- twenty three -

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Luke? why the fuck is he texting me. my heart starts racing a bit, just from the thought of him.

I calm down and start walking down the stairs and to the fort, "you took your time," Daniel says lifting his head up.

"sorry I had to go to the bathroom," I say smiling at him. he nods his head and unlocks his laptop.

he plays Netflix and chooses a Cinderella story.

i smile widely at the choice and lay back into Daniel.

we watch the movie but I was half asleep in the middle of it, Daniel pauses the movie and wakes me up, "you're bleeding."

I look down at my chest and see the wound bleeding a bit, "shit."

"come on, let's clean it." he says grabbing my hand and taking me to his bathroom. he sits me down on the counter, "take your shirt off while I go get another bandage plaster."

I slowly lift my shirt off and Daniel comes back. he looks at the wound, "does it hurt?"

I shake my head no, he nods and takes the old plaster off.

he grabs a wipe and cleans the area around the wound, i wince a bit, "fuck, it hurts."

he mumbles a sorry and holds my hand, using the other one to close the wound.

I close my eyes shut in pain and squeeze Daniels hand.

once he was done, we both went up to his bedroom, "I wanna go live!"

"at three in the morning?" Daniel asks and I nod.


"fine," he says and then pops his phone at the end of his bed.

I crawl on top of Daniel in a cradling position, the live starts and people start joining.

isn't it like 3AM there?

"yes it is, but we wanted to go live!" Daniel says smiling at the camera, "she couldn't sleep."

I smile into his shoulder and then turn around sitting on top of him...

time skip: 4 months

"you may now kiss the bride." the man says to jack and Gabbie.

I smile widely, happy tears rolling down my face. Daniel sees me and pulls me by my waist closer to him, squeezing my arm in comfort.

everyone claps for the newly wedded couple as they walk down the isle together.

"okay now for this part! we are going to have some of Gabbies and Jacks friends up here to say whatever they want about the two." the dj man yells.

everyone cheers and he calls up gabbies mother first, then her sister then me.

I walk up on to the stage, "hi! I'm madi!"

"uh so Gabbie and I have been best friends for many many years. beat that jack" everyone lets out a laugh.

"and we became best friends on the first day of first grade. she was the sweetest girl I had ever met. from then we just stuck together, her mom became mine and we just were never seen apart. she has been there through my hard breakups and shitty times in life, and I'm glad and grateful for her,"

I wipe a tear and carry on, "now Jack. I haven't known jack for how long I've known Gabbie for but from the time I've know him, I know he's going to treat my baby amazingly. although there has been times where me and jack just don't get along, I still love him from the bottom of my heart. with that being said, I'm wishing you all the best with your marriage and sending you all the love."

Gabbie gets up and runs over to me, engulfing me into a hug. she lets go and I wipe her tears off.

"I love you, Madi!" she whispers.

"I love you too Gabbie."

the time of the night had come, the part where the bride throws her flowers and that shit? yes.

all of us stand behind Gabbie and try catch the flowers, even though I made no effort to catch them, I did.

I look down at the flowers in surprise and bring my lips into a tight smile, I turn around and see Daniel on his knee.

I look at Gabbie who smiles widely at me and then back to the boy, "I love you, so fucking much. ever since that time you fell on top of me, I knew it. you were the one."

"you've been there for me when my ex cheated on me, when I felt like shit, when I was tired, when I didn't feel like trying or anything. I'm so fucking grateful for you and I don't wanna lose you ever again. Madison Jade Bailey. will you marry me?"

I suck in a breath and nod my head yes. he smiles widely shooting up and kissing me, hearing my song you belong with me playing lightly in the background.

everyone cheers and he holds my hand keeping me by him the whole of the night, thanking Gabbie and Jack for letting him do this on their special day.

after dancing and talking to people, Daniel pulls me into one of the storage rooms, "babe what are we doing in here?"

"I wanted to make out with you so badly but my mom was watching us," he says pulling me closer to him.

I let out a laugh and start kissing him, he goes down to my neck leaving noticeable love bites in very visible places.

I moan slightly, his hand make their way down to my ass squeezing it every now and then.

I grab his face and push it towards my face, he groans slightly, "look what you're doing to me."

I smile at the boy and we get interrupted by the door opening making us pull away from each other and stand awkwardly.

it was Daniels mom.

"hey mom?" Daniel lets out in a croaky voice making me mentally face palm and roll my eyes.

"hey, why are you two here? alone?" she says clearly amused at the situation right now glancing at my neck.

I clear my throat and just stand there looking around avoiding any eye contact, "we were...uh we were just like you know, like..."

"planning a surprise party!" Daniel finishes my sentence, his mom looks at the boy grinning and then laughing.

"okay come on, it's going to be the last few songs and dances," she says.

we nod and make our way to the dance floor where all the seaveys were. Daniels mom made Daniel stand far away from me, knowing the affect.

Daniel glances at me, a look of eagerness on his face, he looks down at his pants and then at me.

I let out a laugh, along with Christian, with Daniel noticing making his face grow red in embarrassment.

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