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fuck. do I respond? I let out a shaky sigh and gather my thoughts deciding to text her back.

im ok.

doing fine.
im sorry.


you know what I'm talking about. I'm actually really sorry.
can we please catch up?

uh I'll let you know if I'm free.

yeah okay..

I start playing with my rings and calm myself down. it's just a little catchup. what could go wrong?

but then again, why should I go? they left me.

I squeeze my eyes shut deciding to meet up with her, I grab my phone texting her.

im free now

okay, where'd you wanna meet?

uh, starbucks? at three.


well this is actually happening then isn't it. god, mads you make amazing decisions.

I take my headphones off and grab an oversized hoodie and pair it with black leggings.

I grab my keys and my phone, walking to my car and driving to starbucks.

I arrive, instantly being shot by a sudden nervous feeling. fuck, I don't think I can do this.

I look through the glass window and see Gabbie sitting there with lavender in her lap. she looks nervous too.

I gather all my feelings and walk into the cafe, immediately catching the eye of the curly headed girl. I send a small smile her way, before feeling someone hug leg.

I look down and see Lavender, I smile.

"hey lavy," I say picking her up and walking towards to where Gabbie was sitting.

"auntie maddy," she says hugging me, taking me by surprise.

Gabbie looks flustered and looks down, "I kept telling her about you, I couldn't let her forget the best auntie ever."

I smile slightly and take a seat with lavender still in my arms, I look at Gabbie.

"so uh how have you been?" I ask the girl in front of me.

"well things have uh been great I guess," I nod my head in response and she carries on, "how about you?"

"well at first not so well but now I think I'm kind of happier than before." I say smiling at the girl in front of me.

"are you and Jack still together?" I ask her.

she nods her head and lifts up her hand showing a diamond ring resting on her finger. My hands reach my mouth, "congrats! when's the wedding?"

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