Pink Hair, Grey Feathers

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"Hexside's gonna wreck your side. Huh, no. Hexside is the best side on the west side." The human let out a yelp. She was on her way to Hexside to join Willow and Gus to visit Glandus High for the annual Grudgby game.
Right now, she was outside of her soon-to-be school, and a Dragon Bus was trying to bite at her. Luz walked around it, shuddering. Catching sight of her friends, she rushed over. "Ah! Friends!" They all cheered. "Whoo-hoo!"
"Game day roar!"
"Happy game day, fellow, uh...are we Hexidians? Hexies?" the human let out a gasp. "Hexoleos?"
Willow shook her head. "Actually, most people call" she said aggressively.
Hearing someone walking down the steps, Luz glanced up to find Hazel holding her books, letting out a yawn as she approached them. "Hi Hazel! Are you coming with us?" The human asked excitedly. Hazel looked up at her, her gaze passing between the Dragon Bus, her friends, and the many students ready to leave. The demon shook her head. "Sorry, guys. But sports isn't really my thing. Plus I'm a bit tired from staying up all night last night." She explained. Willow looked at Hazel, concerned. "You look awful. What were you doing all night?" The witchling asked.


Hazel was in the closet, trying to lift the mop up from the ground. The mop came to life, and Hazel screamed as it started to try and eat her.

In the green house, the demon tried laying down on the table. A couple of plants moving around crawled over to her while she slept, climbing all over her. Hazel awoke to the vines wrapping around her, and she hurriedly ripped them off, shaking from the feeling of being restricted.

Finally, the student decided to just sleep in the Human Appreciation Society's classroom, falling asleep at the desk. By now it was morning, and the rising sun was shining through the window. Hazel let out a long groan of frustration.

End Flashback

Hazel shivered at Willow's question. "You don't wanna know." She said darkly. Luz chuckled nervously at Hazel's wide, red eyes. "Okay, just try and get some rest, okay?" She said. Hazel only gave the human a thumbs up in response.
The human looked down at her hoodie. "Is it weird that I'm not wearing anything Hexside?" She asked worriedly. Willow squinted at the colours. "Um, it's weirder that you're wearing Glandus colours." She admitted.
As another student walked by and picked on Luz's colours, Hazel looked around. "Well, I'm going to the library today. I'll be there if you need me." She said, walking off. Her friends waved her goodbye.

A few hours later...

Hazel awoke from her mini nap. She had face-planted the table, the book she was reading wide open. Rubbing her eyes, the demon looked around. She was still in the library.
Glancing down at the book, she recognised the flowery language as the Good Witch Azura. Hazel let out a long sigh, standing up to return the book to it's shelf. As she's walking by an aisle, she pauses, turning to face a figure.
Maybe it was the bag with the dragon designs, or the witches bright pink hair that caught her attention, but once Hazel caught sight of the witchling, she couldn't look away.
The witchling was a female, with freckles dusting her cheeks, the bright pinkish, reddish hair, and amber eyes hidden behind nerdy glasses. Hazel thought for a moment who she looked similar to.
The witchling moved further up the aisle, and when the demon realised she was staring for too long, she hurriedly went to the next aisle, face heating up like there was no tomorrow.
There was a weird fluttering in the demon's stomach, and she came to a stop, panting for breath. "What's wrong with me? You can't just stare at people like that! And what is this weird feeling? Am I sick? Am I going to die?!"
Hazel let out a yelp as she tripped over a book, falling face-first onto the ground. The Azura book slid across the floor. It stopped at someone's feet, and the figure bent to pick it up before walking over to the Hexside student. "Hey, are you ok?" She asked, holding out a hand. Hazel lifted herself up, facing the witch. The pink-haired witch looked down at her with concern. Face turning a bright red, Hazel took it, and let the unknown witch help her to her feet. "I-i'm fine. Thank you." She stammered out.
The witch smiled at her, extending her hand. "I'm Liza Blight. What's your name?" Hazel stared at Liza's hand for a second, not understanding. "Uh..." finally, the demon high-fived it. Something Luz had shown her. "I'm Hazel."
The witch stared at her hand for a second, bursting into laughter. "Well, nice to meet you Hazel. Cute little hand thing you got going there." She complimented. Hazel's cheeks flushed once again. What was with her today. "W-was I not meant to do that?" She asked. Liza waved her off. "It's fine. It's actually kinda cute." Liza said.
Hazel couldn't help but smile. "So...what brought you to the library? I don't think I've seen you here before."
Liza's smile faded for a split second. "Oh. Uh, I came here to study. I'll be switching school's soon, so I wanna catch up a bit. How about you? I see you're a Hexside student. Wasn't there a Grudgby team versing my school, Glandus High?" She asked. Hazel chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. "To tell you the truth, I don't actually like big crowds." The demon admitted. The witch smiled once more, and Hazel felt the fluttering in her stomach return.
An alarm went off, and Liza looked at her watch, which was biting at her wrist. "Well, I have to get going. My cousin will be expecting me." The witch stated, turning around. She paused, realising she still held the Good Witch Azura. "Uh, here's your book. See you around, Hazel."
Hazel waved at her, her cheeks still flushed. A thought occurred to the demon. "Wait, did she say "Blight"?"

Hazel walked by the Playground. Hearing whimpering, she glanced over to find King tangled in the climbing net. She rushed over to help the small demon. "King! Are you ok?" She asked, untangling him and setting him down. King brushed himself off. "I'm okay. I gotta find Eda, she's in trouble!" He said, looking around the playground.
Hazel kneeled beside him. "What do you mean? What happened?"
Before King could reply, a small voice spoke from behind the net. "Your pride has destroyed you." The two look over to see a toddler, staring at King. He smirked at the small demon. "The throne belongs to me now."
King growled at the toddler. "Over my dead body!" He cried. He was interrupted by an animal screech. Hazel looked over to where the noise was coming from, chills running down her spine. King gasped. "Eda!"
As the toddler and demon continued to argue, Hazel stared at King. "That was Eda?! King, what happened!" She asked again, as the small demon ran off. King hurried to catch up to the Hexside student, so Hazel picked him up. "Okay, don't be alarmed by what you see, but Eda is in the back of that Animal Control car." The small demon explained, pointing to a cart that was stopped at a red light.
Hazel ran as fast as she could to the cart. Standing by the window, she helps King inside. The screeching she heard earlier was inside, the beast more aggravated. Taking a peek inside, she watched King calm the beast down. "You in there, Eda?" He asked timidly. The beast snapped at him, snarling at the small demon. She was tied up in a large, green net.
Hazel stared at the beast. "That's Eda?"
"Eda, I'm sorry. I used you for your strength 'cause I felt weak. I'm your friend. If only there were some way to remind you who I am." King continued. Owl Eda snapped at him once again, and Hazel gasped. "King, be careful!"
An idea struck King. "Wait a sec. Eda loves my rage squeal. Like this..." he paused, turning accusingly at Hazel. "Don't judge me!" He yelled. "....please?" He asked a bit more timidly. Hazel held up her hands in surrender. "Hey, whatever happens here stays with me." She replied.
King took a deep breath, before doing a high-pitched squeal. Hazel awed at his performance. "Awe! It's like a little tea-kettle!" She said, looking down at King with starry eyes.
Owl Eda's ears perked at his squeal, before she burst out laughing. "So tiny. So angry." She cackled. Hazel watched in amazement as she turned back to normal. Eda groaned, fixing up her hair as King ran up to her, embracing her in a hug. "Eda, you're back!"
Eda hugged him, looking around. "What happened?" She asked. King stepped back, thinking for a minute. "Okay, so I went to your room and you were the beast. And then....I woke up here one second before you did." King explained.
Eda stood up, not believing his lie. "Uh huh. I'll deal with you later. But for now, you wanna bounce?" She asked. King nodded, crossing his arms. "Yes please."
Eda drew a spell circle, about to cast it when she realised the face peeking through the window. Hazel and the Owl Lady made eye contact, before Eda pointed at her. "You didn't see anything....capeesh?"
Hazel smiled, saluting her. "Yes ma'am."

The Demon Hunters driving the Animal Control cart heard an explosion. The Leader groaned as he turned to find their cart blown in half. "Ah! Where did it go?"
He spotted Eda, King and a figure wearing a Hexside uniform, their cowl over their head. "Hey, lady. H-have you seen a monster that kinda looks like you?" He asked Eda.
Eda smirked, walking off with King under her arm, Hazel giggling as she followed her, ignoring the yells of the former demon hunter.

"So, kid. You swear you won't tell anyone about what you've seen today?" Eda asked. They were nearly at the Owl House, and Hazel had been invited over. Hazel placed a hand on her chest. "Of course!"
Eda hummed. "Okay. Well, we're here. Welcome to the Owl House....well, again. You did clean it the other day..."
Hooty spotted them approaching, and her hooted excitedly. "Hoot-Hoot! Hi Hazel! Long time no see!"
The demon giggled. "Hi, Hooty. How has your day been?" She asked innocently. Eda and King let out a loud groan, as Hooty talked excitingly about his day. Something about flies and sparrows. "Ugh! Great, now he'll be talking for hours!" Eda grumbled as she opened the door, holding it open for King and Hazel. King covered his ears. "Make it stop!" He whined, while Hazel chuckled. "Sorry."

Luz was inside, Owlbert on the couch beside her with a bandaid on his head. Eda stared tiredly at the duo. "Owlbert, why are you off your staff?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. Owlbert flew onto the witch's shoulder, warbling something to her. Eda raised a brow. "Luz took you to get ice cream? Aw, that's...a horrible lie."
Hazel waved at Luz. "Hi, Luz! How was your game today?" She asked. Luz started sweating. "Oh, it was great! Everyone had fun! Too bad you couldn't come." She chuckled. Hazel looked around. The house was a little messier since last time she was here, but she didn't mind. It felt more like a home. Letting out a sigh, she glanced back at Luz, Eda and King. "Well, I better be going. Don't wanna disturb you guys-" she said, heading toward the door.
"Hazel, wait! Would you like a sleep-over?" Luz asked. Hazel paused, turning back to the human with wide eyes. "A...sleepover?"
Luz nodded her head. "Yeah! Please, Eda? Can she stay the night?" The human turned her attention to Eda. The Owl Lady only shrugged, walking into her room. "Well, lucky for you I don't care what you do right now. I'm going to take a nap." She yawned. King watched her go. "I'll, uh, be at the playground." He stated, walking out the door. The human turned back to Hazel. "So? What do ya say?"
Hazel thought for a moment, before shrugging, a smile on her face. "Uh....sure, I guess?"
Luz squealed with delight, taking Hazel's hand. "This is fantastic! We can stay up all night! We can tell stories, teach other glyphs..." she gasped, turning to Hazel with star-filled eyes. "Have you read the Good Witch Azura?!"

In Eda's room, four empty elixir bottle's sat on her side table. Eda sat down in her nest, humming in thought. "The kid is hiding something. I just know it."
The Owl Lady began to cough violently. Turning herself over, she coughed into her hand. An empty bottle fell into her hand. "The isn't working on the curse anymore. This is bad." She muttered. She began coughing once again, before vomiting something else up. The Owl Lady held it out, disgusted. "When did I swallow a swing?"

Luz lit up a light glyph, holding it up for her friend to see. "This is my first glyph."
Hazel's eyes widened, reaching out to carefully hold the ball of light in her hand. It dissipated, leaving the demon empty handed. Luz giggled. "Here, you try. Just tap it."
The human handed Hazel a piece of paper. It had a strange symbol on it. Hovering her hand over it, she tapped it. She felt a burning sensation on her hand, but it was manageable. The demon was now holding the light glyph.
Hazel gasped. "Whoa..." she mumbled. The burning sensation began to get worse, and she hissed in pain as she took her hands away from the orb of light. Luz took a look at her hands. "Huh, that's weird. Maybe vampires can't touch it glyphs?" She wondered. Hazel chuckled nervously. "Y-yeah, maybe that's it..."
Luz thought for a minute, before reaching into her bag, pulling out gloves. "Here, put these on. And try it again."
Placing the gloves on her hands, Hazel tapped the light orb. There was no burning sensation this time. The demon grinned, as Luz tapped another glyph to light up the dark room.

A/N: Expect a Steven Universe book coming soon cause that's all I've been thinking of for the past week-

The Owl House x Oc: Hidden Demons (S1+ 2)Where stories live. Discover now