- twenty two -

141 3 7

"I wanna go home, I've been here for like a whole week now," I groan in annoyance.

"I'll ask the doctor when you can go," Daniel says getting up. the doctor comes into the room holding a clipboard.

"you can go home today," she says, "but I'll need to ask, do you two live together?"

I nod my head no and she looks at Daniel, "maybe you should stay with her for little bit of time. in case her wound opens or anything."

Daniel grins widely and goes to sign the discharge papers at the front desk.

whilst he did that, I got up and went to the bathroom to put on some home clothes that Daniel had brought.

I strip from the hospital gown and frown lookin at the large area of plasters. it looks horrible.

I sigh and throw on the pair of sweatpants and hoodie, slipping into the slide on vans.

I come out of the bathroom and see Daniel waiting there for me, "I'm gonna take you to my house, that's where you're gonna stay from the next however long."

"what about my house?" I ask.

"your house is lonely," he says, I hit him on the chest in a jokingly manner, "do not say that about my baby!"

"your baby, huh?"

"shut up, Daniel."

we finally reach Daniel's house and grab the stuff from the car. we made a little stop at my house to grab my essentials and clothes.

we walk into the house, getting hit with the smell of candles. interesting.

"chris!" we're home!" Daniel yells to his brother. Christian comes running down the stairs and sees me.

"maddie! are you okay?" he asks holding my hand and hugging me softly.

"you saw me two days ago and I was okay then so that means I'm okay now," I respond smiling at him.

I talk to Christian for a bit before he goes to make dinner, Daniel grabs my hand are makes our way to his room, "this is where you are gonna stay for some time!"

I smile, "thank you."

"stop it." he says rolling his eyes making me laugh.

he unpacks my small bags and places everything in places easy to reach.

I smile at the boy and lay down in the bed, feeling tired.

"dani, can you please come here?" I ask the boy patting the side of my bed.

he nods his head and walks over to the bed, slipping in right next to me.

he smiles and plays with my hair trying to get me to sleep. after trying and trying, I just couldn't.

I look next to me and see Daniel asleep, I check the time. 2:34AM.

"Daniel!" I say shaking the boy slightly and whispering. he groans and then opens his eyes, "are you okay?"

"yeah, I can't sleep. can we do something?"

"madi, it's literally 2," he says looking at me as if I'm crazy.


"what do you wanna do at two in the morning?" he says confused.

I think to myself for a minute, "ooh can we make a blanket fort?"

"a blanket fort?" he pauses, "are you sure you're okay?"

I nod my head and start walking down to the main room. I hear Daniel groan and he comes along sleepily.

"where's your blankets?" I ask the boy. he points to a door, I open it and go into it, seeing a bunch of blankets folded.

I grab all of them and throw them on the couch, "daniel! hurry up and set the chairs up," I shout at him.

he raises his hands up in defence and sets the chairs in an square formation.

he starts piling the blankets on top of each other and then he tries to tie one of the corners to the chair leg.

all the blanket fall on top of Daniel who lets out a wobbly scream. I let out a big laugh, looking at the boy who was engulfed in blankets.

"can you help me? stop laughing!" his voice comes out muffled.

I keep laughing at the boy who was now groaning in embarrassment. I walk over towards the mess and take the blankets off of the boy.

"finally! it was too hot!" he says laying arms spread out.

"you just ruined the fort!" I complain.

"I? what?" he says confused.

I shake my head in disappointment, "god!"

I grab the blankets again and tie them on the chair properly, without it falling on top of me.

Daniel sits there watching me do everything, I glance at him, "are you going to do anything?"

"no?" he questions. I roll my eyes and sigh.

a sleepy Christian walks down the stairs rubbing his eyes, "what are you two doing at two in the morning?"

Daniel immediately points at me, "it's her!"

"what?" I yell holding my hands up in a questionable manner.

"oh my gosh!" Christian walks over to the fort, "what is this?"

"it's a fort!" I say with excitement laced in my voice.

"interesting..." Christian goes to the fridge and Daniel and I continue our little building.

"come on!" I say pulling Daniels hand and crawl into the fort, he slaps my ass making me laugh.

we lay there in silence, looking at each other, "now what?" daniel ask.

"ooh! let's watch a movie! I'll go grab the laptop!" I crawl out of the fort and go upstairs and grab Daniels laptop.

my phone pings just before I was about to leave the room. I roll my eyes and walk around the bed to check who it was.

xxx-xxx-xxx maybe: luke
hey, how are you?

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