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cor 💙
as it's our last day here for like a whole month, I've thrown a party at mine. only the main are invited. pls come. in an hour

I roll my eyes reading the message, classic corey setting parties a day before something somewhat important.

I do my makeup and hair and dress nicely.


Liked by seaveydaniel, coreylabarrie and more

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Liked by seaveydaniel, coreylabarrie and more...
feelin cute, might delete later.

halojackavery- okay but you're so pretty

gabbiegonzalez- holy shit you're hot

nezza- BBG KISS ME

danielseaveysangel- She is hot.

leahhenna- ew I don't like her

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I walk into the C4 household seeing everyone sitting on the floor in a circle. I suck in a breath and hug Corey, Crawford and Nezza. I see the others and hesitate before hugging Christina.

"hey..." she softly says hugging me, "hi."

I give a quick side hug to Corbyn and Jonah and Jack. I hug Gabbie properly and then move on to Tate and Kay, giving them side hugs. I love onto Zach and see him smile really widely.

I hug him, him hugging back tightly, eben doing the same.

I look at Daniel and give him a small smile which he returns.

"madi," I nod at corey, "take a seat over there." Corey points next to Eben and Zach. I sit in between them and smile.

"so as we're going to go on this road trip, I thought why not start off the last night as the most juiciest," corey says rubbing his hands together.

"shut up Corey, he's basically saying we're gonna be having the funnest time ever playing a few games and then going into the pool." Crawford says shaking his head at corey.

"yeah that," corey says pointing at Crawford making us all laugh.

"so take a shot if?" Nezza asks everyone bobbing her eyebrows up and down.

we laugh and nod, Corey gives us a bottle and glass each. we all fill our first cup.

"let's go this way," corey says pointing to him and then the clockwise order.

"okay I'm first! so take a shot if you've had sex with someone in this room."

we all take a shot except Eben and Corey. Corey nods at Crawford, "your turn!"

"take a shot if you've given a blow job to someone in this room," Crawford says cheekily.

Daniel and I's cheeks flush red. All the girls end up taking a shot as the boys just sat there looking at their partners.

Nezza smiles widely knowing it's her turn, "take a shot if you've fucked in an elevator,"

Daniel and I are the only ones, slowly bringing the plastic cup to our mouths and taking a shot with the others looking at us in disbelief.

"damn." Jonah lets out. Eben laughs, "my go! so take a shot if you've fucked with someone in a siblings room."

I sigh again and take a shot, making eye contact with Daniel. he immediately looks away.

Eben nudges me indicating it's my turn. "hm take a shot if you've received a lap dance by someone in this room," I say looking directly at Daniel.

Daniel brings the cup to his lips and chugs it, squeezing his eyes shut.

We continue playing a few more rounds, by the end Corey, Jonah, Crawford, Tate and Daniel were the most drunk.

"spin the bottle! spin the bottle!" Crawford says jumping in his place.

Corey smirks and puts the empty bottle in the middle of the circle. "go on!" He says to Gabbie.

Gabbie spins the bottle, it ending up in Zach. She smirks at Jack and leans towards Zach, giving him a mean less little peck.

Each Kay and Jack looking at their partners. Jack decided to go next, the bottle landing on Christina.

Just before Jack was going to kiss Christina, Gabbie pulls jack up from his seat and walks towards a room, all of us knowing what's going to go down.

"Daniel it's your go," Nezza says moving the bottle closer to Daniel. He spins the bottle, it landing on me.

My face drops and I look up at him.

"come on!" Corey says excitedly, "it's just a game." I roll my eyes and Daniel leans closer to me, giving a small peck on my lips.

fuck. how much I've missed this.

we stop playing as all the couples had gone into a bedroom, each of them not wanting their partners kissing another person other than them.

the only people left were me, Daniel, Corey and Eben. Eben was spread out on the floor with Corey on the couch asleep.

I get up and start cleaning everything, picking up the plastic cups still on the floor.

"you're so beautiful," I hear and voice say, I turn around and see Daniel sitting on the counter smiling widely looking at me.

"I don't why I broke up with you, I missed you so fucking much," he says looking down.

"I still love you," he says shrugging and giggling. I freeze. I hope he doesn't remember this tomorrow.

"did I tell you, you're beautiful, Angel?" He asks again.

I got up and started cleaning the place a bit, "you're so pretty.."

I look up and see daniel scanning my face. I look at him confused and he just laughs. I continue tidying up feeling eyes on me.

i see daniel staring at me again smiling, "actually you know how I said you're pretty, I don't think that anymore. I think you're beautiful." he says giggling to himself.

"you're drunk." I say ignoring him. He gets off the counter and walks towards me, "yeah but I'm not lying about anything."

He walks even closer to me if that was possible, "I still love you," he says with his hand on the side of my cheek...

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