Sense and Insensitivity

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Hazel and Luz walked excitedly around the book fair. Hazel had brought her own bag, which held a couple of snails (that she may or may not have stolen) and a very badly written book in her opinion. They were pointing out all the exciting stands when they made it to Eda. Eda was busy bargaining with a bunch of nerds to buy her things. King wasn't too impressed that all the demons walking by were ignoring them.
Luz ran up to Eda excitedly. "Guys! You will not believe what's going on!" She pulled Hazel in to pose in front of the rows and rows of book stands. "It's a book fair!" Hazel announced, jazzing her hands. Luz grinned. "Where books come to life!" She finished. A book from a nearby stand fell to the ground. "Hello." It greeted. The human yelped, kicking the freakish book away from her. Hazel chuckled. "Literally!"
King tilted his head in confusion. "A fair without rides?" He asked. A boy wearing a backpack filled with books walked up to him, smiling excitedly. "Who needs rides when this can take you anywhere?" The witch asked, shoving a book into King's face.
King pushed it away, throwing a piece of bacon onto the witch's head. A winged demon flies by and picks him up, as the boy screams in terror.
Hazel chuckled at the small demons antics.
Eda picked up a book from a nearby stand, glancing down at it for a brief second. "A, ew. B, I'm bored." She threw the book to the ground, crossing her arms. "C, I feel like pickpocketing some dork while they browse." She announced, walking off, Luz reached out to her mentor. "No, wait!" But it was no use. Eda wasn't interested in books, only crimes.
The human gave up, turning to King. "Will you give it a chance?" She asked hopefully. King thought for a moment, pointing to Hazel. "Can I ride in her hoodie?" He asked, pointing to Hazel. Hazel knelt down, pulling her hoodie up. "Sure, why not?"
King cackled, scurrying over and climbing onto Hazel's shoulders, nestling into the Hexside students hoodie. The demon giggled to herself, and the three set off to look at the book fair.

Luz, Hazel and King walked throughout the book fair, the human marvelling at all the stands. "This book fair's got everything! A zine-making workshop, meet and greets, and- what's that?" She asked, coming to a stop and gasping loudly. Hazel followed her gaze, where a stand with a sign that read "Writing Competition. Enter Today!" sat. There was a lizard type demon and a witch taking autographs from many demons and witchling's. Hazel groaned at the sight of the witch giving autographs.
"A writing competition?! I've always wanted to be a writer." Luz sighed dreamily. King laughed at the human's statement. "Writer? What? I thought you wanted to be a witch?" He pointed out.
"Of course I wanna be a witch. But where I'm from that's kinda...impossible. So my runner up dream was to be a writer." Luz explained, pulling out a picture of herself. "I've had this about the author picture since I was seven years old. I know my good angle."
Hazel peeked at the photo. "Aw, it's little Luz!" She gasped. Luz chuckled. "Yep! Good ol' Luz through and through! I'm gonna enter the competition!" She announced.
Bo laughed maniacally as she ran by the two girls, startling them. King groaned. "Ugh! What are these basement dwellers doing out in natural sunlight?" He asked with disgust, leaning out of Hazel's hood for a moment.
Hazel rolled her eyes at the demons crowding around the stand. "They're in line to meet Jon De Plume. The author of the Realm of Warriors series." She stated boredly. Hearing an "ehem" come from beside them, the trio glance down at Tiny Nose, who was holding a book. "That's FAMOUS authow, thank you! He's the gweatest witer on the Boiling Isles! I'm gonna have him wead my storwy...and mawwy me." She whispered the last part to herself, before running up to the same stand as everyone else.
Hazel reached into her bag, pulling out the exact same book everyone was talking about. Throwing it into a nearby trash bin, a few students rushed to it and began to fight over it. "I don't see what's so special about it. It's no Good Witch Azura book." She stated. "I bet you could pull off writing a better book than him." She smiled, as Luz turned to her excitedly. "You really mean it?"
King was watching the crowds of people surround the author. The demons were grovelling at his feet, begging him to sign his autograph on things. "Such power. Such command he holds over his minions....I must have the same! Luz the human! I too shall enter the competition." The small demon announced. The human was even more ecstatic. "Really? We could work together! It'll be perfect! We're best friends, so we'll make the best team!"
"Team! Yes!"
"What about you, Hazel? Wanna join?" The human turned back to Hazel, before jumping a little in surprise. "Whoa! Great make-up Hazel! How'd you get that on so fast?" She asked. Hazel tilted her head in confusion, before catching her reflection in a mirror nearby.
Large, white spots were placed on her cheeks. The demon panicked, picking up King out of her hoodie and passing him to Luz. "I-i gotta go!" She squeaked, rushing off and covering her face with her hands.
Darting into an alley way, Hazel glanced down at her hands. They were slowly fading into scales. Reaching up to grab at her ears, she found them to be her original ones. "Oh no! Don't stop working here! I need to find something to eat-"
Glancing around the alley way, she found some Hexes Hold'em cards. They still had a bit of magic on them. Picking them up, she quickly ate them, almost gagging at the taste. Another downside to being a witch hybrid.
Looking down at her hands, she sighed in relief. The scales were gone. "'s fine, everything's fine...ugh! I'm so stupid! I need to buy more Hexes Hold'em cards and keep them on me at all times, now. I can't let this happen again..."

Eda walked around the book fair by herself. Picking up a book, she tossed it aside. "Boring." She stated, as she knocked a bunch of books over on a shelf. One fell off and landed on a child's head. "Boring..."
Grabbing another book, she glared down at it. "Boring." Letting out a loud gasp, she peered closer at the cover, which held a mirror to survey herself. "Another wrinkle! The curse is quickening!" She said.
"You, lackey."
A familiar voice called. Eda dropped the book she held, ducking for cover behind a banner that read "READ OR...DIE". Lifting the banner, she glared at her sister. "Lilith..."
Lilith was speaking to a merchant behind a stand, a coven guard standing next to her. "So you have the item we discussed?" She asked.
The stand owner nodded, smiling brightly. "Oh! Yes, right here." He said, opening a draw and handing the head of the Emperor coven a map.
Lilith opened it, as a blue glow came from the map. "This is excellent. A map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth. I think the emperor will be very pleased." She announced, rolling up the parchment once again with a smirk.
The guard, Steve, turned to her. "Ma'am, shouldn't we be searching for the Owl Lady to join the coven? And her accomplice? Remember that whole plan."
Lilith laughed. "My sister's curse has left her frail. She and the girl will still be here when we get back." She stated matter-of-factly.
Eda groaned at her, as Lilith continued. "This comes first. It's for the emperor after all."
Steve cheered, knocking over the merchant's books. "Yeah! All hail the emperor!"
"Very good Steve!"
"Shoulder pats for Steve!"
The two walked away, giving Eda the chance to talk to the merchant. Jumping over a table, the Owl Lady approached him. "Hey bub, what'd you sell my prissy sister?" She asked, casually leaning against his stand. The merchant perked up. "Oh! It's a map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth. A rare flower that only grows once a millennia. Like the name says, it gives eternal youth to whomever holds it." He informed.
Eda hummed in thought. "Interesting. So Lilith wants to nab this power for the emperor, huh. Well, won't she be surprised when I get there first and get it for myself!" She cackled. "That'll show her who's frail."
The merchant grinned maliciously, which went unnoticed by Eda. He reached under the stand. "Well, we'll see won't we." He said, pulling the draw open to reveal dozens of maps. "Can't go without a map of course." He stated, handing one to Eda. She takes it, grinning as she opens it.

(A day later...)

Hazel wandered the book fair, tiredly rubbing her eyes. She still wasn't getting enough sleep. Granted, her sleepover at the Owl House did help a lot. The demon hadn't slept properly since the destruction of detention.
Hearing a commotion, she turned her gaze to a crowd. It was the "Writing Competition" Stand again. There must be a new book. Rolling her eyes, she approached the stand. "Alright, what has Jon De Ploop done this time?" She asked. Tiny Nose stared up at her in confusion. "Jon De Plume? He was so last week! Haven't you hearwd?! There's a new authorw!" She stated, rushing forward with a new book.
Hazel tilted her head in confusion. "What? You were just obsessing over Jon yesterday!" She called out, but it fell on deaf ears. The demon groaned. "Alright, alright. Let's see what we have here."
Approaching the stand, a familiar, squeaky voice could be heard above the crowd of squealing fans. "Oh my, always good to meet minions. I mean fans!"
Hazel flicked her ear. "Was that..."
Pushing through the crowd, the demon reached the front. King was wearing sunglasses and a trench coat. Signing autographs, he caught sight of Hazel. "Hazel! Look! I'm a famous author now!" he said, climbing off the stand. People parted for him, and he climbed onto his friend's shoulder. Some fangirls looked at them enviously.
"Have you read my story? Everyone loves it!" King stated. Hazel chuckled, glancing around at the crowd nervously. She hadn't known it existed, let alone read it. "Uh...I uh..." she began, but King waved her off. "Oh, I know. My magnificent literature leaves everyone speechless." He said matter-of-factly. Hazel looked at him. "Yeah...uh, what happened to yours and Luz's collab-"
King held a paw to her mouth, preventing her from saying anymore. "Pfft! That collaboration is history!" He said nervously, looking up at Piniet, who was watching them.
Hazel followed his gaze, glancing up suspiciously at him as she removed his paw. "Uh huh. Anyway, I gotta get going. Good luck with your book." The demon said, placing King down. King reached into his pocket, pulling out a red envelope. "Wait! My publisher is throwing a huge party tonight for my book! Could you come? Please?" He said, using his "cute face".
Hazel smiled softly, chuckling to herself. "How can I say no to that face? Sure."
King cheered, as his friend took the red envelope. "Okay! See you tonight!"
As Hazel walked off, she could hear the fans surrounding her friend.

"That'll be 20 snails." The stand owner announced, holding up Ruler's Reach. Hazel reached into her bag, pulling out the money. "Here."
"It's all yours."
Taking the book from him, Hazel looked down at the cover. She was going to give her friends book a read. After all, she couldn't arrive at his party without at least reading it.

Later that night, Hazel held Ruler's Reach in her arms, heading to where the party was. She wanted to congratulate King on the book. She spent all day reading it, and she didn't regret it at all, unlike Jon De Plume. She could barely get pass chapter 3 of Realm of Warriors.
Reaching her destination, Hazel looked up at the Library, where the party was being held. There were swarms of witches and demons alike inside, all awaiting for King, and most likely news for book 2 of Ruler's Reach.
Spotting a familiar figure at walking inside, Hazel ran up to her. "Luz! Glad to see you here!" She greeted. She was about to ask about the humans book when she noticed the disinterested look on her face. "Uh...Luz? Is something wrong?" She asked. Luz smiled softly. "Oh, I'm fine. Just...happy for King, I guess."
Hazel tilted her head curiously, but before she could ask further questions, a voice called out for the human. "Luz, Hazel, buddies! I'm so glad you could make it!"
The two girls looked over to King scurrying over, carrying what looked like a draft for Ruler's Reach 2.
"Oh, hi King!"
"Hey King, I didn't wanna be angry at your success. You're my friend. So, congratulations!" Luz said with a sad smile.
Hazel glanced at the human. Angry? Why?
King grinned nervously. "Great to hear, 'cause I really need your help with my next book!" He said.
"Apparently I can't write my daring works of genius without rebelling against your gushy fantasy slop!" King continued. Luz's cheeks lit up, as she glared down at the small demon, furious. "Excuse me?"
"We make a great team! So, here's a pen. Writey writer, clock's a-tickin'!" King held out his draft, as well as a pen, to the human.
Luz took the pen, before dropping it, making the gathered crowd gasp. "I'm not writing for you after you made fun of all my ideas!" She yelled angrily.
"Hey! What the heck?"
Luz walked away as King bent down to pick up the pencil. "Congratulations on all your hard earned success." The human stated, leaving King and Hazel behind.
King turned to Hazel, smiling nervously. "Eh...uhum...w-would you like to collaborate with me? Hazel?" He asked timidly.
Hazel stared at him, a look of disgust on her face as she turned to chase after Luz.

"Luz! Luz! Are you ok?" Hazel called out, running to catch up to the human. Luz paused, turning to look back at her friend. "I'm fine. Just a little upset is all."
The demon sighed. "I'm sorry for not doing anything. I just had no idea what was really going on." She said. Luz waved her off. "Hey, it's ok! It wasn't your fault! Anyway, I'm gonna head home now. It's getting late. See ya, Hazel."
The human turned to leave, but Hazel stopped her. "Hey, wanna meet up here tomorrow? We could write our own collaboration! I already have a few ideas."
Luz smiled at her friend. "I'd like that. Thank you Hazel. See you tomorrow then." With that, the human left. Hazel smiled to herself as she into another aisle of the library. "May as well get some tips on how to write!"

(The next day...)

Hazel made her way to the Stadium, where King's next book Ruler's Reach 2 was going to be released. Luz hadn't show up at the library. "Maybe something important popped up? Maybe Eda got her to do some chores?" She mumbled to herself. "It's fine. We can meet up later on! Right now, i gotta go talk to King. He needs to apologise to Luz."
Making her way back stage, she spotted two guards. "Uh...hi? I'm here to see King-"
""No fans allowed." One of the guards said. Hazel chuckled nervously. "Uhm, well, you see, I'm not really a fan. I'm King's friend-"
"No body is allowed pass this point. Go wait in the stadium.
The demon stared up at the guards. "Oook...well, it was nice meeting you two. I'm leaving." She announced, backing away from the guards. "I'm going to go wait with the crowd. Don't worry, I definitely won't be back!"
Walking around the corner, she hid. "I gotta go talk to King. These douchebags won't stop me."
Making sure no one was watching, she transformed quickly and quietly into an almost identical guard. There were still white freckles on her face and shoulders, but hopefully they wouldn't notice.
"Hey, Ima just go and get some lunch. Be back in a few."
Peeking around the corner, she spotted one of the guards walking off. Perfect.
Waiting about a minute, she stepped out, casually walking pass him. The guard turned to watch her. "Hey!"
The demon froze, turning to face the guard. They were silent a moment, until the guard spoke up. "Nice make-up. You could've just told me you were getting that done."
Hazel started sweating. "Oh! Uh, thanks!"
Giving Hazel a thumbs up, he faced away from her. With a sigh of relief, Hazel walked toward the door. Before she cracked it open, she could hear voices coming from inside.
"Light spell!"
Opening the door, Hazel covered her eyes from the blinding light. When the light died down, she realised Piniet was covering his eyes, as if blinded. Luz and King were inside a purple box. They gasped at the sight of her. "Quick, King! The contract!"
With that, King lassoed his scarf at Piniet, but it completely missed him. "No!" King yelled.
Piniet chuckled, as he composed himself. "Very clever. But-" he scrunched up his fist, making the purple box Hazel's two friends were in smaller. They yelped in fear as they were slowly being crushed. "-it isn't enough to stop me."
He turned his gaze to the door, seemingly just noticing the "guard's" presence. "What are you doing here? Get back out there and guard the door!" He hissed.
Hazel growled, as Peniet returned his gaze to King and Luz.
While his back was turned, Hazel changed back, unaware King was watching her, as she charged at Peniet. "Let them go!"
Hazel barged into his back, causing him to topple over. Pinning him down, Luz noticed her friend for the first time. "Hazel! Get the contract! Get the contract!"
As the two wrestled on the floor, the demon found the contract. With one swift motion, she swiped it from the lizard's pocket, ripping it in two. The purple box immediately disappeared, setting Luz and King free.
Peniet managed to kick Hazel off, and he stood up, turning his furious gaze to King. "I made you a star, and this is how you repay me?" he screamed. King held up a briefcase. "No, this is!"
He opened it, releasing a bunch of cube-shaped people from within, who all started to surround Peniet, attacking him.
Picking up King, Luz ran toward the door. Hazel turned to leave as well, but ran into the two reptilian guards. The other one must've come back.
Peniet freed himself from the cube-shaped people, approaching the trio. "You are making this harder than it needs to be! And believe me, I am being very patient!" He stepped on a cube-person, crushing them. Luz held onto King tightly. "But let's..."
Pulling out a pen from his jacket, he popped the cap off and pressed a button. The nib of the pen extends into a large two-headed battle axe, which he raises above his head. "...cut to the finish!"
Before he could swing it down, the door burst open, sending the guards flying. They all look at the door in surprise. "Huh?"
Tiny Nose stepped from the shadows, holding a story. "King! I am your biggest fan!" She squealed, running over a guard and standing in-between King and Piniet. "And i fought my way back here for read my story?"
She looked up at King with hopeful eyes, as she held out her book to him. King shook his head. "I'm sorry, my lawyer advised me not to look at unsolicited work." He stated. Tiny Nose looked down sadly. "But...but..."
With a frustrated groan, Peniet grabbed Tiny Nose's story, waving it around. "If I read this, will you go? So I can annihilate them in peace?" He asked angrily. Tiny Nose nodded happily. "Of course!"
Throwing the axe aside, Peniet adjusted his glasses, and began to read.
Luz, King and Hazel all looked at each other, then at the guards, who were now standing up after brushing themselves off. One of the guard shrugs at them.
Peniet finally finishes the story. Closing it, the trio could see he was almost in tears. He hugged wit tightly. "Oh, it's beautiful!" He sniffed. Leaning down, he wrapped an arm around Tiny Nose. "You, you must let me publish this! I can make you a star!"
Tiny Nose looked up at him hopefully. "Really?!"
"Wait a minute. What about King?" King asked, looking hurt. Peniet groaned, taking King's jacket. "You're old news. She on the other hand is the future!" he announced, dropping King's jacket and sunglasses over Tiny Nose.
The tiny cubed people cheered as they hopped out the door. King angrily began to stomp over to the publisher, but Hazel grabbed him, picking him up. Luz chuckled nervously. "So, we're good then?" She asked. Peniet waved them off. "Yes, quite."
Hazel held King as they left the dressing room, plastering a fake smile on as she passed by the guards. "Okay, we better be going then."
As they left, Luz heard one of the guards muttering. "Bro, sorry. I didn't know she had such a convincing disguise."

Once they were safe from the crowds and the guards, Hazel placed King down. He hadn't spoken a word since they left, only staring at Hazel intently.
Luz sighed with relief. "Phew! That was a close one. Thanks for helping us back there, Hazel." Luz grinned. Hazel shrugged, chuckling. "Hey, it's what friends are for!"
"Say, how'd you get in there? There were guards there, and they aren't that easily fooled." King asked. Hazel smiled. "I snuck by the guards." she answered, hiding a hand behind her back. King squinted at her suspiciously, as Hazel yawned. "Welp, i gotta get going. Eda's probably waiting for you too." Hazel said. Luz gasped. "Shoot! She's probably back at the Owl House by now!" Picking up King, she rushed off. "Bye Hazel! See you later!"
Hazel waved them off. When they were gone, she brought her hand out from behind her back. The familiar scales shone in the moonlight.
With a sigh, she reached into her bag, grabbing a few cards she'd bought the other day.

As Luz ran home, King kept a lookout to make sure they weren't being followed. "Luz, there's something up with Hazel. I don't think that was really her. I saw her change shape with my own eyes!" he cried. Luz patted his head, letting out a yawn. "You're probably seeing things, buddy. It's been a rough couple of days."
"I swear! Someone's impostering Hazel!" He insisted.
The two made it to the Owl House, and Luz opened the door. "Let's just take a nap, ok? And then we'll talk about it." she announced, flopping onto the couch. King was about to object, when he let out a huge yawn.
"Nyeh...I..." he sighed. "Maybe Luz is right..." lying down on the couch beside the human, he curled up into a ball. "Maybe it was all just my imagination...."

The Owl House x Oc: Hidden Demons (S1+ 2)Where stories live. Discover now