how they show you affection

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He's not someone that shows affection with words, and if he has to its in private and in embarrassment except if its in bed or something teasing. He will show his affection by holding your hand when you are both sitting if you insist. Or hold your waist when he jealous or you feel not good. He is not into showing much in public. But in private he will definitely sits on the couch, relaxed with a glss of wine with you on his arms and watching the fire of the fireplace dance.


She will always stay close to you more time possible, she gives you her trust, will find her hugging your leg when Valerius is scolding her. She might say the 3 words with a mumble all shy and red. She will eat whatever you will make, even if its bad made,  she will eat it.  Will absolute sleep with you even if she dont need it and make you company, she just a lovley baby

She. Shares. Her. Food. 


They show it by petting your head time to time, or even just the fact that they listen to you when you talk and they keep with them any detail that they could use in the future. Even simply having a tea break during their work. They adore you, they wont ever say the 3 words but they will tell you that you are their favorite with a pat. Physical touch too, other than the pats they wont shove you off if you hug them, 70% they are the one to start one being you scaring you. And one thing that you can absolute notice, is that if you need them, for any help, they will let go what they are doing and help you, you are much more important than his patience or Nadia calls.


Just by the fact that they consider you a worthy warrior is more than enough to show that they care about you, as Valdemar they wont never say the 3 words (unless its out of thinking). They show you affection even by threat someone that just speak to you in a bad way. They will have no hesitation in pick you up any time, you talking with Asra? Not anymore! time for giving attention to Vulgora! They are a feral jealous beetle that is proud of you. Even physical touch is something, if anyone will try to even tap their shoulder they will yell and shout and fight, but if you hug them or hold their hand? still yell and shout but with a hint of blush and not stopping you. You are the only one that can hold them and make them calm down, take responsibility


He will always show you affection, if you are with him it means he consider you worth the world, so cheek kisses, hands holding, hugging, are always present, tea time with you talking about worms, gossip and whatever you like to talk. Even him trusting you with his children worms. He might get busy often,  but when he has time with you he wont hesitate to spend time with you more possible. He dont ever waste an opportunity to show you his affection.

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