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"hey guys! what's up?" I say speaking through the camera flashing a big smile, "I'm here to announce that I am releasing a new album coming in thirty minutes! make you you go stream it! I love y'all!"

I stop recording and post it on my story, instantly dropping my smile. I breathe in deeply and shut my eyes for a second.

"madison! come here, we gotta get your outfit on!" liam yells through the other room.

"im coming!" I yell back, walking into the dressing room.

"okay, so we all thought that the black dress is perfect for the post!" I nod my head not listening to whatever Liam was saying. It's not that I'm not interested, I just couldn't be bothered anymore.

Liam hands me the dress, I stand there confused. "go put it on," Liam says smiling kindly knowing my state.

I nod my head and head to the changing room putting the dress on and then going back to where Liam was.

"you have 15 minutes to go do whatever you want," Liam says checking his watch. I smile and nod.

I drive to the nearest coffee shop, ordering a large coffee. god how much I need it.

I rush back to where I parked my car, but I made it late. they already caught me.

"madison! hello!" Dave, one of the paparazzi guy exclaims. I turn to face him, "hi!" I give him a little smile.

"how's it going?" he asks bringing the camera higher.

"uh good! what about you?" I ask tilting my head to the side.

"great! So can I ask you something?" He asks.

"sure, Dave?" I ask knowing it's going be an uncomfortable question.

"have you talked to Daniel since your breakup?" He asks without shame.

i freeze. I haven't heard his name for nearly two years now. I suck in a breathe, playing with my rings and let out a small sigh, "no, I haven't."

"would you get back together if you could?" Dave asks.

I open the door of my car and smile at Dave, "it was nice talking to you! I really have to go now," and with that I drive off.

what is up with people always wanting to know everything. it's like you can never have privacy. I roll my eyes and drive back to the office.

"madison, is that you?" Liam calls out.

"yup," I say boringly.

"come here, we need to take a picture so you can post it and announce the album," Liam says pulling me in front of the camera.

we take a few photos and look at them, "honestly, I think they're all perfect but this one hits different," he says pointing to a certain picture.

I smile and nod, "should I announce it right now?"

"yes it comes out in literally a few seconds," Liam says hurrying me.

"okay okay!" I say laughing.


liked by seaveydaniel, madisangel and 36,937 others

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liked by seaveydaniel, madisangel and 36,937 others...
miserable is out!! go stream it rn!!!

babymadi- oh my gosh! Ik this is gonna be on replay the whole day!!

jeremyshada- so proud of you!

wdwsbailey- okay but why is no one talking about DANIEL liking her post?!?!

coreylabarrie- yayyy!! It's finally outtt!!

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after posting it, I immediately put my phone down and the whole team starts cheering for me.

I smile widely as i ask for a mic, "first of all, thank you everyone for their help! especially Liam! Liam, what haven't you done for me? you're like the best manager ever! without you, I wouldn't even be here right now, so thank you so so so much for everything you've done! I love you so much," I say hugging Liam.

"it was all you!" liam says hugging me back. we all celebrated this amazing night and parted ways back to our places.

I drove to my apartment blasting my playlist and singing to every song when suddenly yellow plays.

please no. not today. there's been too many signs of him today. no no no. I skip the song and the night we met starts playing. fuck.

I close my music and drive in silence. I arrive at my apartment and do my night routine and go into my bed to check all my socials.

i go on Instagram and see myself being tagged in so many posts. I go onto my post and see the comments, one catching my eye. Is no body gonna talk about how DANIEL liked her post?

what the fuck. why today? I suck in a deep breathe and close my phone, bringing my hands to my face.

my phone starts ringing, making me jump at the sudden noise.

"hey cor!" I say smiling into the camera.

"hey!! okay first of all, congratulations on your album! i can't lie but I hope you're miserable until ur dead has got to be my favourite!" he says happily.

Crawford pops up in the frame, "mads! I loved good for you! that song makes me feel like a badass" I laugh at crawfords comment and he goes back to wherever he was.

"anyways, secondly, are you okay?" Corey asks.

I groan, "so you saw it too?"

"yup," corey says nodding through the camera, "hey, i wouldn't dwell on it too much," corey smiles comfortingly.

"well I don't know because I definitely don't want to see him after everything. I still don't even know why what happened actually happened," I say frowning at the memory that had happened a while ago.

saying it broke me was an understatement, I wasn't okay at all. but I had Corey who stayed by my side through all of it.

"hey I know what'll cheer you up!" corey says lighting the mood up, "tomorrow im throwing a party and you have to be there!" he says smiling widely.

I shake my head no but corey somehow manages to convince me to come.

Corey gives a toothy grin, proud of himself for convincing me.

that's the thing about corey. he will always make sure you're okay and happy otherwise he won't give up trying to make you happy. he always cares about others more than himself. he was like the older brother I never had...

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