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"I wanna go home, I wanna go home," I mutter under my breath, holding my head in my arms. i don't wanna be here anymore.

I take out my phone and call Liam, he instantly picks up, "hey mads, what's up? you never call this late?"

"liam, can you pick me up please?" I say sniffling into the phone slightly.

"hey hey, yeah, where are you?" he says in a comforting tone.

"Corey's," I say coughing slightly, "Liam, please hurry," I say slightly crying.

"im coming, just hold on, go to the front and I'll be there in two minutes," Liam directs, I hear his car knowing he'll be here soon.

I nod my head even though, Liam couldn't see me. I enter the back door and push past the crowd of people, seeing him again, I look away. no.

I start walking faster, looking behind me seeing him walking a few steps away from me and out of the front door to the gate. "I'm here," I say into the phone.

"okay, im here too," liam says after thirty seconds or so. I rush to the other side of the door and buckle myself in the seat, "you okay?"

Liam asks driving off, "I saw him," I sigh biting my lip, "again."

Liam's head whips to my direction then back to the road, "what? did he say anything?"

I laugh, "he asked me how I am. out of everything, that. does he even realise the shit he put me through?" I say now half crying.

"hey, shh. I'm sure he was as surprised as you, you two literally loved each other a lot," Liam says smiling lightly.

"yeah, loved. past tense." I say bringing my legs up and burying my head in my knees.

"I know you're hurting, but it was fate," Liam says, "you don't know why everything's happening but you can choose how to react to it," Liam continues.

"but why now? after one and a half years?" I ask, my voice coming out muffled and weak.

"everything has a reason, you'll just have to wait to know why," Liam says slowing down the car, "do you want to go to your apartment or house?"

"my house, please," I say lifting my head up. Liam nods and starts driving to my house.

"you'll be okay," Liam says smiling at me and parking into the driveway, "I promise."

I nod my head and hug Liam, "thanks, I really appreciate this," I say smiling into the hug and then going out of the car, "goodnight, mads."

"night, Liam," I say closing the door and entering my house. I go upstairs and instantly change my clothes and do my normal night routine. I notice my phone being a lot louder than usual and roll my eyes.I shut my phone down and drift away to sleep.

"fuck," I say rubbing my head. I get up from my work desk and walk downstairs to grab some water. I check the clock, I was meant to call Liam today to see if there was anything going on that I need to know.

oh god. I run back upstairs and grab my phone powering it on. I first check all my socials, instantly regretting it.


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Liked by whydontweeben_, harrysangel and 1,394,394 more...
so madison bailey and daniel seavey were seen together yesterday at a party. thoughts??
from unnamed source.

madibaileys- no bc this is horribly rude.

leahhelto- you should delete this.

whydontwesangel- this is rlly disrespectful to both Daniel and Madison.

olivesarecool- I hope they're back together, they were the cutest!

liamsboo- OML YAY FINALLY!! I hope they're together again.

kayherronstan- no.

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oh my god. no.

that photo is out of context, what the fuck do I do now? I grab my phone. after a few seconds on the ring, he picks up, "Liam, did you see it?"

"yup, it's everywhere," he takes a deep breathe, "you two are trending on Twitter again."

I take a deep breathe in, "what do I do now?" I say panicked.

"I would say let it all play it, just don't make a comment on anything at the moment." Liam says calmly.

"liam, paparazzi interviewed me and-"

"yes I know, they released it right after the picture," liam responds cutting me off.

"oh my gosh," I say covering my face with my hands.

"maddie, let it play out," liam says positively.

"yeah okay, I'm gonna go write more music," I say and with that I cut the call.

what the fuck is going on right now? I squeeze my eyes and put my headphones on, writing more songs.

I sit there blankly for a second before grabbing my pen and writing down lyrics.

You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town. And I just wanted you to know, that this is me trying...

I close my eyes and just let everything out, I can't do this. after he left, I didn't even know what to do. it wasn't only his leaving that hurt me, it was all of theirs.

i stayed up all night, thinking about what I could have possibly done to make them all leave me.

my thoughts get cut off by a notification, I sigh and look at the message, what can be worse?

how are you?

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