When you are having a nightmare

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He woke up feeling you moving and whining on your spot with some tears on your eyes. He sighed and headed to take some wine. When you woke up he was next to you with next to him a glass of wine. Not sharing any words he gently wrapped arms around you rubbing your back, after a moment of silence he asked if you wanted to talk about it, if you dont want to is fine, then he will offer the glass of wine saying that it might help.


She wasnt even slepping, she was having her midnight snack on your room and she felt you shifing on your place. When she turned to you, you were alredy woken up with tears on your eyes. She got worried and climbed to you, she took your cheeks with her tiny hands asking what happened. When you tolt her you had a nightmare she got more worried and sad for you attenting to hug you to try to do something giving the rest of her midnight snack if you wanted some to burry the bad thoughs.


They were carring you on his back holding your thighs after a hunting jurney, they "offered" to carry you after you told them you were tired and your legs hurt. At some point you fell asleep on them, and they surprisingly didnt complain letting you stay there. But when your head sarted to move letting out weird noises they got confused turning their head to you to see what you were doing only to see you cry and muttering some things with a look clearly scared. They were quick to put you down on the best spot that was near shaking you... Lets say that waking up from a nightmare with a Vulgora face yelling at you wasnt the best. When you calmed down with a "help" of them (just being quiet a while) you told them you had a nightmare. They got confused a bit but then they loudly said that is no use being scared of anything when they will be always protecting you claiming your nightmare was something stupid. But it didnt stop you from noticing that the next they they where more agressive toward anyone that made you feel uneasy even for just a little.


They were..."busy" for say in them moment you had the nightmare, they got to know when they headed to you to ask you something but stopped when they saw you all shaken. You have not noticed them till they placed a hand on your shoulder asking what happened. When you told them that it was just a nightmare they hummed then asked you if you wanted them to stay tilting their head. If you say yes they will take off their apron and bring you with them in bed letting you lay on them while they stroke your head attempting to calm you down a bit. If you say no they will nod understanding giving you a head pat and leave, dont worry tho, they will come back in a blink if you change your mind and want them to stay.


He was putting to bed the last worm of his when suddenly he heard sniffing and crying noises. He got more surpised when he saw you trembling and scared, he immediatly got to you trying to understand what happened, when you explained that you had a nightmare he said he cant have his lover upset for a nightmare giving you a quick kiss and heading to take some tea and your favorite snack. When he came back he passed the night with you making sure to let you forget that aweful dream and make sure you will go back and sleep.

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