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I ignore him putting my AirPods in my ears and playing Harry styles.

you can never go wrong with Harry Styles. I close my eyes hearing sign of the times repeating over and over again.

I open my eyes and stir around for a minute, seeing Daniel driving next to me, oh god.

I look away and look out the window, damn this seat is uncomfortable to sleep on.

"you know you'll eventually have to talk to me" Daniel says from next to me.

"who said that?" I say rolling my eyes and looking around.

"you know we're literally stuck in a car together?" he asks taking a quick glance at me.

I ignore him once again and hear him yawn quietly. "I should drive," I say looking at him properly scanning his features.

his face had definitely matured. his eyes were the same but he looked really tired. he was still really attractive, his jaw still sharp and his features clear and bold.

"no, it's fine." He says smiling slightly, "plus I don't trust you driving."

I simply roll my eyes, "we will switch at the next stop, I need to go to the toilet anyways," I say crossing my legs in the seat.

"fine." he says and continues looking towards. my phone starts ringing and I pick it up.

"yes corey?" I say into the phone bored.

"did you find the camera?" he asks hopefully. I look around, "no? what camera?"

"idiot. you were meant to film the drive? and you could do whatever you wanted to," he deadpanned.

"why are you torturing me, on my birthday?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"you'll thank me later, madi." I could hear him smiling on the other line.

I huff, "fine, where's the camera?"

"in the back," I look at the back and see a camera sitting on one of the seats next to my things. I reach for the camera and set it up listening to Corey's instructions.

"how do I know it's on?" I say confused.

"oh my god. Is it red?" Corey asks, "like a flashy red thing?"

"I think so?" I say in a questioning tone.

"okay so now start your video, goodbye." and with that corey ends the call leaving the car in awkward silence.

"we should do something fun," he says excitedly, "ooh can we do car games? please?" he asks smiling hopefully.

I look at him weirdly, "car games?"

"ooh I don't know something like kiss marry kill?" he says shrugging, "we can do one round of every game?"

after trying to convince me to play I roll my eyes in defeat, "well fine," I say giving in.

he cheers and then clears his throat, "I'll go first!" he says smiling widely, "kiss kill or marry, uh Tom Holland, Niall Horan and Louis Partridge"

I drop my jaw, "did you really have to pick the hardest thing? gosh!"

I pause to think, "kiss Louis...wait no actually kiss Tom...no actually yeah kiss Louis, marry my husband Niall Horan and kill Tom?"

"well that was hard for you wasnt it?" Daniel says laughing, I look at him, that was hot.

"so uh kiss kill marry uh selena gomez, Taylor swift and Gigi hadid" I say smiling at the trio.

"hm...kiss Gigi Hadid, marry Taylor and kill selena, sorry jack," he says laughing at the end.

"okay so now let's do the compliment alphabet!" Daniel says smiling widely.

"how do we play that?" I ask confused again.

"okay so we're gonna compliment each other using the alphabet!" He says excitedly but when he sees me confused he makes a peeved expression on his face.

"I'll explain whilst we go through!" he says looking at me slightly, "so A is for you're adorable face."

my eyebrows knit together, "you think my face is adorable?"

he hesitates for a minute or so, "who doesn't?" He says in a quiet voice thinking I didn't hear him.

"okay so now you're gonna compliment me using B" he says smiling sheepishly.

"B is for your...beautiful eyes..." I say nodding to myself, Daniel smiles even wider if that was even possible.

"c is for your cute smile," he says hesitantly.

"d is for your delightful dick," I say laughing at myself.

"hey, that's not one!" he says pouting, me still laughing at his reaction.

"Angel," he says

"halo!" I shout quickly, Daniel hesitates

"yes! I win!" I say smiling widely and cheering at myself whilst having my hands on the steering wheel.

Of course it would be me who would win the word association challenge, Daniel rolls his eyes.

"you definitely cheated," he says making my mouth open widely.

"no I did not!" I protest.

Daniels phone starts ringing and he picks it up, "hey mom!"

"Daniel, baby how are you?"

"good!" he says smiling to his mom on the screen.

"did you see her? you were so nervous leaving the house after what you said you did when you were drunk." his mother asks.

oh shit. he does remember what happened yesterday. I suck in a breath, nodding my head along with the music.

Daniel clears his throat, "uh so how's Kobe?"

Keri responds sounding more confused than ever, "daniel don't ignore my question," she sounded stern.

I cough slightly, it was already getting awkward. his mom laughs, "I'll call you later! have fun!"

we start playing a few more games for the video corey was going to post, both of us laughing.

"you make me miserable, you know that right?" Daniel says slouching in his seat.

"then how come you're smiling?" I say looking at him beaming cheekily.

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