Hooty's Moving Hassle

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Hazel was wearing her cloak once again, hood covering her face and hair as she walked through Bones Burrow. Ever since the Convention, she felt like exploring the town.
Walking down the street, she noticed a party of Demon Hunters headed her way. Diving into an alley way, she covered her mouth, praying to the titan that they wouldn't notice her. She was now hiding behind a wooden crate.
The leader stopped for a moment, looking down the alley way. Hazel shivered in fear, not daring to turn around. The leader shrugged, and the demon student could hear his footsteps walk away. Letting out a shaky sigh of relief, she wandered back into the market.
Amity, Boscha and their friends up ahead, and Hazel kept her head down, knowing she would be in trouble with Boscha for the stunt she pulled at the Convention.
Hearing running footsteps headed her way, she swivelled around, ready for an attacker. However, she was immediately pulled into a tight hug. "Hazel!"
Hazel backed a few feet, watching as Willow and Gus headed in her direction. She realised the person that was hugging her was Luz. "Oh! Hey, Luz." She greeted awkwardly, as Willow and Gus all hugged her as well. The demon stood quiet for a moment longer, before speaking up. "Uhm...mind telling me what you're doing?" She asked, timidly.
The trio pulled away, and Luz chuckled. "Oh, sorry, just so excited to see you again. That was a hug!" She explained. Her head tilted to the side curiously. "You do know what a hug is, right?"
Hazel paused, looking around anxiously. "Uh, well, I-"
Willow, Gus and Luz burst into laughter. "I'm just messin' with ya!" Luz giggled, as Willow gasped, an idea striking her. "Did you wanna do a Moonlight Conjuring with us?" She asked excitedly.
Hazel was still trying to wrap her head around the whole "hug" situation. She paused before answering. Moonlight Conjuring. She'd read about it somewhere in the library, but didn't go into the details. Something about hanging out with your friends? That was a thing friends do, right?
"Uh...sure, why not? Got nothing better to do anyway." She chuckled. Luz, Willow and Gus cheered.

"This is great that we're doing a Conjuring together, but....is this really necessary?" Hazel asked, pushing some leaves out of her eyes. Willow had created bushes for them to hide as, and the demon wasn't sure why.
Luz shushed her. "Yes! Very necessary! Besides, isn't it much more fun being sneaky like?" She asked. Hazel frowned, but Gus and Willow quietly cheered.
Luz entered the house, and they could hear Eda talking as she walked around the house. Not long after, she exited the home, carrying a sleeping King.
"Anyway, really going now. And Luz? If you mess up the house, I will never trust you again." Eda growled, before smiling brightly. "No pressure! Bye!"
With that, the Owl Lady was gone, and Luz gave her friends the signal to come out.

"I'm a sneaky sneakster!" Willow giggled. Hazel stood up slowly, brushing the leaves out of her hair. "I got leaves in my pants..." Gus announced. "...and I like it."
Hazel stared at the witchling in disgust. "Ew, Gus that's gross."
Opening the door, Luz invited them in, as Hooty hooted excitedly. "Company! Hooray! Finally someone to listen to my stories!"
The four kids ignored him as they stepped inside, leaving Hooty to talk to himself.
"Welcome to, the Living room. We call it that because it's technically living! The walls are breathing, look." Luz announced, pointing to a wall. Sure enough, when Hazel stepped closer for a better look, they were moving. It took heavy breaths. Her eyes widened in awe. "Whoa." She breathed.
Gus rummaged through a chest, pulling out random objects. "And look at all these human treasures!" He gasped, pulling out a skull. "And actual humans!"
Luz held a bowl of eyeballs. "We've got snacks, we've got weird music!" She put down the needle on a record player, which produced an evil cackle. Gus walked up to the human with a bucket on his head. "We've got buckets!" He exclaimed.
"Gus, my man!"
"And best of all, we have actual friends to do the conjuring with!" Willow said excitedly. "This is so exciting!"
Hazel walked over, carrying an object. A flat disc with a central bearing and three rounded blades. The three blades seem to disappear whenever it was spun, which captivated the demon. Luz later told her it was called a "fidget spinner".
"So how does this conjuring stuff work?" Luz asked Willow, and Hazel tilted her head curiously to the side. Willow thought for a moment.
"Well first, we find something to animate." She explained. "Since it's our first time we should pick something meaningful." She waled over to some flowers, staring at them in awe. "Something beautiful."
Gus pushed the flowers aside, showing Willow an action figure. "Like this strangely buff little man?" He asked, tapping the figure's stomach. "I'm half beef, half Bob!" The figure spoke up, startling Hazel. "Are you sure that isn't already possessed?" She asked worriedly, to which Luz chuckled. "Yes! He's perfect! And don't worry, Hazel. He's meant to do that." The human explained.
Willow looked a little disappointed. "That's not exactly what I meant by "beautiful"." She said. Gus lowered the action figure, letting out a small whimper and looking hurt.
The witchling gave in. "Okay, buff boy it is."
Luz hugged Willow, bringing in a confused Hazel in as well. Gus cheered. "Tonight he shall be risen!"

The moon rose higher into the sky. Gus placed Beefy Bob on the ground between the four of them, while Luz finished lighting the last of the candles surrounding them.
"According to the conjuring books I've read, we say the incantation and make a connection with the doll." Willow explained, as they all held hands.
"Figurine." Gus corrected, before closing his eyes.
Willow and Gus began to chant. "Moonlight, we call, we sing. Moonlight take this chance..."
Hazel sat quietly, listening to their chant with her eyes closed. She smiled and stopped herself from giggling as Luz tried to follow along with them, but couldn't.
The moon continued rising, and Hooty glanced up to stare at it. It stops moving, and a burst of blue light comes from it. A similar light bursts between Hazel, Luz, Willow and Gus, spreading around the living room and extinguishing the candles. The kids opened one eye to look at Beefy Bob.
"That's your cue, little man." Gus encouraged the doll. All of a sudden, the house rumbled, and the witchlings screamed as they lost their balance, falling onto the ground.
Luz stared around the dark room in fear. "Guys? Did the entire house just hiccup?" She asked, letting out a yelp as a book fell onto her head. Gus held Beefy Bob. "Little buff guy, what did you do?" He asked, squeezing its stomach.
"A real man never takes accountability!" The figurine stated. Hazel got up, snatching the doll from Gus's hand and began choking it. "I knew it! You're possessed! What did you do?!" She demanded, as Gus struggled to take the doll from her.
Willow glanced around worriedly. "No, I think-I think we might've animated the house by accident!" She exclaimed. Luz couldn't believe her ears. "The HOUSE?!"
She rushed to the door, Hazel close behind after giving the doll back to Gus. Opening the door, the demon grabbed Luz just before she fell off the ledge. The Owl House was standing on a pair of bird legs, and the kids screamed as Hooty began to march forward. The door slammed shut, revealing Hooty's glowing blue eyes.
Luz ran up to the door. "Hooty? Hooty! Hooty, you have to stop!" She begged. But Hooty didn't listen. "By the power of the moonlight, I have risen. Hoot hoot." He said blankly. Hazel cowered behind the human. "He's in some kind of trance!" She whimpered.
The walking house stepped through some trees. The jostling makes Gus topple over the ledge, to which Luz quickly grabs his hand. Hazel clung onto Luz's waist, and Willow grabs the witching's other hand. "Our magic must've spread through the house instead of the doll!" Willow said.
"Figurine!" Gus corrected once again.
Hazel felt herself and Luz almost topple over, and she reached one hand out to Willow for balance. Willow grabbed it too, and Hazel found all four of them wrapped in a blue glow.
"Hooty, stop!" Luz yelled. Hooty stopped moments before they all walked off a cliff. Luz, Hazel and Willow pull Gus up, as Hazel moved her arm from the human's waist. They all stared at their hands as they let go, the blue glow fading.
"How'd we do that?" Gus asked, as Hazel glanced up at the moon. Luz had an idea. "Guys, hold hands again." She ordered. Immediately, the blue glow returned, and Hooty stepped away from the cliff. Willow gasped in realisation. "We're controlling it with the power of friendship! Uh, and the moon. Probably the moon." She chuckled.
"This is amazing! What do we do now?" Gus asked. Luz thought for a moment. "On one hand, we should probably stay put." She said, glancing back to where the Owl House belonged. Gus butted in. "On the other hand, we've got a giant walking house and should totally take it on a joyride!" He exclaimed.
Hazel rubbed her arm nervously. "I don't know, we shouldn't meddle with this kinda stuff. We were only supposed to do a doll, not a whole house." She mumbled.
Luz glanced up at the moon, which was now descending. She made up her mind, and held up her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, but we gotta be back before the moonsets or Eda will kill me." The human stated.

The Owl House marched through the woods, and the three kids cheered. Even Hazel giggled as she stared at the ground beneath her pass by in a flurry of greens, browns and greys.
Unbeknownst to them, a demon hunter was watching them.

The house had paused in its joyride, and the four kids noticed a figure walking through the woods. Hazel squinted at the figure, recognising the pink hair and yellow Hexside uniform.
Willow gasped. "Hey, is that..."
"Boscha." Hazel continued. Gus nodded his head. "It's the girl that made fun of us!"
Boscha was carrying a duffel bag and talking into a crow (or CROWne? Eh? Eh?). "Ugh! Yes, mom. I'm going to a moonlight conjuring. No, mom. You can't come. And yes, mom, it's sad that you're asking." With that, she let the crow go, and it flapped away. The witchling turned around, seeing the Owl House for the first time.
Willow's eyes widened. "She noticed us! What do we do?" She asked. Luz hummed in thought, as an evil grin crept on her face.
"Hey. H-hey you. You should, uh, stop being so mean to people. You're kinda a jerk." Luz called through a megaphone Gus created. She backed away, as the group giggled.
Boscha glared up at the house. "Ew. A talking house is giving me a lecture? Whatever. I'll just TP you like I did with the rest of the neighbourhood." She said, turning away.
"But don't you see? I am no mere house." Luz continued. Hooty stood as Luz roars. Boscha screamed, running away into the woods. The four children laugh, and Hazel wiped a tear from her eye. "I have to admit, this is the best fun I've ever had!"
Gus nodded in agreement. "I've never pranked anyone before. And now I have a taste for it." He added. Willow watched the witchling leave with a smirk. "We should follow her to Amity's house to show off our conjuring. That will show her who's got no talent."
Luz glanced up at the moon once again, which was nearly at the treetops and still going down. She frowned. "Actually, I'm starting to think we should head back-" the human began. Gus showed them his scroll. "Amity's updating her Penstagram!" He yelled. Luz glanced at the scroll, reading the caption. Hazel peeked over her shoulder. ""Shout out to my fellow witches...#Humans can bite it"?!" The human gasped. "Let's do it!"
The house made its way to Amity's mansion, while several shadowed figures flew after them.

The house stomped down the streets, heading toward a gate infant of a mansion reading "Blight Manor". People on the streets screamed, ducking for cover. Hazel winced as someone jumped into stand, destroying its contents and maybe even the witch's bones. "Sorry!" She called.
The house stopped for a moment, and Willow pointed to the mansion. "Look, Amity's house. Time to show Amity what a real conjuring looks like." She grinned, as the house started forward once again.
A giant rope flew over the roof, stopping its march. Surprised, the four children let go. "Wha-what happened?" Willow asked. Luz stared off into the distance, pointing at an object. "Is that a...giant crossbow?" She asked quietly. Hazel followed her gaze, eyes widening in fear. She gasped at the unmistakable figure standing beside it. "Oh no."
The leader of the demon hunters signalled for the crossbow to be shot. A second giant bolt and rope secured the house further. The leader jumped onto the house porch, landing in front of the kids. Hazel backed up against the door, frantically looking for the handle while keeping her eyes on the hunter.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no I shouldn't be here! I can't be caught now! I won't go back to the cages!
Without thinking, she turned her back to the hunter, trying to pull the door open. "Hooty! Open up!"
Not long after, she was grabbed by the scruff of her shirt, and ripped harshly away from it.

The Owl House was tied down to a large cart being pushed through the woods by demon hunters. One stood atop a cliff, blowing a horn. Hooty hooted hauntingly as someone kicked at the door from the other side.
Hazel was kicking at the door frantically, whimpering as she tried desperately to escape. "No, no, no, no, no, NO! LET ME OUT! PLEASE!" She screamed. The demon was breathing heavily, voice cracking as large spots started covering her cheeks. "DON'T TAKE ME BACK!"
None of the witchling saw her strange spots, since they were faced away from each other. Luz tried to calm the girl down. "Hey, it's gonna be ok! Just breathe, and count to five. Count with me. Breathe in." The human took in a deep breath. Hazel copied, taking in a shaky breath before exhaling. The large spots on her cheeks subsided, and her anxiety, while still high, was now manageable.
"There you go. Now, let's all think of a way out of here. Willow! Can you help me out with Hooty?" The human glanced over her shoulder to try and see Willow. Willow hung her head, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry, Luz. You shouldn't ask me to help with anything." She muttered. Luz was about to comfort her, when the house suddenly stopped, knocking all of them over.
Luz glanced around. "Did the house stop moving?" She asked. Gus groaned from under her. "Ugh, my insides didn't."
The door squeaked open, making the four of them whimper. The demon hunter leader stood in the doorway, laughing.

The hunter shoved all of the out of the house, pushing them off the ledge. They landed at the foot of another demon hunter.
"Take the house and rip out the house demon. we can sell it to restaurants as exotic meat." The leader ordered. Luz gasped. "No! Hooty would taste terrible!" She tried to reason. The possessed Hooty spoke up, offended. "Hey, I'm a refined taste. Hoot! Hoot!"
Another hunter glared down at the kids. "What do we do with the worms?" He asked.
The leader shrugged, turning away. "Throw them over the cliff." He stated. The other hunter chuckled as he approached them.

The demon hunter had lead the kids to a cliff overlooking the ocean. "All righty, kids. Here's the end of your short little lives." He pushes them closer to the edge. Gus halts them, turning the group to look at the hunter. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Is this really what you wanna be doing with your life? Tossing kids from cliffs?" He asks.
The hunter smiles. "Actually, yes. It's been my dream since I was a boy." He replied happily.
The group stared at him silently, and Hazel, who was tied opposite of Gus, turned her head to look at hunter in disbelief. That's messed up. And I've been through some messed up stuff.
"I was a strange child." The hunter explained, before shoving the kids off the cliff with a laugh. The four screamed, as the hunter walked away.

The waves crashed against the rocks at full force. Luckily for the four of them, they were caught onto a branch sticking out of the cliffside, dangling dangerously above the waters below. Hazel whimpered, the spots returning once again as she closed her eyes tightly.
"If we're not killed now, we will be when Eda finds out about the house." Luz said. Willow watched the waves, lost in thought. "Luz, I'm so sorry. You wanted to turn back but I just had to show off to Amity. The truth is she and I used to be friends." The witchling explained.
Luz gasped, as Hazel opened her eyes to stare at Willow, intrigued. She almost didn't notice the branch holding them begin to break.
"We played together as kids, but when she got her powers and I didn't, she stopped hanging out with me." Willow continued.
"Guys, is now the best time?" He asked, gesturing to the branch.
Willow sighed. "I just wanted to prove to her that I was a powerful witch too." She muttered. Luz shook her head. "That's ridiculous! You helped bring a house to life. Amity doesn't know what she's talking about. Next to Eda, you're the most powerful witch I know. No offence, Gus, Hazel."
Gus shrugged. "No, not at all. I know what I'm about." Hazel glanced up at the branch. "None taken. Now could we please try and think of a way out of here?" She asked, just as it cracked a second time. The four yelp.
"This tree can't hold us much longer." Gus pointed out. Willow wriggled around a bit, freeing her hand. She began to reach up to a root sticking out. As she grabbed it, her hand began to glow green.

"Yeah, they tried to fight back and they nearly got me. But you know, I handled it." The demon hunter boasted, as the leader stared at him blankly. "They were children, Tom."
A shadow fell over the two. Willow, Luz, Gus and Hazel were standing atop a giant leaf, with dozens of thorny vines surrounding them. Willow used a vine to cut the rope to free them. "We may be children, but we're also witches. Powerful ones." Willow stated. She set the thorns to attack, flinging hunters here and there as the kids all ran to the house. Luz opens the door for them, closing it behind her. "Everyone, quick!"
They join hands, the familiar blue glow surrounding them.
By the time the leader had escaped the plants, the Owl House was already standing. He lifted his eye patch to stare up at it, just as the house crushed him.
Luz gasped, looking out the window at the moon. It was now on the water. "I don't mean to step on this victory but we gotta get home before Eda does!"
With that, the Owl House ran off, trying to get back home.
The demon hunters came to as the house disappeared on the horizon. Rubbing his head, the leader sat up, letting out a groan. Tom sat up. ""They're just children, Tom."" Tom mimicked.

The four kids marched through the streets, rushing to get the Owl House back. On the way, Hooty's foot crushed a stand. Luz waved out the window. "Sorry, mister!" She apologised, Willow, Gus and Hazel leaning out as well.

On the ground, a figure from the shadows watched them walk by, intrigued. Their pink eyes analysing the children in control of the house. When they heard shouting coming from the broken stand, they moved their gaze to the shouting Mr. Tibbles, to the witch and demon walking away. One glance at the witch and they turned away from their customer, knowing he'll come to them in time.

The Owl House sat down in the crater it left, just as the moon disappeared. In the living room, Luz's eye peeked open. "Did we do it?"
The door swung open, showing Hooty. "Is the room spinning or is it just me?" He chuckled. "Ah. Just a little house humour."
Luz scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry about all that, Hooty." She said. "It's ok. i'm just glad I was included." Hooty said. The door closed, revealing Eda and King. The Owl Lady glared at the four kids. Luz stared at her in horror. She was in big trouble. "Oh, boy."
Eda walked toward the human. "You are so busted."
"Oh, man."
"You held a moonlight conjuring."
"I did."
"And you animated my house. My house!"
Willow, Gus and Hazel stepped between Luz and Eda. "No. Don't punish Luz." Willow started. "We're the ones who pushed her to do the conjuring." Hazel added. Gus held out his arm. "If you're gonna eat me, just do it now! Do it now!" He yelled. Eda stared at the witchling, disgusted by the idea.
Luz stared at her friends. "Hey, you didn't have to do that." She said, to which Willow shook her head. "Yes, Luz. i did."
Eda sighed. "Well, you're all guilty, so you'll all be punished by cleaning my house top to bottom." She stated, summoning various cleaning supplies that land in the kids arms. "And another thing..."
The four kids gulp.
"That was totally amazing!" Eda grinned. "And I'm so joining you for next year's conjuring. Now get to work."
The four scurried off. Eda flopped onto the couch next to King. "I can't believe they animated a whole house." He commented. Eda opened her eyes. "Yeah. You're right. that takes some powerful magic." She said, watching as Luz mopped, Gus cleaned, Willow sprayed and wiped objects down and Hazel scrubbed the floor. Luz turned to Willow. "You know, i still kinda wish we got to show up Amity." She said. Willow nodded. "Yeah. Too bad no one will know of our daring adventures." The witchling chuckled.
Hazel thought for a minute, thinking about her day in the library. "You know...maybe if we got to know her a bit, she might not be that bad." she commented.

Boscha and her friends sat in a circle, glaring at a doll. "Ugh. so what if we couldn't move a doll. Now we have time for what really matters. Penstagram!" The pink-haired witch announced, summoning her scroll. Her friends did the same.
Amity sat at her window, looking out at the town. Boscha gasped, earning the witchling's attention. Walking over, she looks down at Boscha's scroll. Her Penstagram feed had several people's posts showing off Willow, Gus, Luz and Hazel and the animated Owl house.

A figure packed up their small stand, ready to head home for the day. Heading to the back of the stand to finish some things, a loud ringing filled the area. The figure turned, recognising their most frequent customer, Mr. Tibbles.
"My friend! I need help seeking revenge on... Eda the Owl Lady." Mr. Tibbles gulped, as the figure, who'd been holding a glass bottle, clenched their fist, shattering it.
The figure turned to him, pink eyes growing brighter than ever. He held up his hands in surrender. "Now, now, I know you don't like me mentioning that name, but it's important-"
"I know."
Mr. Tibbles fiddled with his fingers, as the figure reached under the stand, pulling out a bottle. The bottle read "Shrinking Potions". The instructions on how to use it were written on the back. The demon bowed thanking the figure. "What will be the payment this time?"
The figure pointed to a container, barely visible to those at the front of the stand. Tibbles recognised it immedietky. "Of course. I'll send some of my contacts to deliver it right away. Thank you again, my friend."
With that, the demon left.
The figure watched him leave for a moment, before turning back to the back of their stand. Extending their arm, they pressed down, opening a small compartment. Inside, several wires sparked to life.
In another corner, a photograph revealed a family of five. A mother, father, and 3 girls. One had red, curly hair with blue eyes, while the one next to her had messy orange hair and amber eyes. The third girl had messy red hair, with vibrant green eyes.

A/N: I intentionally made Hazel pull at a push to open door. Also, I'm pretty sure Eda's wondering why all the kids think she wants to eat them.

The Owl House x Oc: Hidden Demons (S1+ 2)Where stories live. Discover now