- twelve -

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I stir in my sleep, hearing someone knocking and knocking the door, I groan and get up but can't as Daniels hands were in a strong grip around my waist.

"Daniel, please, let me go," I say to the boy, he groans and the door knocks again.

"Daniel, please." he finally lets go and I open the door to be met by a annoyed gabbie.

"what do you want?" I say groggily rubbing my eyes.

"lavender keeps crying, please help us," she says quickly.

"seriously gabbie? cant control your own child?" I let out and sigh and follow gabbie to her room which was literally next door.

lavy was sitting there crying really hard, "damn that kid can cry," I say to myself.

I walk over to lavender and pick her up swaying her slightly, walking back to my room.

"Lav's gonna laugh, lav's gonna laugh!" I say in a funny tone and tickle the girl making lavender laugh in between her crying.

I hug the girl and pat her back softly, trying to get her to sleep again.

"maddie? sing please," lavender says in a tired voice.

I nod and head over to the bed, laying lavender down next to Daniel who was now awake.

Daniel cuddles into lavy, as I play with her hair, "what song do you want me to sing, baby?"

"can you and uncle dani sing Till Forever Falls Apart please?" she asks.

I look at Daniel and he nods, "cause you've got me and you know," he sings smiling at me.

I join in, "that I've got you and I know. If the tide takes California, I'm so glad I got to hold ya and if the sky falls from heaven above. Oh, I know I had the best time falling into love," we both look at each other, butterflies erupting in my stomach.

If I said I wasn't liking this then I would be lying. honestly after everything, I missed him so much.

Everything about him, i missed it all.

"We've been living on a fault line and for a while, you were all mine. I've spent a lifetime giving you my heart. I swear that I'll be yours forever,"

"'Til forever falls apart..." I look away from him singing the last line.

I look over and see lavy sleeping calmly. Gabbie and Jack were standing at the door looking at us, grinning like idiots.

"thank you," jack says smiling from ear to ear.

"Is lavy sleeping her or are you taking her?" I ask.

"We are gonna take her, don't worry." Gabbie says smiling mysteriously and grabbing lavender and speed walking off.

I roll my eyes, grabbing some clothes and head to the bathroom.

"can you pass me a towel please?" Daniel asks just as I was going to close the door. I grab a towel and throw it at him, thinking nothing about it.

I brush my teeth, shower really quickly and dry my hair. I sigh and walk out of the room.

Daniel was on the bed, naked doing his business, "what the fuck" I say covering my eyes and walking out of our room.

I know for a fact I did not just see that.

I was currently in Gabbie's room. all the girls were there, Corey told us all to dress up for a kind of formal party. It was a meet up according to him.

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