- fifteen -

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the boy looks at Daniel and rolls his eyes pushing me behind him making me yelp in surprise.

I plead my eyes at Daniel, Daniel pulls the less muscular boy and pushes him towards the other wall.

Daniel throws in a few punches, getting himself punched in the face once.

if he wasn't already angered, he would be now. Daniel pulls the boy and pushes him to the wall throwing more punches.

the waiter boy was eventually on the floor bleeding, "if you ever touch her again, I swear, you will wish all I did was punch you."

Daniel looks at me grabbing my hand and making his way towards his car.

the others were standing there, watching us drive out of the parking lot and back to our room.

"are you okay?" he asks still holding onto my hand and making our way to our room.

I nod my head, "are you okay? You're bleeding-"

"I don't care, it's fine" he says rolling his eyes.

"Daniel, you're bleeding." I say pulling his arm and sitting him on the bed.

"wait there." I go into the bathroom and grab the first aid kit, opening it on the way towards Daniel.

I take out an antiseptic wipe and wipe some blood off of Daniels upper lip and the side of eyebrow making him hiss.

"sorry," I say and bring the cotton up to the cuts, "it's gonna hurt once more, hang on," I say wiping it one more time.

he grabs my hand and hisses in slight pain. "okay let me just plaster it up," I say concentrating on his cuts.

I notice him looking up at me, scanning my face as if he wanted to remember it forever.

"stop looking at me like that," I say plastering off his side of the eyebrow.

"like what?" he asks trying to hide his now reddening cheeks.

I shake my head and finish off plastering him, "thank you."

"it was nothing," Daniel says nod his head and pulling his lips into a tight smile.

"are you hurt anywhere else?" I ask worriedly.

he shakes his head no. "are you sure?" I double check.

"yeah, I'm sure."

"the day kinda got ruined so I last minute got tickets to the ice rink," tate says flashing her winning smile.

"of course, only Tatum Dahl would know how to get free ice rink tickets," I say laughing, making Tate herself laugh.

"you done?" I ask the girl who finishes tying her ice skates, she nods.

we walk to where the others were standing, "finally!" Kay says seeing us making everyone turn around to us.

"are y'all ready?" Corey says excitedly.

"we," Jonah says pointing to himself and Daniel, "cannot ice skate."

"well lucky you have your girlfriends who are ice skating pros," tate says winking at me.

"come on!" Corey yells and everyone except for me and Daniel slide onto the ice rink with Jonah hesitating, making me laugh.

I slide onto the ice rink and look around at the others and then Daniel just in time, seeing him fall on his backside.

I start laughing, he looks at me annoyed making me cover my mouth and laugh.

I skate towards him and reach my hands out so he could get up.

"I'm gonna fall!" he yells worriedly, "Madison!"

"you're fine," I say in between my laughs, I hold onto his arms and start skating fast.

"no no! Madison! please stop!" Daniel begs, I simply ignore him and skate faster.

"no no no!" he screeches in a high pitched voice, eventually he messes up and somehow falls making me go down with him.

he falls on top of me, putting us in an awkward position. we stare into each other's eyes, lost in them.

we stay there for a good few seconds before he breaks the silence, "you're so gorgeous."

I slightly smile at the boy who kept glancing at my lips. I bite my lip slightly and suck in a breathe.

"can I kiss you?" he asks nervously.

I smile and bring my lips to his, moving in sync. It was a long and relentless kiss, he pulls back smiling and then pulls my face back to him.

"I missed you a lot," he says murmuring against my lips.

I peck him, "I missed you."

he smiles at the three simple words and we slowly get up, Daniel almost falling again.

I grab both of his hands and smile at the boy, Gabbie slides next to us and smiles widely.

"that was cute, like really cute!" she gushes over the kiss.

Daniel scratches his neck, "I'm gonna," he points to the toilets, "quickly go!"

he struggles to slide smoothly and ends up tumbling on the way making me and Gabbie laugh.

"remember when you two met?" Gabbie says, "it was so cute!"

I went to gabbie and started singing to her from far but then I walked closer to her.

She pulled me and hugged me and accidentally made me trip on someone's leg and on their lap. I look up into his eyes. dang. still looking at him, I sing the last few lines of my song.

"Have you ever thought just maybe you belong with me?" I broke out of my trance with him and looked up at gabbie smirking at me.

I slap gabbies shoulder and roll my eyes, "shut up! that was embarrassing!"

"but it was quite funny!" Gabbie says laughing making me hide my face in my hands.

"okay but you should've seen Jonah fall," Gabbie says grinning like an idiot, "it was the funniest shit ever!"

"okay now I'm so upset I missed that!" I say surprised.

"yeah but you were too busy kissing Prince Charming," she says wiggling her eyebrows up and down, i roll my eyes.

"speaking about Prince Charming, where is he?" Gabbie says looking around, "it's been a long time he's been in the bathroom."

"I'll go find him," I say already on my way towards the toilets, I don't see Daniel there so I go around the toilets and see him there.

he was kissing her...

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