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"so where are you now?" Corey asks through the phone, impatient curled in his voice.

"I'm literally right in front of your house," I respond speaking a bit loud because of the music.

"wait but I don't see you, are you sure?" Corey says confused, probably just standing in one position looking at the wrong places.

"oh my god, Corey look in front of you!" I give a little wave and see Corey wave, cutting the call and running towards me.

I put my phone away and Corey engulfs me into a hug, "maddieee," he sways us side to side and finally lets go.

"hey cor!" I say laughing, he grabs my hand and drags me into the house. instantly I'm met with the smell of strong alcohol, I should have some later on. I mean what could go wrong?

Corey drags me to the others, Crawford gives me a side hug, "hey m!"

I smile at the boy, "what's up?" he already looked drunk. I mean it's Crawford after all.
"nothing, actually, go have fun mads!"

"I'm gonna go find the others!" I say to Corey, he simply nods and lets me go.

my eyes catch the eyes of the one and only nezza. I smile and run to the girl hugging her, "nezzi!!"

"maddy, I missed you so much!!" nezza says scanning my face, "gosh, you look beautiful,"

"oh my god, yes she does!" David says twirling me around.

"daveee!" I hug the slightly shorter boy and he laughs, "you've grown!"

"I've always grown," I say smiling proudly. David and nezza shake their head. "you actually look taller now though," nezza says looking at me and then David.

"she's taller than you David!" Nezza says laughing unbelievably.

we all laugh and soon enough Oscar comes around, "let's go drink!" He shouts.

"I'm fine, I'll stay here, I need to take care of Crawford drunk," Nezza says with David nodding along with her. Oscar and I shrug and walk over to the drinks. I grab a random drink and chug it down.

I let out a breath, "dang, who hurt you girl?" Oscar says looking at me surprised.

"my ex," I say laughing, reaching out for three more drinks. at this point, I was all out, stumbling all over.

"I'm gonna go...dance," I say slurring over my words.

Oscar raises his eyebrows in concern, "do you want me to come with you?"

"no, I'll...I'm fine," I say smiling big.

"are you sure, madi?" he asks again, I simply nod my head and leave him standing there.

I stand for a bit and squeeze my eyes shut, dang it's really getting to me this time. I start walking towards the dance floor seeing Corey there.

"wanna see me twerk?" Corey asks loudly, I laugh and nod.

Corey starts twerking making me laugh so hard, "you look...stupid," I say recording the boy who was also laughing.

"okay but watch this move," corey says already moving around in a funny manner.

I back up to give space to Corey but end up tripping over someone's shoes, I close my eyes shut waiting to fall backwards.

instead I feel strong hands around my waist holding me, I open my eyes only to be met by a familiar pair.

I stay there, staring at the boys eyes, snapping out of my trance I clear my throat. "what the fuck are you doing here?" I spit out, rolling my eyes at Daniel Seavey.

"madison." he whispers loud enough for me to hear.

"I...what?" he speaks out but then cuts himself off, "how are you?"

I laugh at him, "are you really serious?" he clears his throat realising we're still in the same position, they really had to play this song.

"I believe in something, I believe in us."

i get out of his grip and walk away from him, only to be in front of Gabbie Gonzalez. this had to happen, didn't it?

she looks at me in shock scanning my face and then back to my eyes, "mads?"

I panic and walk past her and outside, taking a deep breath in and out. I was definitely drunk before but now I feel sober as ever...

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