Day at the Library

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The streets were busy, making Hazel very uncomfortable. She pulled the cowl of her hood up, glancing around anxiously. The demon didn't like crowds, but it was worth it when she reached her favourite place in all the world.
Staring up at the tall building, she smiled. The library's doors were wide open, welcoming witches and demons alike within.

Inside, books flew around, placing themselves on book-shelves, while demons and witches did their own thing. Hazel made her way over to the non-fiction, glancing up at a familiar book shelf. The Good Witch Azura, books 1-4, were in order, tempting the demon to take. She'd already read the first one, and was on to the second. Reaching up, Hazel carefully plucked the book off the shelf. A small grin began to grow on her face.
Moving along the isles, she paused as a certain book caught her attention. "History of Demons" was on the spine of an ancient looking book. Tilting her head curiously, she took the book from the shelf, inspecting it. "Maybe I can find out more about myself..." she pondered, about to open it.
She yelped, dropping the books she was holding and turning to face the person. Amity stood at the end of the aisle, arms crossed as she glared at Hazel. "You're the one that helped the intruder escape. Why did you help them?! I got in trouble because of them! What is wrong with you!"
She growled, walking up to Hazel and pointing an accusing finger at her. Hazel felt her anxiety spike, stuttering over her words. "I-i'm sorry! I d-didn't mean to-" glancing around for anything or anybody to help her she caught herself looking into a mirror. Her eyes widened in horror when she realised that her white freckles were now large spots on her cheek.
"I-i have to go!" She yelled, running away and leaving a confused Amity in the aisle.
The green-haired witch stared after her a moment, about to follow her when she stepped on something. Amity realised they were the books Hazel had been holding. Picking them up, she was surprised to find one was an Azura book.

Hazel had retreated to the back of the library, her back leaning against the book-shelf. She had her hands covering her ears, which had gone back to their original form.
"J-just breathe....calm's fine everything's f-fine..." she mumbled, taking in deep breath's. The anxiety she felt began to subside, and she let out a sigh of relief when she found her ears pointed once again.
Hazel looked up to see Amity at the end of the aisle, this time carrying her books. She approached slowly, kneeling down beside Hazel. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Here." She mumbled, handing the demon the books. "You read the Good Witch Azura?"
Hazel, a little surprised by this sudden change of attitude, nodded slowly. "Y-yeah...I've only just started, though."
Amity nodded, avoiding eye-contact. "They' awesome series." She stated, before standing up. "Well, I best be going." She said, walking away.
Hazel glanced at the books, then at Amity's retreating form. "Th-thank you."
Amity paused. "'re welcome." She said without turning around, before leaving the demon. Hazel, now left alone, glanced down at the books, moving the Good Witch Azura book aside to reveal the "History of Demons" book. Opening it, she began her search to find anything about the Basilisk's.

After a long search, a chime sounded throughout the library, signalling that it was closing for the day. Hazel sighed. She hadn't found anything about Basilisk's so far.
Making her way to the receptionist, a tired witch took her books to check out. "Come back soon. Or never. Fine by me." He grumbled, as Hazel waved her goodbye's.
The sun was setting, and the streets weren't bustling like they were earlier. Most of the market was empty, a few stalls were even missing.
Heading down the giant steps, she didn't see a hooded figure walking toward her until she bumped into them.
"Oh-I'm sorry! I-i'm sorry!" She stuttered, walking briskly away from the person. The person turned, letting out a robotic groan as they watched her leave with glowing, pink eyes. The figure finally turned away, heading into the closing library.

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