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"And she was like, "Girl, you can NOT do that!" And I was all like-"
Hazel let out a tired yawn, glancing around nervously at the crowds around her. She was at the Convention, and Principal Bump had ordered her and Boscha to man the Potions Stand.
So far, the pink-haired witch had been nothing but annoying. "Well," she thought to herself, "at least she isn't bullying me."
Marching footsteps were quickly approaching, and Hazel let out a small yelp, ducking behind the stall. An Emperor's Guard went by, pausing for a moment before moving on. The demon let out a sigh of relief, trying to calm her rising anxiety. Boscha gave her an odd look, shaking her head. "Weirdo. Anyway, I gotta go do something real quick, so look after the stall while I'm out." She ordered, leaving the student by herself.
Getting back to her feet, Hazel sighed, leaning on the wooden bench.
"That's why I'm the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!"
Hazel perked up, staring at the crowds. There was a woman wearing a red hood, a golden ring on her finger. Behind her, stood Luz, Willow and Gus, followed by a dog-like demon with a skull on his head. Luz was about to follow the woman, before turning her gaze to Hazel's stand. The human smiled widely, waving at her before heading over. Hazel found herself smiling.
"Hazel! I haven't seen you since school! How are you? Ooh! What do you have here?" She asked excitedly, looking down at the various potions covering the bench. She was about to touch one when Hazel picked up the bottle she was reaching for. Hazel chuckled, scratching the back of her head as she held the potion out of Luz's reach. "Hi Luz. I'm doing alright. As for your other question, these are potions for different things! This one will heal your injuries, like small scratches and what not."
Luz was mesmerised, staring at the bottle in wonder, before pointing to something else. "What about this one?"
"That one will make all your hair fall out."
Luz, who was about to pick the bottle up, grimaced, moving her hand away swiftly. The two girls chuckled. "Hey, did you wanna hang out? We can look at all the different stand and tracks together!" She squealed. Hazel frowned, glancing around for a second. She wanted to spend time with her new unusual friend, but she didn't exactly like the thought of walking around. Especially pass Emperor's Guards. "W-well, I-"
"LUZ! I'm being gifted offerings!" A shrill voice called, before the little demon Hazel had seen previously rushed over, climbing onto Luz. Luz giggled. "Good job King! Hey! You haven't met my friend yet! This is Hazel, a student from Hexside! She helped me get out before Principal Bump dissected me." She explained. Hazel waved at the small demon.
King squinted at her, sniffing the air. "Hmm....why do you smell like snakes? Do you have a pet snake?" He questioned, hopping onto the counter.
Hazel's eyes widened, backing away from the small demon. Glancing around the stall, she chuckled nervously. "U-uhm-Yes! I mean no! I mean-I gotta go do something real quick!" She yelled, scurrying behind the stand. King tilted his head in confusion, letting out a small "Weh?".

Hazel was now in the bathroom, calming herself down. "Geez, didn't know other demons can do that." She muttered under her breath, exiting the bathroom.
Upon coming back to the stand, she inwardly groaned when she realised Boscha was back. And the witch did not look impressed.
She scolded her for a few minutes, before ignoring her and going back to working on the stand.

Boscha snoozed in the back of the stand, while Hazel lazily leaned against stand. Hearing rapid footsteps approaching, she looked up. Willow and Gus were rushing over. "Hazel!"
Hazel perked up, placing a finger to her lips as she pointed to the sleeping Boscha. "What's up?"
"Luz challenged Amity to a witch's duel! And now they're about to battle in a few minutes! Luz asked if you could come watch and cheer her on. She said she's gonna need all the support she can get." Gus explained. Hazel tilted her head. "Where are they battling?" She asked curiously. This time, Willow pointed toward the stadium.
Hazel's heart dropped. Of all places, Luz had to fight Amity there? Surrounded by Emperor's Guards?
"I-i can't..." she started, but Gus walked over to the stand. "Please? I'll let you into my Club! Special VIP! You can even touch the Human things!" He begged. Hazel's eyes widened in surprise. Smiling softly, the demon shook her head. "Gus, I would love to join your club, but...that's not really the problem." She sighed. Glancing over to the entrance of the stadium, she thought for a minute. "You guys should go. Luz's battle will be starting soon. I'll see you after though." She said sadly.
Willow and Gus didn't say anything, but walked away. Hazel watched the two teens go, regretting her decision.
"Attention! Witches Duel in 5 minutes! Come take your seats at the Stadium!" Principal Bump announced.
Hazel glanced back over to Boscha, before taking a note, scribbling something down on it. Leaping over the stand, she rushed toward the now crowded entrance to the stadium, pulling the hood of her cowl over her head to avoid the Emperor's guards.
Making her way in, she searched the area for Willow and Gus. They were seated near the front, with a good view of the arena.
"Hey, guys." She whispered, sitting next to Willow. Willow and Gus smiled brightly at her. "You came!"
"Yep. I sure did." She chuckled.
Their attention was taken in by Lilith walking into the arena. "Beloved citizens! The Emperor's Coen proudly presents an impromptu demonstration of the sort of witch we seek every year. Introducing Amity Blight."
The crowd cheered as Amity stepped forward, a smug grin on her face. Lilith turned to Eda and Luz, who stood on the other side of the arena. "Versus...some human girl."
The crowd stopped their applause, as whispers spread throughout the stadium like wildfire.
"A human?"
"Humans can't do magic!"
"She's not Amity."
Willow, Gus and Hazel shared nervous glances, returning their gaze back to the arena.
Hazel could see Eda and Luz talk together, but she couldn't hear what they were saying. Seeing Eda point to the ground, she tilted her head curiously once again. "What in the world is she pointing at?" She wondered. The battle began, as Amity made the first move. Creating a giant abomination, Hazel watched anxiously as it twisted its own head off and threw it at Luz. The human barely dodged it, backing herself up against the wall as the abomination towered over her.
Taking one huge step, everyone let out loud gasps as fire attacked the abomination, making it stumble back.
"How did she do that?"
"How did you do that!" Amity shrieked. Luz jazzed her hands nervously. "I, uh-magic?"

"I love offerings! What did I miss?"
Hazel turned to see the small demon from before standing behind her, this time wearing countless shirts, hats, buttons, scarves and bracelets. She pulled her hood over her head further, not wanting the small demon to engage with her. Although she'd never outwardly admit it, she was terrified of the small demon now.
Willow pointed down at the arena. "Luz is in a witch's duel!" She explained. Gus nodded. "Yeah! And she can win it all! Yeah-yeah!" He exclaimed excitedly, having faith in the human.
Back in the arena, Amity's abomination took another step, this time being lifted by a current of air strong enough to launch it and Amity into the air.
The abomination let out a grunt as it landed on its back, Amity landing beside it. The witch glared up at Luz. "I saw you that time! You didn't use your hands! What are you getting at?" She asked angrily.
"Not dying!" Luz yelled back.
Sitting up with a groan, the abomination started chasing Luz once again.
Hazel watched, intrigued, not noticing the small demon making his way to the front.
The abomination was down at the moment, and Amity was walking toward Luz, demanding to know how she was beating her. That's when Luz looked down, holding up her hand to stop the green-haired witch from coming closer. "No, Amity, don't step any closer!"
Amity glared at her, her gaze switching between the human and the ground. "Why, Luz? What happens if I step closer?"
At that moment, King fell into the stadium, landing on the place Amity was about to step. Giant spikes rose from the ground, and Hazel let out a loud gasp. She could now see the mounds of dirt that looked like it'd been dug up.
All the different spells, hidden in the ground as if planted by someone else. Eda the Owl Lady gave Luz a thumbs up. "So it was Eda?" She wondered, as she watched Lilith and Amity get up Eda and Luz.
That is, until Amity began to walk away, and Eda stopped her, pulling off a sticker from Amity. Instantly, her abomination shrunk, crushed by it's own head. Eda held it up for all to see. "A power glyph from the construction coven." She announced. The audience let out loud gasps.
"She cheated!" Willow whispered.
Amity ran off, with Luz right behind carrying King. Eda, however, stayed behind, dancing around the head of the Emperor's Coven. "Ah-ha! Yes, yes, yes-yes-yes! You cheated!" The Owl Lady gloated, rubbing it in her face. Lilith stuttered over her words. "I only did that because I knew you would cheat!"
"Still cheated! Welcome down to my level!" Eda countered, kind of dancing as Lilith tried to make her stop. "Knock it off. You're making a scene!"
"You cheated! Hey, where''s the Rhyming Coven? What rhymes with "cheated"?" Eda giggled, thinking for a moment.
Lilith growled. "Stop acting like a child!" She shrieked, clenching her fists. But the Owl Lady only continued. Hazel watched with a growing sense of nervousness. If Eda didn't stop, bad things were gonna happen.
"You were defeated, don't get heated, get your stank face heated."
"Rhyme one more thing. I dare you!" Lilith hissed. Eda waved her hand. "Oh, it's okay, i'm done." She paused a moment, as she grinned widely. "Because my rhymes are depleted!"
"THAT'S IT!" The head of the Emperor's Coven screamed, bringing out her staff and firing a spell at the Owl Lady. The spell sent Eda through her spikes and into a wall behind the dais.
Hazel gasped along with the crowd, leaning forward to get a better look. The blue smoke cleared, revealing a smirking Eda. The witch summoned her own staff, casting her own spell at Lilith.
Lilith held strong, sending a blast of energy back at Eda's. The two are evenly matched, and adrenaline rushed through Hazel's veins as she watched the powerful display.

Lilith spun her staff, warding off Eda's attacks easily. When the Owl Lady pauses, Lilith takes the opportunity to cast her own spell aimed at Eda. Eda built a pillar from the earth, using it as a shield. The pillar began to change shape, transforming into a giant owl. It dove toward Lilith, missing her and hitting the stands. Hazel scrambled to her feet, scurrying away from the stray magic that fell from the arena. But unlike Willow and Gus, she only moved further out of range, entranced by the two witches battle.
Eda drew circles in her owl pillar, creating more owl pillars to attack Lilith. Lilith easily teleports away from all of their beaks, destroying one on the ground before leaping up and smashing the rest in the air. Eda smirked, spinning her staff and creating an orange shield as Lilith hits it with magic and her staff. The shield began to crack, but Eda's smirk never faltered.
The end of Eda's staff flew into Lilith's face, pulling at her hair and interrupting her attack. Lilith yelped in pain as she was dragged away from the Owl Lady, who in turn drove her staff into the pillar beside her. "Say goodnight, sister." She smirked.
A large owl's face forms right next to Lilith, and with a hoot, it captures her in its beak. The audience fell silent, and Hazel drew closer, staring in awe at the powerful witch before her.
"She beat Lilith, the head of the Emperor's Coven." She thought to herself, before realising what Eda said. "Wait, sister?"
A loud explosion came from the arena, and Hazel looked down just in time to see Eda get thrown into the wall once again, this time taking a much bigger hit from before.

Hazel decided it was high time to get out of there before the guards came to try and capture Eda the Owl Lady once again. Walking quickly to the exit, she left while the place was still crowded.

The demon was outside now, walking quickly toward the exit of the Convention. Today was enough excitement for her. On the way, she passed the potions stand. Boscha was still asleep, and the note she'd left was still there.
Just as she was about to leave the crowded convention, she heard a voice calling her name. Glancing over her shoulder, she realised it was Luz, carrying her small demon friend King in a bag. "You came and watched my duel! Thank you for that!" She smiled. King was sniffing the air Oce again, and Hazel backed away. "I-it was no problem! Anything for a friend! But I really need to go-" she stated, backing up before realising she'd run into someone. The person didn't move.
"Well hello there. You must be the friend Luz keeps telling me about."
Hazel froze, turning around to find Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles, standing in front of her. "So how'd you like my performance? I saw you were the only one who didn't run away." The witch chuckled, as Luz gasped. "Eda! How'd you get away from Lilith?" She asked. Eda shrugged. "Let's just say she had a real "snack attack". Hah!" She snorted, heading toward the door.
Luz stared at the ground, a sad expression on her face. "Eda?"
Eda turned to face her, while Hazel stood silent. Luz continued. "Do you think I'll ever be a true witch?"
Eda shrugged. "What? I don't know. who's a true witch? These suckers? According to them, that means being in a coven, but I never joined one and I'm better than all of them combined. You gotta be your own witch. That goes for you too, kid." Eda smiled at the two girls.
Hazel's eyes widened in surprise at Eda's statement. "My...own witch? Could I be a witch too? But I'm just a basilisk. We can't do magic like that...can we?"
Eda walked toward Luz, guiding her toward the exit. "Now, let's go before my sister realises I tied her pointy shoes together."
Lilith screamed, and Eda now guided both Luz and Hazel to the exit. "And that's our cue! So, what's your name, kid?" Eda asked Hazel. Hazel stuttered. "I-My name's Hazel."
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet ya, Hazel. How did you like my show?"
"It was awesome!"
Luz butted in. "Wait, sister? Now that's a mysterious past payoff!" Eda laughed. "Oh, you think that's all the mystery I got? Wait until you hear about my other family members!"
Luz gasped. "What?! You got other family members?! I need to know more!"
"You very much don't." King grumbled, as Hazel laughed at the witch's and human's interaction. To be honest, she thought that the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles was going to be a LOT more intimidating. Yet, here she was, laughing and chatting with her like she was another person. Because really, she was.

Somewhere else...

Lilith walked into a dressing room, tripping over her tied laces. Grunting, she stood up once again, using a counter to help her. "You make it so hard to want to help you, Edalyn." She grumbled. The compact mirror on the counter opened, showing off the insignia of the Emperor's Coven. Lilith gasped, realising she'd been summoned.
A small, red demon known as Kikimora, was in the mirror. "Lilith, I see you let the Owl Lady get the best of your temper. Just remember what Emperor Belos has promised to you." She said sweetly, yet threateningly at the same time.
Lilith nodded. "I will capture her, ma'am. You have my word." She replied. Kikimora nodded. "Very good. And before I go, the Emperor has a new assignment for you."
Lilith's ears perked up. A new assignment?
"Emperor Belos has ordered you to keep an eye out for a powerless witchling. She goes by the name of Hannah. Brown hair, white freckles. And just a side note: she can change form any time. She is extremely crucial." Kikimora continued.
Lilith bowed. "I will do my best."
Kikimora nodded. "Good."
With that, she disappeared from the mirror. Lilith thought over her new assignment, wondering what on earth Kikimora could mean by "change form any time".

The Owl House x Oc: Hidden Demons (S1+ 2)Where stories live. Discover now