Wing It Like Witches

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Boscha took in a deep breathe, staring into her reflection with determination. "You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, so long as you are feared." She stated, tying her hair into a ponytail. Standing up, she pulled on her jacket, which read "Captain".
"Most important of all," heading out her bedroom door, she pauses as she rips off a page from her calendar. "You are a winner."

The witchling walks through Bonesborough, dribbling a grudgby ball and passing several mesmerised onlookers.
An old woman points at her as she leaves. "There she goes, captain of the Banshees. Off to win another championship for Hexside."
A mother turned to her child. "Why can't you be more like her?" In response, the child inhales deeply with an annoyed expression.
Another figure, leaning against her stall, watched the boastful girl walk by. Taking note of the captain jacket, she rolled her pink eyes. "Here we go again..." she muttered, just as Boscha tossed the ball. It landed in her stall, breaking a few things. The figure let out a tired groan, placing her head in her hands. "I hate that kid."

Boscha approaches Hexside, with a Banner reading "Go get 'em, Banshees" magically unfurling over the school. Boscha snaps her fingers, and Skara, Amelia, and Cat form up behind her.
"Alright, girls. You know the drill. Captain goes first." She said matter-of-factly. Walking up to the doors, she swings them open. "Hello, Hexside! Your star has arrived. Grovelling line starts here." She says smugly, pointing to the ground. Hearing no one approaching, she frowns, looking around. "Something's not right. Nobody's here!"
Students could be heard laughing from a distance. Bosch peers around the corner, spotting a crowd of students gathered around Willow, who is holding a potted plant. A Hexside student points to himself excitedly. "Do me next. Do me!"
Willow uses her magic, the plant sprouting a fruit looking like the potion student's face. He takes it. "Welcome to the world, little buddy. You're the coolest, Willow!"
Willow looks away bashfully. "Aw, shucks!"
"Yeah, Willow rules!" An oracle track student cheers. Boscha walks by Willow with her posse. "Wow, she has to make friends out of plants. How sad." She chuckled. Willow, hurt, looks away.
"Oh, please!" Amity groaned, walking up to Boscha. "You know, I used to be like you, Boscha, obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up. When will you?"
The green-haired witch walks away from the shocked Boscha, as the crowd of students begin to laugh.
She glares at Willow furiously. "Oh, this is not gonna fly." She growls.

Eda, Luz and Hazel fly in on Eda's staff to the school. Fireworks went off as Luz hopped off the staff excitedly. "My first Grudgby season! I'm so excited, I have more school spirit than the school spirits!"
Looking to her left, she spots a ghost holding pom-poms. "Why do I even bother?" They groaned, throwing the pom-poms to the ground and floating away.
Hazel hopped off the staff, as Eda let out a sigh. "Ah, Grudgby season is the best. You know, I used to play, back in my gory days." She boasted. Luz tilted her head curiously. "Don't you mean "glory days"?" She asks.
The Owl lady shrugged. "Well, that too. I was unstoppable on the field. I had the best moves and the best cheats." She grinned, placing a hand under her chin. The human frowned. "Cheating isn't anything to brag about. How do you know you were any good if all you did was cheat your way to victory?" She asked. Eda groaned at this.
"Ugh. What do humans know, with your goody-goody attitude? If "cheaters never prosper", why was I star player?" She asked. Luz shrugged. "Well, can't reason with crazy." She stated, pulling King out of her hood. "Bye King, you little snoozers." She says, giving the small demon a kiss on the head and placing him back on the staff as he wakes up. Luz leaves, and King scurries into Eda's hair.
Hazel was about to follow the human, when Eda stopped her. "You sure you're gonna be okay today, kiddo?" She asks, ruffling up the demons hair. Hazel chuckled. "I'll be fine, Eda! And stop that! I spent all morning trying to make it neat!" She complained.
With a snort, the owl lady let her go.

"Over 50 years ago, Emperor Belos appointed a head witch to each coven..." the History teacher droned. Hazel tapped the end of her pencil against the desk, her chin resting on her palm as she tuned the teacher's boring voice out.
She was seated next to Gus, next to the window. The basilisk heard Luz start talking. "I can't wait for Grudgby season to start! I've studied up on all sorts of magical sports. Like this." She held up a DVD case, intriguing the demon. "Good Witch Azura 2: The Field of Deadly Fates. A classic underdog tale." The human continued.
Willow took the case, reading the back. "Azura challenges Hecate in the smibbitch championship. But will she risk it all by taking a chance on the deadly Thorn Vault?" Opening the case, Hazel spots a shiny object within. Gus picks it up. "Ooh, a shiny cookie!" He said excitedly, about to eat it. With a frown, the human grabs it off him. "Not food."
"...the council headquarters was built by and paid for by...? Anyone? Willow?" The teacher called out. Willow, a little surprised, stands up. "Uh, the Pixie Dust Taxes?" She answered.
The oracle student from earlier stands in the doorway. "Whoo, yeah! Go, Willow!" He cheers. The history teacher draws a spell circle, shutting the door in the student's face. "Impressive, Miss Park."
Willow sits down, as the students around her start to murmur in admiration. Luz looks around in amazement. "What's going on? It's like all of Hexside's caught Willow fever!" She said. Willow blushed.
"Ever since I patched things up with Amity, I've been feeling more confident." She replied, gesturing to the flower shaped hair clip she's wearing. "I guess it shows." She giggles.
Suddenly, the hair clip levitates off of Willow's hair and into Boscha's hand. She has a smug grin as she holds the clip in between her two fingers. "Aw, Willow thinks she's popular now. How cute." She said. Willow slouches into her seat, embarrassed. Luz clenches her fist as she turns to face the bully. "Hey, I agree, my friend is very cute. But give that back!" She demanded, reaching for the hair clip to snatch it back. Boscha pulls her hand back out of the humans reach.
"It's weird that Amity hangs out with you now." She points out. "Ever since Grom, she's gone soft. But don't worry." Placing the clip in her hair, she smirks at them. "I'm still here to show you who's boss."
Hazel gets up, walking over to Boscha. Her eyes are filled with fury. "Well, you're not the boss of me." She growls, snatching the clip from Boscha's hair and placing it back into Willow's. "Here you go, Willow." Willow sits back up, giving her a thankful smile.
Luz's and Gus's eyes widened in admiration. "Whoa! What was that?" The small witchling asked. Hazel shrugged. "After facing almost all my fears, someone like Boscha doesn't scare me anymore." She stated, pointing a thumb in said witchling's direction.
Boscha stared in disbelief. The shy, timid weirdo she used to bully just had the audacity to talk back to her, plus take her hair clip. She glares at them.
"Oh-ho-ho! The friends wanna get in on this too, huh?" With a twirl of her finger, she levitates Willow's and Hazel's bags into the air, spilling its contents onto Hazel, Gus, Luz and Willow.
The pink-haired witch laughs, and the teacher snaps his head in their direction. "Is that laughter? Hey, hey! Learning's not supposed to be fun!" He said accusingly.
Luz shook her head. "We are having zero fun, I swear. Boscha's picking on us." She stated, pointing a thumb to Boscha, who only smiled. "My apologies, sir. I was practising my aim for Grudgby." She told, throwing an eraser at Hazel.
The teacher gasps in disbelief. "Boscha, how could you throw things at them....when you could throw things at me?" He said, drawing a circle on his chest with chalk. He then starts jumping around. "Am I over here? Or am I over here? Anything for the captain of the Banshees!"
Hazel glared at the teacher. Boscha took some gum out of her mouth, holding it up. "Oh, thanks, but I already have the perfect targets." She giggles, throwing the gum into Willow's hair.
Willow groans, trying to pull the gum from her hair. Luz places a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, it's not like she can follow us around all day, right?" She said. Hazel hummed, but agreed with her.

The four students sat on the front steps of Hexside, covered in trash and their faces graffitied on. Hazel had "Weirdo" and "Boscha's the Best!" Written on her face, as well as a few scribbles.
"She followed us around all day. She LITERALLY followed us around all day!" Luz yelled in disbelief, shaking Willow's shoulder.
Willow sighs, pulling some trash off herself. "I'm really sorry I pulled you guys into this. We should have just kept a low profile. Boscha could get away with murder if she wanted to."
Principal Bump, who was walking down the stairs, overheard. "What's this? Boscha got way with murder? I can't say I approve, but at least she's trying new things." He chuckles, leaving the four there. Luz turns to her friends, determined. "We will find a way out of this."
Amity and Liza pass by. Luz perks up. "Amity!" She called, cleaning herself up. Rushing up to Amity, the human starts talking to her. Liza stands a few feet away, looking anywhere but in Hazel's direction.
Hazel watches her, saddened. Willow and Gus notice that there was something clearly wrong.
"What's going' on, buddy? What happened?" Gus asks. Hazel sighs, lowering her gaze to the ground. "At Grom....I left Liza on the dance floor." She said flatly. Concerned, the two witchlings share a look, before turning back to Hazel. "Hazel, you have to go talk to her!" Gus stated.
Hazel frowns, bringing her knees to her chest. "What can I say? The reason I left her alone was because of the truth. I can't be with her, you know what I am! If she finds out the truth, I'm going to lose her...."
"But you'll lose her anyway unless you do something." Willow said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "She's your friend, and even if you don't want to tell her the full truth yet, she deserves some sort of explanation." She added softly.
Hazel looks to the ground, then to Liza about to walk away. With a determined look, she got up from her seat, rushing up to Liza. "Liza!"
The pink-haired witch turns to face her. Hazel stops in front of her, panting for breath. "Liza, I'm so sorry about what happened at Grom. If I can make it up to you, I will-"
Liza looks to the ground, clutching her books even tighter before letting out a sigh. " don't have nothing to be sorry for, Hazel. I'm not mad anymore. If anything, I have to make it up to you." she said softly. Hazel stopped talking for a moment. What?
"But why? I was the horrible one the other night! I left you alone without explaining myself-" she started, but Liza looked up to her, tears in her eyes. Immediately, she went quiet.
The pink-haired witching's gaze returned to the ground. "Hazel, you came back to save me, and forced yourself to face your biggest fear. And what did I do when you went into a panic? I stood by and did nothing... I could've helped you! I...."
Hazel watched her, for a moment, before giving the pink-haired witchling a hug. Liza, shocked, stood still, before leaning into the hug.
The demon smiled. This felt nice, being the first to engage in a hug for once. "Are we...still friends?" She asked quietly. Liza nodded without responding. The basilisk let out a relieved sigh.
Hearing a scream coming from Willow and Gus's direction. The two were harshly brought back to reality, turning their attention to the witchlings.
Willow was covered in even more trash than before, and Gus was helping her take it off. Moving her gaze up, Hazel found the culprit holding a trashcan out of the second floor window. A growl erupted from her throat at the sight of Boscha's satisfied smirk.
Liza let out a cough to gain her attention. Looking at Liza, she realised she was still hugging the pink-haired witchling.
Cheeks heating up, she released Liza, turning away for a moment as she regained her composure. "I-i have to go help Willow." she said. Liza gave an understanding nod, allowing the demon to walk away. Hazel didn't notice, but the Blight's whole face had gone a bright, tomato red (I mean she's still a Blight-).

Hazel runs back to Willow, just as Luz reached her, asking her what happened.
"Boscha happened." Willow replied to the human, as Gus helped her clean the trash off of her. Boscha cackled from above. "Hey Willow! I just thought all trash should stay in one spot." She said smugly.
Hazel helped Willow to her feet, as Luz shook in fury. "That's it! Boscha! Willow challenges you to...a Grudgby match!" She called out. Everyone gasps.
"She what?" Boscha yelled in disbelief, dropping the trash can.
"I what?" Willow asks, as Hazel stared at Luz. "She what?!"
The trash can dropped onto Gus. "She what? Seriously, what's going on?" The small witchling asks from within the trash can.


"And here's when we took down Epiderm High in the semi-finals." Eda says to King, pointing at a photo of her younger self holding a trophy. She was dressed in her old Grudgby jacket, showing a photo album to the small demon.
The picture she pointed to had a younger version of herself holding up a trophy proudly. "Oh, I was one of the youngest on the team, but I had what some call "star power". AKA, this." She stated, puling out a box from her hair labeled "Eda's Rad Cheats". She shows it to King.
"This is my cheat box." She explained. "I have all my best weapons in here. Smoke bombs, sock-worms...mwah. You name it. Oh, I never lost a game with this bad boy." She chuckles.
The door slams open, and Hooty enters. "Hoot-hoot! Guess who found a special friend in the forest." He brings in a figure wrapped up in his elongated body. "It was me. Hoot!" He hooted, dropping the figure, who falls to the floor. She grunts as she gets up.
Eda glares at her sister, placing her cheat box back in her hair. "Lilith."
"Edalyn." Lilith glowers back. Hooty pops between them. "Hooty!"
Eda groans, waving the bird-tube away. "Ugh. Scram, Hooty." She orders.
Hooty leaves, slamming the door close. Lilith turns her gaze to her sister once again, noticing what she's wearing. "Why are you in your old uniform?" She asked. Eda crossed her arms. "No reason. It's laundry day. What are you doing here?"
Lilith summons a scroll. Opening it up and letting it roll out, she starts reading. "Edalyn Clawthorne, you and your young accomplice, Hannah, are hereby under arrest by the order of the Emperor of the Boiling Isles..."
Eda and King share a look, grinning. Drawing a spell circle, Eda uses her magic to roll up the scroll, which smacks her sister in the face. "You were saying?" She asks cheekily.
Lilith stomps her foot angrily. "Come on! I have to bring you in. It's time for you to join the coven. The Emperor has big plans for the Isles, and he wants you to be a part of it all." She tried to explain. Eda picks up her photo album, bored. "Ooh, aah. What an incredible opportunity for me." she said sarcastically.
Lilith, noticing she wasn't paying attention, snatches the photo album from her sisters hands. "What are you even looking at?" Opening the book, her eyes widen in surprise. "Grudgby pictures? Feeling sentimental?" She asks, snapping the book shut.
Eda scoffed. "Pah! Me? Never. I was just telling King here how good I was." she stated, summoning a Grudgby ball.
Her sister shakes her head sadly. "Oh, Edalyn. Not only is the curse affecting your hair, but your memory as well." Lilith said with a smug grin. Holding up the picture of young Eda, she unfolds it to reveal a young Lilith with an even larger grudgby trophy, and several medals. Beside her stood another young girl, with dark red hair. It was tied up in a ponytail, as she held a few medals. Her eyes were blurred out,
As Eda groans at her statement, Lilith takes a look at the photo. She's...still got the spell up, I see. she mumbles, surprised. Shaking her head, she places the photo back in the photo album as Eda turns to her with a grin.
"Ah, tell you what. I'll go with you peacefully to the Emperor..." she begins, spinning the grudgby ball on her finger. Lilith perks up. "Really?"
The owl lady nods. "Sure. If you can beat me at a game of Grudgby. Luz is always challenging people to things. Why not me?"
Lilith approaches her sister with a smirk. "Game on."

Boscha heads back inside, coming down the Hexside halls to them. Willow rushes to Luz's side. "Luz, what are you doing?!" She asks, panicked. Even Hazel was caught off guard by Luz's challenge.
The human grins at her friend. "I'm just following Amity's advice. Boscha only speaks in Grudgby terms. Trust me, I have a plan." She states, walking up to Boscha who walks down the steps toward them.
"Okay, maybe it's the altitude of the second floor, but I thought I heard you say that Leaf Girl wanted to challenge me to a Grudgby match." She scoffed, twirling a ball on her finger. Luz nodded. That's right! We'll settle this once and for all on the field." She says determinedly.
Students surround them, as Willow runs up between them. "Or we could just talk about our issues." She chuckles nervously. Boscha, however, ignored her. "Let's do this."
Luz pulls Willow and Hazel, who'd wandered up beside her, into a side hug. "If Willow's team wins, you don't get to pick on her anymore." She declared, pointing to Gus as well, who was still stuck in the trash can.
Boscha scoffs. "Fine! And when we win, Willow and your team will be our water gofers." She stated. Luz cackled. "Ha! That's not even a punishment. I love water."
"And," Boscha continued. "We get to use you as target practice." Backing up, she throws the ball and kicks it, sending it straight through a tree trunk. The hole smokes, as the three friends and a few other students stare in disbelief. "See you after school, losers." Boscha waves, walking off.
The entire tree catches fire, startling Willow, Luz and Hazel. The oracle student jumps out of no where. "Whoo-hoo! Willow verses Boscha!" They cheer.
The four friends and Amity sit back down on Hexside's stairs, and Hazel helps Gus take the trash can off his head. Amity is concerned. "Luz, this isn't a good idea." She said. Willow nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I've never even played Grudgby before! How am I supposed to beat Boscha?" She asks anxiously.
"But you're the better witch." Luz says, taking out her DVD as Hazel threw the trash can away. "I don't know much about sports, but I do know about sports movies. We, too, are a ragtag team of loveable misfits joined together to defeat a powerful enemy. With a little team spirit and a training montage, we can win." She says determinedly.
Willow sighs. "Well, if you think this'll work, then I'm in." she smiles. "How about you, Gus? Hazel?" she asks.
Gus hummed in thought, taking out his small blue flags. "In seasons past, these flags have waved in support of Grudgby greats. Now they will wave for the greatest: Me!" He giggled gleefully, waving his flags excitedly.
Hazel smiled. "Of course. I wouldn't leave my besties hanging." She stated. Luz grinned. "Wow. Love the confidence boost. What about you, Amity?" She asks the green-haired witch. Amity chuckles nervously. "Me? On a team with you? Running around in cute uniforms? Sweating?!" She said, before scurrying off, blushing heavily. "I gotta go!"
Luz, Willow, Gus and Hazel watch her, confused. "Huh? Well, I guess she's out." Luz mumbled to herself, before grinning. "In any case, let's get training!" She announced.

Luz, Hazel, Willow and Gus stood next to the large Grudgby field. The human turned to her friends. "So, how exactly do we play Grudby?" She asked. Gus summons a miniature illusion of the field to demonstrate. "Well, there's a ball, and you score by getting the ball through the other team's goal." the illusion illustrated, before disappearing. Luz perked up. "That sounds easy." She grinned.
Hazel looked out at the field. "Too easy. What's the catch?" She asks the two witchlings. Willow summons a leaf. "This is."
Blowing the leaf onto the field, the witchlings and human watch as it's quickly ripped to shreds by fire, vines, ice shards, and rock spikes that emerge from the field. Luz gulped. "Oh, right. Boiling Isles. Should have predicted this."
Luz sets her phone to play motivational sports music. Putting on a sweatband, she turns to her friends. "Alright! Every great sports story includes a training montage." She announced. Gus raises his hand, confused. "What's a "mon-tage"?" He asks.


The human stands in front of a chalkboard with the word "montage" written on it, explaining to her three friends sitting in front of her what a montage is. Gus takes notes, intrigued.


Luz shows Willow, Gus and Hazel a football movie on a TV. Hazel watches it, intrigued. When a human gets hurt, they all visibly cringe.


The human pours Gus, Willow and Hazel some tea. All are dressed in animal onesies. Gus as a blue walrus, Willow as pink axolotl, Luz as a yellow lynx and Hazel as a green frog.


"Oh, I get it now!" Gus said, before remembering something. "Wait, were we just having a tea party in animal jimmies?"
Luz frowns. "What happens in the montage stays in the montage! Now let's hit the field!" she announced, throwing a Grudgby ball in her besties direction and blows a whistle.
The ball hits the ground. Willow prepares to pick it, but a giant tentacle bursts from the ground and throws the ball. Willow catches it.
All three scream as they run away from the tentacle. A giant hand bursts from the ground, grabbing Gus. Hazel runs in a different direction of Willow, and watches as she's being chased by flaming grudgby balls.
"Woo! Go Willow!"
Hazel turns to look at the same Oracle student from earlier watching from the bleachers. She gives them a weird look.
"Hazel! Catch it!"
Luz's voice snaps Hazel back to the game. "Huh?" Turning to look at the human, she didn't notice the grudgby ball headed her way until it struck her in the head.
She lets out a yelp, falling over. Not even giving her a chance to get her bearings, the ground starts to shake. A large mace emerges from the ground, and she shrieks as she moves out of harms way, ball in hand.
Scrambling to her feet, she runs away from the mace, only to be tripped over by the earth rising underneath her and messing up her gait.
She let go of the ball, and it rolled out of reach. The basilisk stayed in that position, letting out a groan.
Luz and Willow walked over. The human picked up the ball and handed it to Willow as Gus joined them, falling over in exhaustion beside Hazel.
Luz was still determined. "Now for our big finale! Let's try..." activating a plant glyph, she grins. "the Thorn Vault!"
Hazel, realising what she's about to do, raised a hand in a panic. "Luz, no-!"
Placing the plant glyph on the ground, the human watched satisfied as it activated, launching her three friends into the air by a column of thorns. The three scream once again.
Before they hit the ground, Willow summons a large plant to break their fall. Gus and Hazel roll right off, although it seemed the younger witchling had taken a harder hit.
Laying on the ground motionless, Hazel and Willow run over to him. Willow holds him in her arms. "gus! Talk to me, Gus!"
Hazel starts pacing anxiously around the two, as Luz wanders up. "Gus, say something bud!"
The young witchling opens his eyes dramatically. "I, I think something's broken." he said. Pulling out his flags, they find they're now snapped. He gasps. "My flags! i never should have tried to play. You were always enough for me!" he sobbed. Hazel let out a quiet, relieved sigh.
Looking down at Willow, she noticed her gaze was now on her broken hair clip. Standing up, Willow helps Gus to his feet. "Come on, Gus. I have some floral tape in the greenhouse. We'll fix them." She soothed, giving his back a rub.
Feeling a pounding head-ache starting to form, Hazel starts following Willow. "Willow, you wouldn't mind showing me where the healing witches would be, would you?" She asks. Willow shakes her head. "Not at all. That hit to the head must've hurt."
Luz looked at her friends. "Guys, let's try the Thorn Vault one more time." She said. Willow shook her head. "Not now, Luz. We're tired and hurt."
"But we're the underdogs, we have to stay upbeat and keep trying and-"
"LUZ!" The human stopped, as Willow marched up to her. "Not everything can be solved with a good attitude and a dope music soundtrack. We're going to lose. And no movie can help us against that. The game is off." Her voice cracked as she walked back over to Hazel and Gus. The human was left behind, feeling guilty as her three friends walked away.


"-just have plenty of rest and I'm sure you'll be fine." Viney grinned, handing the basilisk an ice-pack. Hazel was now sitting in an empty sick-bay classroom, having found Viney after her class. She returned the smile. "Thanks Viney."
Puddles, Viney's griffon, bonked his head into her shoulder, before flopping his head and paws onto her lap. She let out a loud "Oof!", giggling.
"And thank you too, Puddles." Puddles let out a purr.
"No problem! I'll be in here cleaning up if you need me!" The witchling responded, walking into another room.
Hazel let out a sigh, laying her head back with the ice-pack on her head. It wasn't really necessary, but Viney wanted to be sure it would stop swelling.
Hearing a small knock on the door, Hazel turned to find Liza standing in the doorway. She looked concerned, as she caught sight of the ice-pack. "There you are, Hazel. Are you okay? I heard you had an accident." She asked worriedly, coming to sit next to the basilisk.
The demon smiled. She came to check I was okay? That's so sweet...
She waved the witchling off, giving her a small grin. "Yeah, I'm fine! Just a little knock to the head was all! Nothing to be worried about!" She chuckled, trying to play off it was all fine.
Viney peeked her head out from the other room, having heard the conversation. "She got hit in the head with a grudgby ball." she stated blankly. Hazel quickly turned to the older witchling. "Viney!"
At this news, Liza grew even more concerned. "Hazel! Are you okay?! That could've given you a concussion- Viney is she okay?" She turned to the older witchling too.
Now it was Viney's turn to calm down the witchling. "She'll be okay. As long as she doesn't get up too soon and gets rest, she'll be better in no time." She stated, giving her a thumbs up. Liza breathed a sigh of relief.
Hearing someone knocking on the door once more, the trio turned to see Amity in the doorway. Catching sight of Hazel, she rushed in. "Hazel, Luz needs you!" She said, kneeling beside the basilisk.
Hazel frowned, looking away for a moment. Yes, she felt guilty, but Luz didn't seem to care when Hazel, Gus or Willow had been hurt. Amity seemed to read her mind.
"I know she pushed you guys, but she had good intentions. She didn't want you or Willow to be picked on anymore by Boscha. I'm not saying that how she went about it was the best way, but she was trying to help the only way she knew how: in her own Luz way."
Hazel turned to face Amity, realising that was she was saying was true. Luz would never hurt her friends on purpose. She sighed, smiling. "I know. I guess I was wrong to blame her."
Getting up, she gave the ice pack back to Viney. "I'm feeling much better now. Thank you again Viney." Turning to Amity, she placed her hands on her hips. "Now, where's Luz?" she asked.
The green-haired witchling's eyes widened. "Oh no! She's probably still on the field being used as target practise for Boscha! She gave herself up so then she'd leave you and Willow alone!" She explained.
Hazel's brows furrowed. "No one hurts my besties on my watch! Let's go!"
With that, the two ran toward the field, with Liza close behind.


Eda rushed toward the goal, grudgby ball in hand. Tossing it toward the net, she was about to score another point when Hooty blocks the ball. "Hoot!"
Eda glared p at him, as Lilith passes by her, catching the ball. "Hooty! Whose side are you on?" she grumbled. Hooty smirked. "I'm an unbiased participant, hoot-hoot." He responded.
Lilith successfully avoids Eda and Hooty, scoring a goal. King marks the score, now tied 5-5. He waves his pom-pom around. "Point goes to Lilith. We're at a tie here, folks!" The small demon announces.
The two Clawthorne sisters both pant in exhaustion. Hooty slides in with the ball. "Time for one more play."
Giving her sister a glare, Eda reaches into her hair and pulls out her cheat box. "Just one little trick and the game will be mine." she smirks, opening the box. Her grin fades, however, when she comes face to face with an empty box, save for a sticky note with a drawing of Luz that read "I noticed your lunchbox was getting dirty so I cleaned it! LOVE, LUZ".
"Dang it, Luz! Your nonsense has gotten into my hed. Well, time to do this the old-fashioned way." The Owl Lady grumbled, placing her box back into her hair.
Walking back to the middle of their makeshift field, her sister was waiting for her. "Taking your time. Nervous?" Lilith questioned, amused. Eda only grinned. "Not today, sister."
Blowing his whistle, Hooty throws the ball into the air, beginning play again. Eda and Lilith both jump for the ball, but Eda grabs it and makes for the goal. The bird tube emerges from the ground beneath her.
"It's me again!"
Eda steps on his face, using him as a launchpad. Hooty yelps in pain, as the coven leader falls on him, reaching out for her sister in vain. "No!"
Scoring the goal, the Owl Lady wins the game. King marks the final score, cheering in victory. "Ha ha! Game over! Team Owl House rules supreme!"
Eda lands on the ground, doing her own victory dance. "Yes! Still got it! Still got the skills to pay the bills!"
Hearing an upset cry, the Owl Lady turned to face her sister. Lilith was on her knees, slamming her fists angrily at the ground. "No! I can't go back to the Emperor empty-handed." She screamed.
Eda watched her for a moment. Letting out a sigh, she takes off her ring, holding it out for Lilith. "Here."
Lilith looks up at her in shock. "Tell them I put up a heck of a struggle." The Owl Lady continued.
After a moments hesitation, Lilith took the ring. "I'll be back for you and your young accomplice. And next time, I won't be alone." She said quietly, getting up and walking away. Eda watched her leave. "I'll be waiting." she replied.
Lilith looks over her shoulder at Eda, before disappearing amongst the trees. Eda watched her silently, a small smile on her face. That is, until Hooty pops in beside her. "I'll be waiting too! Hoot-hooty-hoot!"


Hazel, Amity and Liza made it to the field just in time to see Willow block Boscha's attack and save Luz with a large tree.
"Boscha. Your issue is with me, not Luz. Leave her be." She said. Luz, relieved, ran up to her, just as Hazel ran up to the two. "Willow! Hazel! Guys, I'm sorry I got you into this mess. You're right, I got my head too stuck in the movie biz." She said apologetically. Willow turned to her with a smile. "It's okay. We know you were just trying to help in your Luz way. But now let's finish way."
Willow turned to Boscha. "The game is back on." she announced. But before anyone could say anything, a shout was heard. "Hold it!"
Everyone turned to the source, finding Liza marching up to Hazel. She places a firm hand on the basilisks shoulder. "Hazel, you can't play! You hurt your head, and Viney said you need rest!" she stated matter-of-factly. Hazel glanced over her shoulder at her freinds. "But Willow and Luz need me-" she started, but Liza cut her off. "I know. Which is why I'm taking your place." She smiled softly.
Everyone gasped, and even Boscha was taken aback by the news. Hazel looked at her, surprised. "What?"
"Hazel, you saved me from Grom. The least I can do is take your place in a game of Grudgby while you get better." She said quietly.
Tearing up, Hazel grinned as she gave Liza a hug, ignoring Luz's fangirl squeals. Pulling away, Liza turned to Willow and Luz determinedly. "Let's do this."
Boscha, angry that Liza was now on their team, glared at the three. "There's only three of you. Where's your fourth?" she growled.
All four of them look up at the bleachers to find Gus looking down at his flags sadly.
"Uh, well..." Willow started, but was cut off by Amity. "Right here."
The green-haired witch walks over to stand beside Willow and Luz. Boscha gave her a disgusted glare. "You two just destroyed your social lives."
Amity looks between Willow, Luz, Liza and Hazel. "Nah. I think we made it better."
"Ugh! Game on!"
Boscha stalks off, and the four grinned at each other.

Boscha, Cat, Amelia and Skara were facing Willow's team, all in Grudgby gear. Gus and Hazel sat on the bleachers. The younger witchling waved his flags excitedly. "Go Willow!" he cheered.
Willow turned to Boscha. "There's something on your shoe." she said. The pink-haired witchling merely scoffed. "Like I'd fall for that."
The ball was launched into the air. Boscha lunges for it, but is stopped. There are vines wrapped around her shoe, causing her to fall over. Willow catches the ball, using a plant to burrow underneath and make the first goal.

The Owl House x Oc: Hidden Demons (S1+ 2)Where stories live. Discover now