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"but let it go is better!" lavy yells at Daniel.

"why can't we sing you're welcome?" he says confused.

"because it's a horrible song!" lavy says crossing her arms, "everyone knows that."

Daniel looks at me for help, making lavy look at me too. "what?" I say to both of them.

"which one do you choose?" Daniel asks raising an eyebrow.

"uh I don't know..." I say putting my hands up in defence.

"maddie, please choose one!" lavy protests making me laugh.

"hm," I say putting my hand on my chin, "I think I'm gonna pick let it go."

lavy jumps up and down in victory and Daniel pouts at lavy.

lavy jumps on my lap and hugs me tightly, I stick my tongue out at Daniel who was faking to be even more sad.

Lavy sees him and whispers in my ear, "let's hug uncle dani as well!"

I hesitate, lavy goes and hugs Daniel him smiling slightly, "come on maddie!" lavy yells waving her hand over.

I hug Daniel slightly and pull away, "that wasn't a real hug!" lavy complains, "do it again!"

I lean into Daniel and give him a kinda proper quick hug. lavy sassily rolls her eyes but fails as she looks cuter instead of annoyed.

"let it go! let it go!" she says jumping up and down.

"okay okay!" I say calming her down and putting on let it go. lavy screams and starts dancing already.

I pop my phone in the night stand and record everything.

"uncle dani! sing with me!" lavy says grabbing Daniels hand. I laugh at the two who were yelling the lyrics.

lavy could barely get the words out, her singing coming out half mumbled.

Daniel was just belting out the lyrics, having a voice crack now and then making me laugh.

Daniel looks at me and grabs my hand, "sing with us!"

"It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small," I sing along laughing in between now and then.

"okay, fine!" Daniel says rolling his eyes.

lavy was currently forcing Daniel to push the two beds together to make a way bigger bed for all of us.

"yay!" she says laughing excitedly.

Daniel huffs and pushes his bed to my bed and both of the beds now sit next to each other.

that was pretty hot. but you didn't hear that from me.

"can we watch a movie?" Daniel asks sitting down on the floor tired.

"no! we were supposed to play dress up!" lavy says sassily walking over to Daniels closest and picking out an outfit for him.

she picks out one of my shirts on accident and Daniels black joggers, "these aren't mine!" Daniel says holding my shirt.

"I don't care?" lavender says already picking out my outfit from only Daniels closet.

she pushes Daniel to the bathroom so he can put his 'fabulous' new outfit on and gives me the second outfit.

"put it on!" she says smiling impatiently.

I laugh and take off my shorts and pull the joggers over my legs, I then take my tank top off and throw on Daniels t shirt over my head.

It was obviously really big on me. Lavy smiles at me in success.

Daniel walks through the bathroom door looking sour, scrunching his face up.

me and lavy look at each other and burst out laughing.

"you look hilarious," I say in between my laughs looking at the boy in front of me in the tightest tank top ever.

"stop laughing," Daniel says hiding his face in his hands.

me and lavy kept laughing to the point where we were holding our stomachs and rolling on the floor.

we calm down and look back at Daniel who flicks his non existent long hair back, making me and lavy laugh again.

we finally calm down for real this time and lavender gives Daniel another shirt, but this time Daniels own t shirt.

he doesn't even bother going to the bathroom. he yanks the tops off of himself and folds it putting it back where it was.

damn he looked hot as fuck.

he then threw his own t shirt over his head, flopping onto the bed where me and lavy were lying down waiting for him.

he purposely falls near lavy, he raises his head and smiles wickedly at the little girl.

he then starts wiggling his fingers in the air, lavender shrieks and Daniel begins attacking her with tickles.

lavender throws her head back struggling to get Daniel to stop. I smile at the pair.

they look so happy.

we both look at lav stirring around and she opens her eyes, she sees me and daniel and smiles at us. she climbs on top of me and kissed my head. she tells daniel to come closer and also kisses his head.

me and daniel play around with lavy. daniel shoots up and grabs lav from on top of me and starts tickling her, his smile wide as ever and that is when I knew. I'm in love with this boy...

I smile at the memory and lay back, then suddenly getting attacked by lavender and Daniel tickling me all over.

I yell for them to stop, shrieking in between my words, "please stop!" I say laughing too much.

they finally stop and I let out a big sigh, "finally!"

Daniel looks at me and shoots me an evil smile, I shake my head, "please don't."

he just raises his eyebrows up and down before turning his attention to lavender.

"can we please watch a movie?" lavender says yawning and sitting down in the middle of the bed.

I nod my head yes and grab my laptop, opening it to Netflix, "what do you wanna watch?" I ask the girl.

"hm," she thinks with her hands on her face, "mamma Mia!"

"mamma Mia?" Daniel asks the girl sitting next to him.

lavender simply nods turning her head back to the screen, I shrug and put it on. I put the laptop in the middle so we could all see.

I close all the lights and put the blanket over myself, lavender and Daniel.

lavender sinks into me and closes her eyes halfway through the film. I nudge the girl slightly, she doesn't move.

she's finally asleep, I look over at Daniel who's eyes were also closed.

I pause the film and put my laptop on the side. I move lavender a bit down so now that she's actually lying down.

Daniel shuffles himself downwards, I check the door  lock and open a window as it got a bit hot in the room.

I look around for my phone seeing it still on the desktop still recording. I laugh to myself.

"damn. what memories there would be..." and then I stop recording..

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