- twenty -

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"woah you look amazing," Daniel says twirling me around, "that ass tho."

I roll my eyes jokingly and we make our way to the others, all of us complimenting each other.

Christina shoos all the boys except Daniel away and turns to us, "so I went for an actual test to the doctors, it was positive."

I smile widely at the girl and engulf her into a hug, "that's amazing, Tina!"

everyone congratulates her trying not to act as suspicious, she looked way better and happier.

Daniel pulls my waist towards him, "we should have babies."

"woah, you want babies?" I ask the boy laughing. his head was laying on my shoulder, "mhm."

"may I ask why?"

"lavenders giving me a really bad baby fever, it's so fucking bad," he says in an annoyed tone.

"well, you'll need to wait," I say placing my hands on top of his that were still around my waist.

"wanna dance?" he asks teaching out for my hand.

"why yes, kind sir." I place my hand in his and we make our way to the middle of the room, shut up and dance just finished. Daniel and I look at each other with a tight smile.

"great we missed that," he says pouting. the next song plays, Daniel and I smiling widely.

it was our song, you belong with me.

I groan slightly at the embarrassment that day, Daniel realises and lifts my face up using his finger, to make me look at his eyes.

"I love this song," he says grinning like an idiot.

"I hate this song, do you know how embarrassing it was to fall on you?" I sigh and then continue, "I looked like an idio-"

I get cut off by Daniel placing a soft kiss on my lips, "you talk too much, sometimes."

I roll my eyes jokingly again, we sway side to side just enjoying each other's company.

"okay switch partners!" the dj yells changing songs, me and Daniel look at each other confused and switch with someone near us.

I look at the person, "hey e!"

"maddie! what's up!" eben says smiling and dancing along with me, he was wearing one part of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Jonah wearing the other.

"you know this is kinda fun!"
he yells over the music as we kept dancing, I nod my head opening my mouth to say something but getting interrupted by the dj, "switch!"

Eben twists me around and someone catches me, "gabbieeee!"

"maddieeee!" she mocks me, making me laugh.

"I think I saw Ava somewhere around, I need to find her!" she says smiling widely.

"she was by the drinks, I'm sure she's still there!" I tell Gabbie and she nods.

"did you see Nezza's costume?" she asks.

"yeah, she looked so cute!" I respond.


Gabbie yells bye and runs off, I turn around into someone's arms, "hey hey!"

"hi cor," I say smiling at the boy. he was wearing a mario themed costume. he looks at me and raises his eyebrows, "loosen up a bit!"

"I am!" I protest. he simply shakes his head, "if you are then you would dance properly!"

I laugh and twerk jokingly with Corey throwing the non existing money, "Switch!"

I laugh and turn around bumping into someone who had a mask on that covered most of their face, they wore a black puffy witch dress.

"jade! my best friend" I freeze in my place hearing her voice, Lexi.

"what the fuck are you doing hear?" I say backing up from her slightly.

"oh honey, that's for me to know." she smiles sarcastically and grabs my hands dancing.

"no seriously get out," I say in a low voice.

"no, I don't want to," she flashes me a wide smile and twists me around.

"if you lay your hands on any of my friends, I will not hesitate to kill you." I threaten her.

"babe! you really think I would," she pouts faking to be hurt, "I can do what I want."

I roll my eyes and the dj yells again, "switch!"

I let go of her hands and wipe them on my skirt, walking off away from her.

I look for Zach and Kay, I finally find them standing by the drinks, "you okay?"

Kay says grabbing my hand, I nod my head. I stand by them for a few minutes before getting called by Corey, "can you please help me with this, nobody else is!"

I hesitate and then give in, it would only be for a few minutes. what could go wrong?

I grab the crate full of drinks from Corey, "take them outside and set them on the table please."

I nod my head and go into the garden, some people were chilling around and the others in the pool leaving the rest making out with one another.

I stack the drinks up and place them on the table, I put the crate under the table and start walking back inside before getting stopped by Corey, "and please put these things on the sides."

I grab the plates filled with lemon, I stack it up on the decorated table finally finishing.

I go back inside and see Kay standing there alone, "where'd Zach go?"

"uh he went to the bathroom," she says smiling slightly.

I nod my head and walk upstairs, knocking on the nearest bathroom, "go away!" I hear someone screaming and then moaning.

I scrunch my face in disgust and walk down the hall to the other bathroom, it already being open.

nobody's there. I walk into Corey's room and check for Zach seeing him no where.

I try open the door of Oscar's room, it being locked from the inside, I hear a muffled voice, "maddie!"

that's Zach, shit. I try pushing the door open, it not budging. I sigh in annoyance and run into the door hurting my shoulder isn't the process.

but the door opened. I see Zach and walk towards him, "why are you-" I get cut of by him looking fearfully behind me.

Lexi was standing there smirking widely, "we meet again, maddie."

"what is your obsession with my friends?" I ask the girl in front of me...

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