When you suddenly turn into a baby

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At first they thought it was something wrong with his wine, but when the baby you started to cry he panicked. He's a consul not a babysitter dear lord! Not wanting that a rumor about him having a child would start he took you to his room and tried to calm you down, at least stopping you from crying. This man actually thought at first to give you wine to calm you down but mentally slapped himself. When you managed to calm down in the end he decided to bring you to Asra to resolve this thing. He will never admit it but he found you adorable as a baby.


This baby was searching for you all worried but instead of finding you she found a baby very similar to you! oh dear! who could have left a cute baby here?! Noone of that! She took the little creature in her arms hoping it wont start to cry because of her, but instead it looked even more calm and oh! it was hugging her! She was so happy! But she had still to find you! So she took the baby and headed back to search. The baby was so very like you! it just looked smaller and cuter! oh when she sees you she must ask you to keep it! It end up her to go to Muriel to ask him if he saw you anywhere... You can imagine the confusion of Muriel seeing her here and seeing a baby looking exatly like you... he got a bit suspicion that could be you, so he told her that maybe Asra could help.

Volta got suprised when you appeared in the same place when she placed the baby when she gone to eat. She was so happy to see you and hugged you cuddling you telling about this cute little baby that looked a lot like you... When you told her it was actually you that accidentaly turned into a baby she said so many sorries for not recognizing you.



They just came back from the dungeon and instead of you they meet... A baby you?! Really? They cant even let you alone for some time (2 hours) that you turn yourself into a baby? They sighed not wanting to take care of you and picked you up like if you where a cat or some kind of animal, they refuse to deal with it.

Lets say that Asra got "suprised" when they came back home by seeing Valdemar waiting for them with a creepy grin but with the cute you baby hugging their leg.


Imagine this: They with arms up holding you about to throw you in anger, you confused little baby that is getting picked up like the lion king and Valerius passing by seeing this thing... Yeah its messed up. When Valerius made them noticed that it looked like you they got confused and turned you arond actually to notice just now about it. You were more fun but boring at the same time in this "form" as they recall. You were small so they could carry you around, when someone got hit or they laughed you laughed along, that was fun. But when you started crying out of nowhere that annoyed them. So at some point they decided to go to ask the other magian they know, to Asra. And by that i mean, slamming the door open and shouting to fix you while throwing you to them.


Oh, my, WORMS!

Just looked at you! How your cheeks are so plumpy and your eyes are so big! So cute! At first he wont even get worried, just spoiling you and playing with you, cuddling and all. He just adored you in such form. He actually thought of letting you this way and watching you grown up again! it will be so cute and fun! But the moment of all happiness got ruined when he noticed that you couldn't do some very important things! He couldn't take tea with you again, or talk about gossing or having your hugs. So in the end, after 3 days, he decided to bring you to Asra demanding to help you.

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