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"Daniel James Seavey!" Keri slaps the back on Daniel's head as Daniel winces, "mom!"

I laugh at the sight of Daniel holding his head.

"oh come on! it surely wasn't that hard!" Anna says in between laughing.

"pun intended?" Christian raises his eyebrows to Daniel whilst Anna scrunches her face it disgust.

"you guys bully me so much!" Daniel says rolling his eyes.

"Daniel, hurry the fuck up," I stand by the door and the boy comes running towards it. we both make our way to our car with me driving.

"I can't believe we're late to Christina's baby shower," Daniel says face palming.

I squeeze my eyes in confusion, "you were too busy in the bathroom, probably jerking off."

"shut up, did you hear?!" he says sinking into his seat, making me laugh and nod my head no.

"okay did you get the gift?" I ask Daniel, he looks at me bamboozled.


"oh my!" I shake my head and tell him to check the backseats. the gift was sat there nicely making me roll my eyes.

we finally reach the hall and take quick pictures because Daniel practically begged for it.


Liked by keriseavey, MadisonBailey and more

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Liked by keriseavey, MadisonBailey and more...
My love

wdwsbro- okay but I still can't believe they're engaged

gabbiegonzalez- oh my! cuties

corbynbesson- So this is why you were late? smh

eben- ask madi if I can borrow her dress for a date

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"come on," I say grabbing Daniels hand and walking into the hall.

"finally!" Corbyn breathes, "the gender reveal is going to happen in like two minutes!"

he jumps on the spot slightly, "I'm so excited!"

"I can tell!" Daniel says doing the little handshake with Corbyn.

"Madi! I'm gonna be a dad!" Corbyn says shocked as if it actually just hit him.

"yes! you'll be one of the best!" I say hugging the boy.

"okay can I have everyone's attention?" Corey yells into the mic, everyone looks his way.

"okay so, Corbyn and Christina are gonna be given six balloons. four of them are the actual gender. but the other three are not the gender."

"they'll each have a go of popping the balloons until the gender is finally revealed." Corey finishes pointing over to the balloons.

Christina and Corbyn walk to the balloons. they play a round of rock, paper, scissors. Christina wins so she goes first.

she pops the first balloon, pink confetti falling out of it. everyone cheers.

i start feeling sick so I slip out of the crowd and make my way to the bathroom. I bend over the toilet and closed my eyes shut, feeling the vomit threatening to come out.

I feel footsteps running into the bathroom, "I'm here, Angel."

he sits down on the floor next to me holding my hair back and placing his hand on my back, rubbing it in comfort.

I wretch but nothing comes out, after a while I finish throwing up and lean back into the back wall, "I can't, dani." I say holding my stomach.

"you can, come on. you're my strong baby," he says pulling me up and fixing my makeup slightly.

"let's go," he says smiling and kissing my forehead.

I follow him back into the room, seeing that they had popped three girls and three boys. so this last balloon told it all.

the tension in the room was real. everyone held their breath for a second before Corbyn and Christina pop the balloon.

"it's a boy!" Corbyn yells hugging Christina. We all cheer and smile at the couple in front of us.

the group starts walking to Christina and Corbyn, congratulating them.

after the gender was revealed, many people decided to stay behind for the after party.

Daniel was on the other side of the room from me, I dismiss myself from Kay and walk over to the boy who was with Eben.

I walk straight to Daniel and lean into him wrapping my hands around his waist, "are you okay, Angel?"

"my stomach hurts," I groan into his shirt. he kisses my forehead and bids eben bye.

"let's go home," he says holding my hand in his, he tells Corbyn that we're gonna go and then make our way to the car.

he buckles me in as I groan into my hands, he runs to the other side and gets in, "do you want to go to the doctors?"

I shake my head no, "it's probably some shitty food I ate."

he nods, "if you feel worse, let me know."

I nod my head and bring my legs up to my chest. the ride was silent as I was in pain the whole time.

we finally made it back to our house and I run into the room flopping on our bed, Daniel chuckling behind me.

"you should go get changed, have a shower too and then we can lay down and watch something," he says throwing a pair of leggings and one of his shirts at me.

I groan in response and get up after five whole minutes of tossing around, I grab the clothes and go into the bathroom.

I strip out of my clothes and tie my hair up in a bun, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

i see the scar of the bullet left on my chest, I trace my finger over the scar and sigh.

I get into the shower and rinse myself off and do my normal routine.

after that I pull the shirt over my head and go into the bedroom.

Daniel looks up and me and smiles widely, "Liam was calling you."

"oh my!" I run to my phone and immediately call him back.

"hey Lee!" I say smiling really widely.

"hey madi! how are you?" he asks through the phone with the same energy.

"kinda good I guess, how are you though?" I ask excitedly, "how did the date go with Maya?"

"I pulled a Daniel and finally proposed!" he says, I could practically hear his smile through the phone.

"no way!" I yell into the phone really happily, "tell may I miss her so much!"

we talked for a bit longer and then I cut the phone seeing Daniel out of the bathroom, "you ready?"

I nod my head once again, I snuggle into the blanket with the tv remote in my hand. Daniel jumps in next to me and lays my head on his chest.

I smile widely watching after we collided taking glances at Daniel from time to time. he notices, "what?"

"nothing, you're just cute." I say smiling at the boy who pulls my face closer to his, bringing his lips against mine.

we pull away and focus on the movie in front of us, when I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

I hiss at the pain and hold my stomach, Daniel looks at me worriedly, "we're getting that checked tomorrow."

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