- twenty one -

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"can you just fucking leave?" I say getting frustrated.

she laughs and shakes her head, "do you really think I'm gonna leave you that quick?"

she turns her head to Zach, "zachy, baby, how are you?"

Zach grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly.

"Lexi. don't you dare fucking talk to Zach!" I say pointing my finger at her.

"oh no! I'm so scared," sarcasm drips against her voice as she smiles toothly. she starts walking close to Zach and me.

I launch at her and push her backwards, with her nearly tripping, "who should I kill?"

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I see her reach out into her pocket and she pulls out a gun.

"what the fuck?" I spit out hiding Zach behind me.

"are you gonna take his place, maddie?" she acts heart broken.

"please don't," Zach pleads from behind me, "don't do anything, I'll do anything!"

"no Zach," I say to him. "Lexi, what do you want? you seem to always come back to us?"


"what?" I say confused.

"I want Daniel." she states smiling wider.

Zach nods his head, "no you'll never get Daniel."

"really?" Lexi asks Zach, "guess I'll have to go for Christina's baby then." she shrugs.

"don't you dare!" I say to the girl, making her smirk.

"then walk away from zach." I hesitate for a second and squeeze Zach's hand.

"maddie, please," he pleads but I walk away from him. he looked scared and in pain.

Lexi raises her gun and points it at zach, just before she was going to pull the trigger I jump at her and try grabbing the gun out of her reach.

i feel a shot full of pain pass through my chest, I manage to grab the gun after it being fired and throw it out of her reach.

Zach's screams echoing through my ears as I held Lexi down despite being in a lot of pain.

"Zach call Daniel and the police," I say breathlessly. I hold down the girl more feeling my eyes getting heavier and heavier each second.

i hear footsteps running into the room, "Madison!" Daniel yells seeing me.

Daniel's POV

"madison!" I rush to her side seeing a gunshot in her chest.

I pick her head up and place it on my lap, "keep your eyes open, please!" I yell, staring down into her eyes through my tears making my vision foggy.

"Daniel," she breathes out tiredly and she reaches her hand out to my cheek.

"I'm here, Angel." I hold her face, "you stay awake, do you hear me? don't you dare close your eyes!"

her eyes soon start getting heavier than before and she starts closing her eyes, her hand dropping down from my cheek, "no! please, madison!"

"someone call for help!" Zach says from beside me.

the medics come right away and take her on a stretcher, "who's coming along?"

"me," I say to the lady. Corey grabs my shoulder and pulls me back, "you're not okay, you can't."

"I'll go." Eben says from next to Corey, Corey nods and I stop eben.

"please I wanna go with her," I say crying heavily.

Corey motions for eben to go and then hugs me, "she'll be okay, I promise you."

"it was my responsibility to take care of her, I couldn't even fulfil that." I cry into Corey's hug, "I don't wanna lose her again."

"come on, let's go see her." he says grabbing my hand and making his way to his car and to the hospital.

"you won't lose her," corey says smiling softly, "she won't leave you, she loves you too much to do that."

we reach the hospital and wait for a long time. Madison was in the emergency ward, none of the doctors were telling me anything and it was getting annoying.

a doctor came out of the room and I shoot up, "is she alright?"

the doctor looks at me and nods, "she will be, we have to run a few more tests and make sure we've got the bullet out of her properly."

I nod my head and pray to god hoping everything goes fine.

"you can see her now," the doctor says coming out of the ward and taking her gloves off.

I spring up and run into the room seeing her laying down on the hospital bed, tears swelling up my eyes again.

I sit down on the chair besides her and hold her hand bringing it to my face, "I'm so sorry, Angel, I wasn't there."

twenty minutes go by, I see her starting to stir around, "Angel?"

she opens her eyes and squeezes them before opening them again.

madisons pov

the brightness of the room, waters my eyes up wanting me to shut them again. I look around and see everyone looking at me and Daniel besides me.

"madi!" he says and he hugs me, making me wince in pain, "shit, I'm so sorry."

I hold his hand sending him a slight smile and turn around to find Zach. My eyes land on him, "Zach, are you okay?" my voices coming out croaky.

he walks over towards me and nods, "I'm sorry, maddie."

I grab his hand with my free one and give it a squeeze, "hey no. it's not your fault. is she gone?"

he nods once again, "they arrested her and after going through all the evidence they're gonna make a decision soon right after you make a statement."

I nod my head and smile at the boy, "I'm glad you're alright. did anything happen before I came in?"

he nods his head no and squeezes his eyes remembering the past.

Daniel bring his hand to Zach's arm but he flinches and pushes Daniel's hand away. He looks at Daniel in terror and starts backing up into his bed, "stay away from me, stay away!" Zach yells and says in fear.

"Zach what's wrong buddy?" the taller boy asks him in shock.

"I want mads, I want Madison. Call Madison. MADISON! MADS" he yells breaking down crying. Daniel stands there in shock realising what happened.

I look at Zach who had tears brimming in his eyes and pull him into a hug, "I love you, Z."

those were the words that made him break, "I love you, Maddie." he says whimpering heavily.

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