When you two get into an argument

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He is too prideful to admit in some argument that he is even a bit wrong, he is hell of a sassy too when it comes to his pride, so if you are someone that is against that, then you are gonna have some fights and argument with eachother sometimes.

However, even if its difficult for him to admit he is wrong, he knows deep inside he is, and might feel guilty about it. But it might take a while before he confronts you and admits he is a bit sorry. 

Nope, not gonna admit he is wrong, but will admit he is a bit sorry about it. such a bitch he is, but at least he is doing the best he can.


How dare you, and how the heck did you even managed to make her angry with you. Just- how did you dare. Get out of this book. You dont deserve her.


Fights or agument between the two of you are rare. Valdemar most of the time respects your opinion and tries their best to respect even your bounires.

You think that his work is disgusting and shouldn't do it? fine, they will do it without you seeing or knowing.  Disagree when he is too obsessed about a plague disease? SIGH  fine, they will restrain themself to do it around you.

It happens that when they are particularly stressed or frustrated, they might comment something they find annoying in you... and if you take that comment seriously and a bit agressively... then you two might start an argument.

They wont apologize unless you do first, meaning it. After that they might calm themself a bit down and apologize as well, then calmly resolve the argument pacifically and make it work.


When there is a fight between the two the court knows better than to dare to interfere between the two of you. The reasons are simple... 

First, Vulgora will be more furious and destructive during the time of your fights, like throwing anything just to see something break and in need of let out their anger, (you might see Volta being thrown out of the room as well by them while Vulgora is in rage). 

Second, noone can come near you due to Vulgora rage, in the fight you have to pay attention to them, and only them. Anyone else can die for Vulgora opinion.

Vulgora has two way to apologize. the first one is to yell "FINE I WAS WRONG AND IM SORRY, HAPPY?!" the second way is when the fight made you sad and upset, then they will admit in an angry mumble that they might have been wrong. And you understand that they attemted to not yell while being (still a bit) angry with you.

To calm their rage and anger only if you apologize sweetly and cuddle him (in private), then they might calm down. (and maybe doing things in private (¬‿¬) )


Probably your fight start because of his unconditionally love of his worm. i can see a small argument where you complain about him loving more his worms than you. Making him complain that you are just being rude or just dont want to understand. 

It will end up him complaining and pouting with his worms, while you avoid him or ignoring him. At the end he will confront you, to apologize to have hurt your feeling but even because he missed your touch and attention. 

He will admit he loves his worms... but he adores and cares about you so much that sometimes even his worms can help.

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