Switch It Up! (One-Shot)

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A/N: I'M NOT DEAD AND THIS BOOK ISN'T CANCELED!! I just had a little hiatus.

Also sorry if it seems rushed. I just gotta push through this writers block, otherwise I'll never update again oof-


"Hey, Luz! Are you ready to leave?" Hazel asks the human. Luz gives Hazel a nod and a thumbs up. "Almost! Just gotta grab the you-know-what." she winks, giving the basilisk a nudge. Hazel grins mischievously.

She and Luz were going to meet up with Willow and Gus at the market to hang out, and Hazel had something exciting to show her two friends. A spell she'd found and had secretly been practicing. And so far, she's gotten the hang of it pretty well! At least, for small subjects. And there's only been minor side effects, so that was fine, right?

The upstairs door creaking open caught Hazel's attention, and her ears perk up as Eda steps out. She was already dressed and ready for the day, heading into the kitchen for her morning apple blood.
The basilisk hurries over to her, putting the last of her stuff for today in her backpack. "Eda! Luz and I are going out today!" she informs. Eda nods, filling up her mug. "That's great. You kids have fun." she says, taking a sip and giving a sleeping King a pat on the head.

Hazel moves the sling of her backpack on her shoulder. "A-and I was thinking...before I leave, could you teach me a new spell? I've got the light spell down great! And I think I'm ready to move onto the next spell. Here, I'll show you!'' To demonstrate, the basilisk draws a spell circle. A ball of light forms in her hand easily, moving it fluidly around her hands before letting it float up toward the ceiling before dissipating.

Eda hums in thought, as Hazel looks up at her eagerly. Scratching her chin, she shrugs. "Alright, if you think you're ready to move on to the next spell...." Hazel grins widely, as the Owl Lady thinks. Finally, she speaks up. "Alright, here's your next challenge: make a flower. Make a few different plants, nothing big. Then we'll work on your plant magic from there, okay?" she suggests. Hazel takes notes, giving her mentor a quick salute. "Yes, ma'am!" she pauses, smiling up at Eda. "Thank you so much for helping me, Eda." she adds.
Eda chuckles, gently ruffling up Hazel's hair. "No problem, kiddo."

"HAZEL! WE'RE LATE!" Luz yells, running out the door. "Bye Eda! See you later!" Luz calls as she disappears. Hazel gasps, about to follow after Luz. "Titan! Bye Eda!" she says, before pausing halfway out the door.
Quickly running back to Eda, she gives the Owl Lady a quick hug, disappearing with Luz, and leaving Eda standing there.


Hazel and Luz ran through the busy streets of Bones Burrow, apologizing as they bump into random strangers. "Sorry! Sorry! My bad!"
"Excuse us!"
Hazel accidentally bumps into an elderly lady. The lady growls as she raises her cane at her. "Watch where you're going, girl!" But the young shapeshifting demon was already out of reach. She shoots her an apology over her shoulder, disappearing into the crowd.

A wide grin cracks on Hazel's features when she notices Willow and Gus in the distance, looking at a stall full of food.

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" she waves her arms wildly around, gaining their attention. As Hazel approaches the stand, the smell of freshly baked goodies fills her nostrils, causing her mouth to water. She did ditch breakfast this morning, since she was running late.

Willow and Gus turn to her with a smile. "Hazel! Luz! You guys made it! I was starting to think you weren't gonna show." Gus jokes. Hazel chuckles as well, rubbing the back of her neck. "Heh, yeah, sorry about that. I got a little side-tracked. Oh! Speaking of that- do you guys wanna know what I found out I can do?" she asks eagerly.
"Of course!"

"Okay, okay, just one thing: don't tell Eda I've been doing this." she says sternly, with a serious face. Gus and Willow tilt their heads. "Wait, why? Is it forbidden?" the green-haired witchling asks. Hazel starts sweating.
"No, no, it's just...I'm not supposed to be doing anything other than light spells....but this one looked so cool, and I think I've got it! It's just one spell and I promise I'll only do it once today. Besides, I've seen Eda do it before. I don't think it's forbidden, just a little illegal." the basilisk explains. Luz nods her head. "I was a part of it!"

Willow and Gus share a glance, but shrug. "Okay, what is it?" Gus asks. At this, Hazel's eyes gleam, as she guides her two friends into an alley. Reaching into her bag, she pulls out a bird, and a lizard, both in separate cages. Willow and Gus share concerned glances once more, as Luz helps Hazel put them on the ground. "You ready?"
"As we'll ever be."

Hazel takes in a deep breath, closing her eyes. Lifting her finger, she points it at the two animals. "Please work..."
She draws her yellow spell circle, and points it at the animals. Her hands glow, as she concentrates on them. Fully concentrated on the spell, none of the kids notice a small figure approaching them.

"Hey, you fourwa!"

Hazel jolts in surprise, looking down at the figure. Tiny Nose looks up at them, tapping her foot. "What awre you fourwa doing?" she asks. "You'we bwocking my houwse!" she states.
The spell in Hazel's hand starts to glow, and Hazel panics as she can feel it growing out of control. "Oh no- step back!" she yells, as a beam of light shoots from her hand, bouncing off the walls of the alleyway. Tiny Nose yelps in surprise, ducking out of the way. The beam barely misses the animals stuck in their cages, and they freak out. Before any of the kids knew it, the beam strikes them, enveloping them in a yellow glow. The beam was strong enough to knock them to the ground.

Laying on the ground, Hazel opens her eyes groggily. "Ow...is everyone okay?" she asks. She hears groaning coming from all around her, as her three friends respond.
"I think so?"
"This mama was not ready for that."
Hazel sits up slowly, rubbing her head. Noticing movement in front of her, she looks up to see....herself?! She was staring at herself, a duplicate of her basilisk form.
Hazel panics, letting out a screech as she backs up. "Who are you!?" she yells accusingly. The copycat looks at her, confused. "Gus, it's me, Luz. Are you okay?" the copycat says.

Another figure sits up, this time Willow. "What? I'm fine what do you- OH MY TITAN!" she shrieks, pointing at Hazel. "What are you!?"
Finally, Luz sits up, looking at her friends, shocked. "Hazel...Luz...what was that spell you were trying to show us?" she asks, concerned and on the verge of panicking.

It clicked, as Hazel slaps her forehead. "Titan...I was trying to show you a body swap spell." she explains, realising what had happened. "The spell got out of control, and I let it go...I messed up..." she whispers, covering her face. "I'm such an idiot."

Hazel-or, well, Luz in Hazel's body- takes a deep breath. "Okay...okay! This is fine. We can just go ask Eda if she can switch us back-" she starts, when Hazel waves her arms frantically. "NO! We can NOT tell Eda about this!" she states. If Eda found out she did another spell behind her back, she wouldn't be too happy.

"So what else are we supposed to do?" Will-Gus in Willow's body asks. "Are we gonna be stuck like this forever?!" he shouts. He pauses, looking down at himself. "Actually, being a girl might not be so bad."
At this, Willow in Luz's body shudders. "Gus, you're lucky you're not a girl all the time." she states. Gus tilts his head, confused. "What does that mean?"

Hazel looks down at herself. She was trapped in Gus's body. Just a normal, witchling's body. No shapeshifting ability or anything.
She didn't know how to feel about that. Hopefully it didn't awaken anything in her.

"Don't worry, guys. I can fix this!" Hazel exclaims, getting to her feet. "But first things first...we gotta do something about you." she says, pointing to Luz in Hazel's body. She knew Luz wouldn't be able to change on a whim. It took Hazel YEARS to perfect her shapeshifting ability. "I'm on a wanted poster, remember? You can't be seen like this!"
Luz nods, also getting up. "You're right." she looks around, noticing a clothes line strung with clothes next to a nearby window. She turns to face her friends. "Can someone help me?"
"I'll help you, Luz." Willow offers, stepping forward. She attempts to draw a spell circle, but is surprised to find that it doesn't work. "W-what?"

"You're a human, ya dingus!" Gus explains. "Don't worry, I got this!" he states smugly, drawing a spell circle. But he lets out a yelp when the ground beneath his feet attempts to swallow him up. He's left halfway buried in the ground. "Uh...guess all our magic works differently, huh?" he says with a chuckle, before reaching out to Willow in Luz's body. "Help me out?"

As Willow helps pull Gus in Willow's body from the ground, Luz gains an idea. "Oh, of course! I can do it myself, I have magic, afterall!" she says. Hazel shakes her head. "Luz, no. You don't know what it can do!" she gestures to Gus. "My magic isn't like their's remember? Let's just try and NOT use magic until we can get back into our bodies." she explains. Luz sighs. "Right. Smart move. But we still need those." she points out, gesturing to the clothes.

Hazel nods. "Yeah. Let me stand on your shoulders, and I'll try and grab them." she says, as the two move over to stand underneath the line. Hazel in Gus's body clambers onto Luz in Hazel's body, and the two struggle to balance as Hazel reaches up toward the clothes. "Almost...got it!" she shouts in victory, snagging the corner of a blanket.

"Hey! Get your grotty hands off my stuff!" a voice roars from above, and Hazel and Luz topple over in fright. Hazel ends up dragging the entire line down in their fall, and they crash to the ground. But they don't stay there long, as the same voice shouts again. "THIEVES!"

Hazel whips the blanket away from the pile, throwing it at Luz. "Go! Go! Go!" she urges, and begins to run away. Luz follows her lead, wrapping herself in the blanket and covering her head. Gus and Willow follow quickly too.
Hazel leads them to the end of the alleyway, where two guards were coming to see what all the commotion is about.

"GUARDS! STOP THEM!" the same voice shouts. The guards look at each other as Hazel rushes by them, as well as Gus and Willow. Luz was lagging behind, finding it extremely difficult to run in the blanket.
One of the guards attempts to run after Gus, Willow and Hazel, while the second reaches out to grab Luz. They manage to snatch the blanket from the basilisk, ripping it away, exposing Luz trapped in the demon's body. The guard immediately drops the blanket, holding their staff tightly. "It's them! It's the basilisk!" they shout. The second guard stops, and so does Hazel, turning around with wide eyes. "Oh no-"

"Grab them!"

"LUZ! RUN!" Hazel screams, and Willow and Gus halt too. Luz looks between the two guards fearfully, and tries to make a run for it. But one of the guards makes a net with their staff, capturing her. She trips, entangled.
"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Hazel shouts, running toward the guards. She was NOT going to let them take Luz.

Someone grabs her shoulder. It was Willow. "Hazel, no, not yet. We can't fight them like this." she says quietly, gesturing to herself trapped in Luz's body. "We need a plan."
"We don't have time for a plan." Hazel hisses back, gaze locked onto the guards dragging a shouting Luz toward a wagon. "The first thing they'll do is take her to Belos, a-and-"

"And that's why we're gonna make sure she doesn't get there." Gus pipes up. "But Hazel's right. We need to think fast. And I think I have the perfect plan." he says with a mischievous grin. "Hey Hazel, how bad do you wanna learn illusion magic?"

Luz is thrown into the back of the wagon, yelping in pain as she hits the hard wood floors. Her hands were tied behind her back, to prevent her from reaching into her pockets. She crawls to the door. "Hey! Let me out of here! This is wrong!" she shouts angrily. The guard pauses, looking through the bars. "Oh, really? Then why are you on the wanted poster?" they ask, lifting up a poster of Hazel. Luz scowls. "Haz- I mean, I've done nothing wrong! The emperor is just a big jerk!" she shouts, kicking the door. The guard huffs. "Uh huh, sure." with that, they walk toward the front. "Let's get this beast to the castle."

The wagon begins to move, and Luz peeks out the bars. "Come on, guys. Where are you?" she whispers.

"There it is! We gotta move!" Gus shouts, as the three kids race after the moving wagon. They'd accidentally let it out of their sight, and were now chasing after it.

As Hazel runs, she accidentally barges into an elderly woman. The same elderly woman that she almost knocked over earlier.

The lady growls, angered. "Watch where you're going, boy! Kids these days just don't have any respect for their elders." she grumbles.
Hazel looks up at her in surprise at what the lady called her. "Boy?" Sure, she is technically in a young boy's body (Gus's), but it felt kind of...nice?
The lady scowls at her. "Yes! Now get lost, you scallywag!" she yells, waving her cane. Hazel took this as her opportunity to leave, hurriedly running off after her friends. But her mind still lingered. Why did it feel nice being referred to as "boy"?
She shakes her head. "No! Luz first, new revelations later!" she mutters to herself.

"Hazel! Do the thing now!" Gus shouts. Hazel nods, catching up to her friends. She concentrates, drawing a blue spell circle. Eyes focused on the path ahead of the wagon, she creates an illusion of an elderly person landing on the ground in front of the wagon.

The wagon draws to a stop, and the kids use this chance to run to the wagon's doors. Now it was Gus's turn. With the help of Willow, he creates plants strong enough to break the doors.
Luz sighs in relief. "I'm SO glad you guys got me out. I was getting kinda worried there." she chuckles. Willow grabs her arm, hauling her to her feet. "No time right now, Luz!" she hisses quietly. Hazel glances at the guards now getting off the wagon to investigate the illusion.
While their backs are turned, the kids hurriedly run away, Willow trying to break the ropes tied around Luz's wrists.

A couple of streets away from where the guards originally found them, the kids are leaning against a wall, catching their breath. Luz lets out a sigh of relief. "That was a close one." she states. Gus agrees, resting his head on the wall. "TOO close. We can't keep that up." he points out. Willow nods. "Gus is right. Sooner or later we're gonna run out of luck. Hazel, we need Eda's help."
Hazel's face contorts into a look of discomfort. "But..."

"No buts! You're wanted posters are everywhere, remember? And Luz doesn't know how to shapeshift. We need to switch back." Willow interrupts. Knowing that her friend is right, Hazel nods. "Okay...." she mutters.

Eda's gonna be SO mad...


"I'm not mad, just disappointed." Eda says bluntly, looking down at the four kids. Hazel and Luz had their heads lowered, and Willow and Gus had just explained what happened. At those words, Luz looks up at her mentor. "That's worse!"

"Yeah, it is." Eda says. She turns to who she thinks is Hazel. "I TOLD you not to do big spells. Body swapping is a complicated spell, and you're lucky you didn't turn your friends inside out." she scolds. Hazel looks up at her. "Uh, Eda, that's Luz...."

Eda looks between Hazel in Gus's body, and Luz in Hazel's body. She clears her throat. "Right, right. I knew that. Anyway," she turns to Hazel now. "Like I just said, you're very lucky." she glances at the beat up four. "But it looks like you learned your lesson. I'll change you back." she sighs. She looks around. "Owlbert? Help me out here?" she calls out.

Owlbert flies over to her, turning into his staff. Eda starts to spin it. "Let's just hope this works. Body swap!" she shouts, pointing it at the four kids. They're enveloped in a golden light, and as it disappears, they all look down. They're back to their normal selves. Gus pats himself down. "I'm a boy again! Although, being a girl for a while was cool too." he states.

Hazel pats herself down, feeling the familiar fluffy ears and snout, as well as the weight of her tail swaying back and forth. She lets out a sigh of relief. She's back to normal.

"So, what did we learn today?" Eda asks. Hazel bows her head. "Not to do complicated spells..." she says sheepishly. Eda shakes her head. "Actually, I was just thinking about it. Maybe you should try to learn bigger spells. Just run them by me first before you decide to test it out on yourself and your friends."

"I didn't mean to!"

"Let me finish. A body swap spell isn't a baby spell, but...It's not easy to do, either. Maybe I should be challenging you with more complicated spells instead of playing it safe." Eda trails off, as Hazel looks up at her quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"It means you just got more homework. We're moving you to the next level of magic, kid." Eda explains. Before Hazel could say anything, the Owl Lady shoos her outside. "Now let's get started. I wanna see you try plant magic." she exclaims.

As she pushed the kids outside, the four kids were abuzz with excitement, chatting amongst themselves. Willow turns to Hazel excitedly. "I could teach you a few tricks that help me if you want!"
Gus jabs her with his elbow. "And after you do that, I can teach you some illusion magic!" he exclaims. Eda nudges them with her staff. "Hey, back up, kids. My student." she chuckles.

Although she wasn't too impressed with Hazel going behind her back, she was VERY impressed that the basilisk managed to pull off the body-swap spell.


A/N: And for the rest of that evening, Eda and Willow helped Hazel learn plant magic

Man, The Owl House is really over, huh? It feels so surreal tbh. Thank you so much Dana and the crew, for such a beautiful show. This show will always have a special place in my heart, since it helped me discover myself. It'll continue to live with me till the day I die

So anyway! I know no one is in character here, but I tried (especially since I'm in the middle of...something, lol.)

Also I like to think that with Owlbert's help, Eda can still do magic. Since 1. Luz can do magic with Owlbert's help, and 2. In the body swap ep, Eda didn't have magic in King's body

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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