- thirteen -

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I smile widely at the lady in front of me, "Hey," I say hugging her.

she hugs me back then eventually lets go, "you look so beautiful!" she says squeezing my arms.

"thank you, you do too!" I say pointing down at her. she smiles and looks at Daniel slightly and then back at me.

"how've you been?" she asks smiling genuinely.

"I've been good, just had an album out, what about you?" I say.

"wow, I'm so proud of you, baby." she responds happily, "I've been good. oh my god, I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" I say laughing, she hugs me again and soon goes away to the rest of the Seavey's all across the other room.

I sit back into my seat, seeing Daniel look at me. as soon as I turn my head towards him, he turns away. pussy.

we all hear a mic screech and turn our heads to the stage. the girl I had seen before was standing there, smiling brightly holding the microphone, "hi! hello! i hope everyone is enjoying themselves!"

"uh I wanted to make an announcement thing! so, please listen through." she grins, "this is like one of the most important things ever to me."

"so I recently met this person and they've been amazing, kind and literally the best. he treats me so so well and he's been nothing but amazing. ha always helps me through whatever and I've fallen into love with him." she pauses and looks to the side before continuing.

"He's so amazing and kind. his laughter is beautiful and he's really talented, he always cheers me up. so with that being said," she pauses and closes her eyes.

"will you marry me, Daniel James Seavey?"


Daniel scrunches his eyebrows in confusion looking around for help. his eyes fix on me.

"Daniel, please come up over here," Lexi says smiling and calling him over.

Daniel grabs my hand and takes me along with him to the stage leaving everyone confused.

"Lexi, I'm so sorry. I don't want to marry you," he looks at me, "I already have a girlfriend and I want to marry her some day."

i look at Daniel in slight confusion, he squeezes me hand and pulls me closer to him.

"you'll find your love one day, but it's not me." he says slightly smiling.

Lexi looks at me and rolls her eyes, "you fucking bitch!"

"don't say that to my girlfriend."

the blonde haired girl simply ignores Daniel and keeps her eyes on me, "You! you always come in between us! every fucking time." she yells.

"I hope you tell her, everything." Lexi spits, "go on!"

Daniel hesitates and looks down. "fine if you won't, I will."

Daniel's eyes fill with tears, I look at the two confused, "what's going on?"

"please don't do this," Daniel begs quietly.

"I'm only telling her the truth," Lexi says smiling evilly, "well he replaced you with me, after you guys broke up meaning-"

"Lexi, please just stop." Daniel pleads but she doesn't listen.

"don't think you're special, angel. he's only getting close to you, just to get into your pants again." Lexi laughs.

"he wouldn't do that." I say fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

"keep telling yourself that. but I know the way Daniel is. he's the person that went out partying and hooking up with random girls right after you two broke up." my face falls, "he already in my bed two days after your breakup."

"you were never anything special to him." Lexi shows off her teeth with a victory smile, knowing she succeed whatever she wanted to achieve.

I look at Daniel confused and let go of his hand and started walking down the stage.

"madison!" he calls after me but I simply ignored him and push my way down the crowd and past the doors.

and here I was. thinking I meant so much to him.

it hurt me a lot. it took me so long to know that he wasn't coming back, it hurt that he got over it so quickly whilst I suffered in myself.

it really sucked. I thought I meant a lot to him and it would've taken a toll on him as much as it did on me. I guess not.

I walk around on the dark streets, letting myself get soaked by the rain.

that was one thing I loved about rain, it would be crying with you. that's the beautiful thing about rain.

I wander around and take a place on the sidewalk, my dress drenched sticking to my skin.

the rain start pouring harder, I let out a muffled sob, burying my head in my arms.

I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, I look up and see Daniel standing over me, also soaked in rain.

"just leave me alone," I say pushing his hand off of me.

"madison. Please let me talk." he begs, I shake my head and stand up walking towards the other end of the road.

"just leave me alone." I say tiredly.

"please. I know you're hurting but I just need to say something. please..." daniel's voice cracked as he begged me to listen but I kept walking away from him.

I come to a stop after the boy desperately tried to get me to say something, "please just leave me alone. I'm exhausted."

"I've been holding onto this hope that you'll come back and everything will be the same again. all happy and perfect," I say crying, "but I've lost all that hope. i can't keep going now. I just can't."

the boy stares deeply into my eyes, "madi-"

"I can't." I say.

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