- seventeen -

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"I don't want to go home," Kay groans in annoyance.

"then stop sitting around and actually enjoy the last three days!" Jonah deadpans.

"but howw?" she says dragging the 'w'.

"we could go to the beach?" Corey asks the whole group.

"the beach?" Daniel questions, "didn't we just go to the beach like a few days ago?"

"no?" Corey says looking at Daniel weirdly.

"can we stay in tonight?" Gabbie asks yawning and holding lavy.

everyone nods there heads, "so what shall we do then?" Jack asks the whole group.

"ooh let's have a clip show!" Zach says excitedly.

"what the fuck is that?" tate says confused.

"oh my gosh! It's where you play your memories on somewhere and we all remember and discuss it!" Zach explained.

"okay okay! I like that idea!" Gabbie shouted.

Eben makes us all go on our phones and find the most interesting memories that we may have filmed or taken a photo of.

we all crowd around gabbie and jack's tv and connect to it.

"okay so the first thing I want everyone to remember is this!" Gabbie yells excitedly clapping her hands together.

the tv starts playing the night of my concert, She pulled me and hugged me and accidentally made me trip on someone's leg and on their lap. I look up into his eyes. dang. still looking at him, I sing the last few lines of my song.

"Have you ever thought just maybe you belong with me?" I broke out of my trance with him and looked up at gabbie smirking at me.

I hide my face in my hands, "seriously gabbie?"

"come on, it was cutee!" she says nudging me, "and you fell in love with him right there!"

Daniel turns into a red colour as the boys kept teasing him about that one night.

"you know that was when we first all met! i honestly loved that day!" Jonah says smiling widely remembering the day.

everyone nods, "and that was when I got to see my cute little baby, lavy!" I say squeezing lavenders cheeks making her laugh.

"okay wait I got a great one!" jack says laughing at himself.

"ZACH! WHY? THAT WAS MY ICE-CREAM! WHY DID YOU EAT IT?" Corbyn says yelling at Zach.

Zach comes up behind me, "help me please. that alien is trying to kill me" he says pointing at Corbyn.

I roll my eyes and let Corbyn tackle Zach. Zach groans and pulls me down making me fall on top of Corbyn who was on top of Zach.

everyone lets out a large laugh including Lav , watching everyone fall.

"maddie fall," lavender lets out in between her laughing.

"okay but I'm still mad at Zach for eating my ice-cream!" Corbyn remarked, Zach's mouth opens wide in offence.

"it wasn't my fault! I didn't even know it was yours!" he screamed defensively.

"yes you did! you stole it from my hands!" Corbyn responds in a high pitched voice.

after a bit of quarrelling, the two cross their arms in front of their chest sticking their tongues at each other.

Jonah shakes his head, "kids."

"ooh I got one!" Daniel says pointing his finger up in excitement.

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