- nine -

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"so the beach?" gabbie asks everyone looking around at us.

all of us nod our head, "yaaaa! the beachy! beach!" lavy yells jumping on top of the bed making us all laugh.

we were currently all gathered around gabbies room, deciding what to do today.

"okay but after the beach, can we get some ice cream, please?" Zach asks everyone.

"sure!" Gabbie nods at him giving him a quick smile.

we all head out of the room and put our bathing suits, shorts or cover ups on.

I head to the bathroom putting my bathing suit on that I didn't know I was going to use.

It looked a bit small, making my boobs look bolder. I groan at the look but simply ignore it.

I use an oversized t shirt, throwing it over my head. I head out of the bathroom seeing Daniel pulling his shorts up.

I instantly turn around, shit.
"I didn't see anything, I promise!"

"it's not like it's anything new but okay," he says laughing at my reaction.

I roll my eyes and pull my lips into a tight light. "I'm done," he says.

I turn around and grab my phone and stand in front the mirror.

I squirt the sunscreen on my hands and rub it all over me, I grunt softly trying to get it on my lower back but failing miserably.

just as I was going to give up I feel cold hands rubbing the cream against my back.

I look through the mirror seeing Daniels eyes already on me. we keep the contact for a few seconds until the door disturbs the moment.

we separate from each other and I go get the door, eben.

"maddie, hey! where's Daniel?" eben says really happily.

"uh here, come on in," I say waving my hand through the door. Eben enter's practically jumping.

"Daniel, the good times and the bad ones is like a big hit!" eben says really happily.

Daniel brings his hand over his mouth, "no way!" he jumps and hugs eben laughing and smiling widely.

Daniel pulls away from eben and walks towards me, pulling me into a hug unexpectedly.

I clear my throat and hug him back awkwardly, tapping his back.

he realises and pulls away, scratching the back of his neck.

Eben stands there smiling at himself and pulls Daniel by his hand out of the room.

I shake my head to myself and grab my bag with the essentials in it. I see Daniels phone and keys on the bed and pop them in my bag.

i make my way out of the room and lock the door, making my way down to the lobby where I am met by the others.

"maddie! maddie!" lavy shouts grabbing my hand and walking with me.

"hey lavy," I say laughing. lavy swings our arms around.

she walks smiling making me smile. she's so cute.

"oh shit, I forgot my phone!" Daniel says stopping in one place in front of me, making me nearly bump into him.

"no you haven't, I brought it," I say looking at the boy in front of me.

he smiles, "thank you!" he goes on the other side of lavy and holds her hand, "you're a lifesaver madison."

"can we please take photos?" Christina complains about us sitting and doing nothing.

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