you if you would make a deal with him to resolve this, if you agree they will does so and make you immortal not wanting you to get you in such situation again. If you disagree they wont force you, and try a solution. Will stay with you and make company anytime they can.

When you finally will get better they will start to relax a bit after all the stress they been while you were ill. They will start to check your body for any sign of illness or anything every 3 days. They wont let you go through such thing again. Might be more careful on little details on what you do the next days.


He will start to baby you just when he saw you not feeling well, but when the ill worsen up he will panick inside calling the best doctors even from other counties if he have to, instead of Vulgora he will try to stay with you most the time and try to help you. When alone he will tell his worries to his worms (as if they are his therapist). Will try to act optimist in front of you, but when he will be out of the room he will be all freak out and worried.

When you heal up he will kiss all your face hugging and cuddle with you so happy and glad you are much better... and thank god because another day in you sickness he would have made a deal with the Devil to cure you.

sorry if it took a lot...

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