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"are you serious?" I say bringing my hand to my head rubbing my temple.


I cut corey off, "no first I had to drive with him and now share a room for a whole month?"

"please lis-" Corey says but I bring my hand up to stop him.

"just don't." I roll my eyes and storm into the room that me and Daniel are meant to be sharing.

I see him standing there looking guilty.

"I'm sorry.." he says fiddling with his fingers. I simply ignore him and throw my things on my bed.

seriously? what is up with my life right now?

"mads, I can move if you want?" he says in a questioning tone.

"don't call me that." I storm out of the room hearing footsteps behind me.

I stop in my place and turn around, "what do you want?"

"nothing! I just don't want you to go out alone." Daniel says stopping and putting his arms up in defence.

"just leave me alone," I say walking towards the lobby. I still hear footsteps and ignore it, walking faster.

I start walking on the side of the road, just wanting to be alone but I can't. I hear Daniel walking beside me now.

I let out a sigh, "could you please leave me?"

"no, I'm not letting you walk on your own. It's literally night," he says trying to keep up with me.

I glare at Daniel, he still doesn't leave. I feel a water droplet hit my head.

great. rain.

don't get me wrong, I love rain but the memories that go with rain? not so much.

it was the first time we confessed to each other.

Daniel scans me, seeing me wearing just a tank top and shorts and shivering visibly, he takes his hoodie off.

"here," he says holding his hoodie out for me to take.

I push it away and refuse him. he simply stares at me, "you're gonna catch a cold, please put it on."

he looks at me sternly but me being me obviously doesn't take it.

Daniel rolls his eyes and stops me from walking placing both of his hands on my shoulders firmly.

he pulls his hoodie over my head and over my body, leaving the arm bits hanging on the side.

he pulls the hood over my head, smiling at me.

not going to lie, it did warm me up a lot more but I just didn't want him to do anything for me.

we stand there looking at each other. the lamp post lighting his features up, he was smiling.

"I..." Daniel was going to say something but then stopped, I look at him confused.

"you what?" I say giving him a questioning look. he looks at me hesitantly before laughing.

"race you back!" he yells taking down the street. I roll my eyes, smiling running barefoot after him.

I look at him tilting my head slightly to get a better look at him, he has a small smile as he looked at me. we lean in once again and our lips connect again.

this time it was more passionate and soft, we pull away and enjoy the rain and sit there with his head on my shoulder.

it starts raining too much so we decide to go back home. "race you back" I shout back at daniel, running already.

"hey that is not fair!" he groans and starts running towards the house too. I laugh as I look behind me seeing him all the way down the street, soon enough he caught up with me only 2 arm lengths away.

"I'm gonna get you, princess!" he says laughing, I hear the footsteps getting louder from behind me and daniel grabs my waist pulling me towards him, he turns me around and pecks my lips and then starts smiling and runs to my house.

I fall to the ground, hissing in pain. Daniel hears me, running back to me.

I hold my leg and exaggerate the pain and Daniel sits down next to me. I give him a quick cheeky smile before running off in front of him.

"seriously?" I hear him yell really close behind me, I feel someone pick me up and run towards the lobby.

"what are you doing?" I whisper shout at him. he simply laughs.

he puts me down once we're back in the lobby, we look at each other and laugh at the soaking state of each other.

we walk back to our room, I sniffle a bit, feeling cold as hell.

Daniel looks at me, "we should get warm clothes for you."

once we entered the room, Daniel goes into the closet full of his clothes neatly piled.

he grabs a hoodie and then sees one of my leggings on my bed. he picks it up and hands them over to me.

"go take a quick warm shower," he says signalling me to go to the bathroom.

I sigh and head to the bathroom, having a quick warm shower and put the clothes on.

fuck. his scent, I miss this so much.

for a second I sink into the hoodie, it reminding me of the great moments we had.

I unlock the bathroom door and see my bed looking comfortable and a hot water bottle next to the lamp with socks by the pillow for me to put on.

my phone was on charge and a water bottle sat close by. i smile.

I see Daniel going to make his way to the bathroom, "hey Daniel?" I call out.

"yeah?" he asks popping his head out of the doorway.

I walk over to him and stand there, "thank you."

he laughs, "it's all good but I'm sure you wanna go to bed now."

I laugh walking away to my bed and snuggling into the sheets, smiling slightly.

what a birthday it has been.

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