- twenty eight -

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"lavy babe, are you sleepy?" I pick the sleepy looking girl up and sway her in my arms, Gabbie and Jack were on a date and they left her with me.

Daniel walks through the door and walks straight to me, "hey Lav," he says kissing her forehead.

"hey dani," I say giving a smile to the boy, only to be returned with a tight lipped smile.

I frown slightly and turn my attention back to lavender, "I wanna watch tv!" she points at the tv.

I place her on the couch and turn the tv on playing 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed.

I walk into the kitchen and fill lavenders bottle up, Daniel walks in with me and makes her food in silence.

we both set up the food and hear sudden crying, I run into the living room and see lavy crying on the floor.

Daniel picks her up and sways her, trying to calm her down. I walk towards the girl, ruffling her hair, "where does it hurt, baby?"

she starts pointing at her leg and cries even more, "no no no! don't cry, baby girl," Daniel lays her head on his shoulder and pats her head.

I motion Daniel to sit down and I check her leg, it having a small cut on it. I grab a plaster and wipes and walk to where lavy was sitting.

"no!" she cries seeing the wipes in my hands and hugging into Daniel, "it's not gonna hurt! I'm here."

Daniel nods at me to start cleaning her up making lavy cry more. Daniel starts to sing to the girl who focused on his voice.

I'm in too deep, can't touch the bottom with my feet.

I wipe the small cut and place the plaster on top of the girl who was distracted.

she was now smiling widely and admiring Daniel. I smile at the pair and go back to the kitchen and grab her food.

"it's time to eat," I say in an exciting tone to the girl, her face brightens up.

I laugh at the girl and give Daniel the plate so he could feed her. just as I was about to sit down, the door knocked.

I turn around and walk towards the door unlocking it, opening up to a smiling Anna Seavey.

"hello!" I say hugging the girl, she hugs back greeting me, "so what's up, An?"

she enters the house and greets Daniel and Lavy and then goes dropping on one of the couches.

"how come lavs here?" she asks Daniel.

"jack and gabs went on a date," he explains, Anna's face lights up, "you and maddie should go on a date!"

Daniel smiles slightly, "yeah but lavs here?"

"I'll take care of Lav!" Anna suggests, "you two off you go!"

she pushes us upstairs and makes us change and get ready for our sudden date.

I throw on a sweater and a pair of leggings walking downstairs and sliding my shoes on.

I turn the corner and see Anna playing with lavy making my heart melt. she's going to make a good mom one day.

instagram story: MadisonBailey

caption- So I just walk in and see this! god @anna

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caption- So I just walk in and see this! god @anna.Seavey is going to make a good mom some day! 💜
(AN- pretend lavy is older)

"where'd you wanna go?" Daniel says breaking the silence and the moment in my head. damn this was one time he talked to me properly since yesterday.

"uh I don't mind."

"where do you feel like going?" he asks again rephrasing his sentence.

"your choice."

"maddie," he places his hand on my thigh with his other hand on the steering wheel, "im really sorry."

i shake my head and continue looking out of the window. he turns my face towards his, "I know you're mad at me and im sorry. im really really sorry. I should not have been mad at you," he says keeping his eyes on the road and slightly looking over at times.

"it's alright."

"maddie, I know it's not. I'll do anything to make up for it," he says making a sharp turn and down the road.

i look at him, he looked lighter and knowing as if he knows what he was doing.

soon he stops the car and I get out, "what are we doing here?"

I look around and see a path towards a forest, he smiles at me cheekily, "you'll see."

he grabs my hand and hands me a drink, i look at him eyebrows crossed in confusion, "when and where did you get this from?"

"I have my ways," he winks drinking out of his hot chocolate cup.

I smile slightly and we walk hand in hand down the path in a comfortable silence, occasionally bumping into each other.

I finish my drink and throw it in a near bin, grabbing the one out of Daniels hand and sipping on it.

"that's mine!" Daniels voice comes across high pitched making me laugh.

"it just tastes so good!" I say taking another sip making him roll his eyes.

"do you have plans tomorrow?" He asks me.

I nod my head, "yeah I have a photoshoot with Liam. why?"

"oh I was thinking of getting dinner after my meeting with the band," he says casually.

"we can still do that?" I question, he nods his head.

"for sure." we sit down on a bench that was on the side, "we need to think of baby names."

I smile brightly, "Anna and I did, but you weren't there so we needed you but we have amazing names!"

"tell me then!"

"okay so if it's a girl, we thought of: Aria, Cora, Lyra
and Wren. For a boy, Louis,
Ren, Caleb or Ezra."

Daniel shakes his head opening his mouth to make a comment but getting cut off by his phone ringing.

"shit," he fumbles around his jacket and gets his phone out, "it's Corbyn."

Daniel picks up, putting it on speaker, hearing Corbyns stressed voice, "the babies coming! send help!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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