- twenty five -

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we were standing in front of the doctors door, I take a deep breath and walk in, gripping onto Daniels hand.

"hello!" one of the nurses comes towards me and sits me and Daniel down, "so what are we checking today?"

"uh so I've been having like really bad stomach aches and I always feel like I'm going to be sick and I have no idea why."

she shakes her head listening out for me, she tells me to sit on the hospital bed and then checks my heartbeat with her stethoscope. she walks over to her computer and motions me to lay down but I don't see it.

"lay down, my love." Daniel says smiling at me, I lay down and the lady comes back to where I was, "I'm going to scan your stomach with this jelly, okay?"

I nod my head, lifting my t shirt up a bit. she pastes the cold jelly on my stomach spreading it around slightly.

she sets up her screen and mumbles to herself, "just as I suspected."

she walks back to her computer typing something down and then stands near me, "congratulations. you're pregnant."

I shoot up, instantly regretting it, a wave of pain went down me, I hit the pillow again, "I'm pregnant?"

the lady nods her head, tears brim in my eyes as Daniel stands up in shock. he covers his mouth and hugs me tightly, kissing me.

"we're gonna be parents, angel!" he says grinning widely.

the aftermath was a whole blur, I didn't know what I should feel like. of course I was happy but at the same time I wanted to have a baby later on.

we reached back to our house and Daniel sits me down, "are you not happy?"

I nod my head, "I am, I'm happy. it was just so," I search for the right word, "quick?"

"dani, I'm scared." I say bringing my hand to the bridge of my nose.

he grabs my hands and holds them in his, "don't be. I'm always going to be right by you."

he places a kiss on my forehead, "I'm never losing you ever again."

I lean into him and shut my eyes slowly falling into a deep sleep.

"hey mom!" I say waving at Keri, walking into the house and upstairs towards Anna's room after hearing an answer back from Keri.

"hey an!" I say smiling and entering the girls room.

"madi!" she runs off of her bed and engulfs me into a hug, "you need to help me!"

"for your date?" I tease moving my eyebrows up and down. Anna's cheeks turn into a deep shade of red making me laugh, "so who is this mystery lover boy?"

she hesitates for a second, opening her mouth and then closing it again. "promise you won't tell Daniel?"

she brings out her pinky finger, I lock mine in hers, "I promise."


my jaw drops in shock, "no fucking way, An!" I shriek making her cover my mouth with her hand, "shut up, Daniels like downstairs."

"okay I'm sorry, but are you joking? I'm so happy! how long have you been dating?" I ask her but as she was going to say something she gets interrupted by the door opening.

I turn around and see Daniel leaning against the door frame, "is everything okay?"

he looks around seeing clothes layed out on the bed and looks at Anna questioning, "are you going somewhere?"

"uh yeah." she says continuing to curl her hair slightly. Daniel nods, "with who?"


"who's someone? Is it a date?" Daniel interrogates, making Anna roll her eyes.

"why does it matter to you?"

"so it's a date huh?" Daniel says teasingly, "okay with who?"

"Daniel I'm not telling you." Anna says ignoring the boy.

"what? why not?"

"Daniel, don't push it." Anna snaps at her brother, making him frown slightly and walking out of the room.

I stand there awkwardly deciding what to do. I walk nearer to Anna, "you okay?"

she nods and goes back to her hair, I nod slowly and back out off the room.

I walk into Daniels room and see him singing, "If honesty means telling you the truth
Well, I'm still in love with you.."

he hears me accidentally hit my foot in the bed and turns around, "madison! are you okay?"

I nod my head holding my foot in my hand and sitting in the middle of the bed, getting cosy, "you should've kept singing."

he laughs and walks over to me, slipping into the bed next to me and placing his hand on top of my stomach, "I can't wait for this little one to come out."

I smile widely, "yeah, we will be parents."

"speaking of being parents, we need to find a good way of announcing our pregnancy."

"our?" I laugh, "I'm the one who's carrying this little guy and getting kicked!"

he gasps jokingly and rubs my stomach slowly, "I hope you're not kicking your mom too much!" he says speaking to my stomach.

I laugh at the boy and lean into him, as he was already hugging me, "I'm hungry."

"I'm not moving."

"please?" I whine.


"pretty please?"

"fine." he lets me go and walks downstairs grumpily stomping on the way trying to let me know he didn't want to get up making me laugh.

"do I look good?" Anna asks standing in the doorway, I nod my head.

"you look perfect! now go get your mans!" I yell as she starts walking away hearing the last line, I hear her distantly laughing.

Daniel runs into the room with a spoon it his mouth, "this ice cream is so good!" he mumbles with his mouth full of it.

"that was mine!" I protest.

"ha sucker!" he says laying in the bed next to me. I punch him in the shoulder making him groan, "seriously?"

I smile cheekily at him and grab the spoon and ice cream, "ha sucker!"

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